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When a forcing moves in a shallow channel at a velocity near the phase velocity for linear long waves, energy cannot escape from the forcing at the linear group velocity and nonlinear effects become important in describing the resulting flow. This flow is termed resonant or transcritical. It has been found both experimentally and numerically that large amplitude upstream propagating waves are generated by the forcing. These waves are straight crested, even though the forcing is two-dimensional. It is shown that these upstream waves become straight crested due to geometrical effects aided by the presence of side walls. Using energy conservation, approximate values of the amplitude of the upstream waves are obtained which are compared with recent experimental and numerical results.  相似文献   
Large-eddy simulations of the neutrally stratified flow over the Askervein Hill were performed, to improve the knowledge of the flow obtained from field measurements and numerical simulations with Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) methods. A Lagrangian dynamic subgrid model was used but, to avoid the underdissipative character near the ground, it was merged with a damped Smagorinsky model. Simulations of a flat boundary-layer flow with this subgrid model showed that the turbulent vertical motions and shear stress were better resolved using grids with a stream to spanwise aspect ratio Δx / Δy = 2 than with an aspect ratio Δx / Δy = 1. Regarding the flow over the Askervein Hill, it was found that large-eddy simulations provide an acceptable solution for the mean-velocity field and better predictions of the turbulent kinetic energy in the upstream side of the hill than the model. However, as with the model, grid convergence was not achieved in the lee side and the size of the zone with reversed flow increased with the grid refinement. Nevertheless, the existence of the intermittent separation predicted with unsteady RANS in part one of this work seems unquestionable, due to the deceleration of the flow. In our opinion, a better modelling of the decelerating boundary layer in the lee side is required to improve the results obtained using equilibrium assumptions and achieve grid convergence.  相似文献   
Many groundwater flow and transport problems, especially those with sharp fronts, narrow transition zones, layers and fingers, require extensive computational resources. In this paper, we present a novel multi-resolution adaptive Fup approach to solve the above mentioned problems. Our numerical procedure is the Adaptive Fup Collocation Method (AFCM), based on Fup basis functions and designed through a method of lines (MOL). Fup basis functions are localized and infinitely differentiable functions with compact support and are related to more standard choices such as splines or wavelets. This method enables the adaptive multi-resolution approach to solve problems with different spatial and temporal scales with a desired level of accuracy using the entire family of Fup basis functions. In addition, the utilized collocation algorithm enables the mesh free approach with consistent velocity approximation and flux continuity due to properties of the Fup basis functions. The introduced numerical procedure was tested and verified by a few characteristic groundwater flow and transport problems, the Buckley–Leverett multiphase flow problem, the 1-D vertical density driven problem and the standard 2-D seawater intrusion benchmark–Henry problem. The results demonstrate that the method is robust and efficient particularly when describing sharp fronts and narrow transition zones changing in space and time.  相似文献   
缝洞型油藏大尺度可视化水驱油物理模拟实验及机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏由于其缝洞组合关系的复杂性,使得储层流体的渗流规律有别于常规油藏。根据某油田奥陶系缝洞型碳酸盐岩的实际情况设计制作了大尺度可视化物理模型,并按照现场实际设计了二注三采的实验井网及注采方案,以应用物理模拟实验来研究缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏的开发特征及油井生产规律。结合实验结果,利用J.Cruz-Hernández建立的数学模型对生产数据进行拟合,以研究缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏中流体的渗流机理,J.Cruz-Hernández数学模型中的空间系数和流动速度对采收率影响较大,提出模型的改进应考虑重力分异作用、溶洞比例等影响因素。  相似文献   
通过对当地地形地貌、暴雨特征、流域面积、地层岩性、地质构造、水文地质条件、泥石流物源的调查与分析研究,针对该泥石流具有危险度高、流量大、流速缓的特点,结合受灾对象及其分布区域与整体布局和局部治理的关系,按照防治结合、因地制宜、突出重点的原则设置了拦挡滞洪、导流防护、漫水路相结合的综合防治工程措施。拦挡工程为有效发挥工程泻洪、拦渣、调节、固床、稳坡和控制固体物质补给量,预防沟道下切及沟壑发展,减少泥石流对下游村庄危害,起到了积极作用;通过导流堤的建筑限制泥石流的流速、流向,将泥石流顺畅地通过受灾对象比较集中的区域,排入下游非危害区;漫水路为当地群众出行提供方便,又是应急通道。工程实施后综合效益明显。  相似文献   
通过分析辽东地区深部和浅部构造特点,研究汤岗子地热田的成因,查明地热系统的储、盖、通、源,建立热水系统的概念模型:深部构造是地热发育的重要背景条件,在其影响下的浅部构造体系构成了基岩地区地下裂隙水的运移通道和赋存空间,深循环水在运移途中接受来自深部的热流加热形成热水,并在一定条件下出露地表形成温泉,同一个区域地下水流动系统可以发育多个热储,各个热储之间存在间接的能量和物质联系。  相似文献   
2010年7月27日凌晨4时许,四川省汉源县万工乡二蛮山发生大规模滑坡,约48×104m3的强风化玄武岩体,在前期降雨的影响下高位高速滑出,随即解体转化为碎屑流,沿沟谷高速运动,沿途不断携卷和铲刮堆积于沟床及两侧斜坡的表层松散物质,使滑体的体积和含水量不断增大。当运动到沟谷中段时,因沟道在此向右偏转,在强大的惯性力作用下,部分碎屑流体冲向左岸斜坡,将居住于此的双合村一组5户村民房屋掩埋,造成20人失踪;另一部分碎屑流体继续沿沟谷高速运动近1.4km才最终停止。约30m in后,堆积于沟谷中段深切沟道内的滑坡堆积物,在重力作用下再次启动,形成二次滑坡。二次滑坡缓慢蠕滑流动数小时,最终到达万工新集镇,将部分房屋推倒掩埋,造成92户房屋受损、1500人被迫紧急转移。本文在对灾害现场进行详细地质调查的基础上,结合现场测绘、颗分试验、航拍等手段,对二蛮山滑坡体的基本特征进行了较深入的调查研究,对滑坡发生及成灾原因进行了初步分析。结果表明,滑源区相对突出的地形条件、风化破碎的玄武岩体和有利的结构面组合是滑坡发生的基本条件;前期降雨期间爆发的泥石流对滑源区坡脚的掏蚀、强降雨的饱水加载作用以及雨水沿陡倾张裂结构面的下渗软化作用,是诱发滑坡发生的直接原因。二蛮山沟谷原为一高频泥石流沟,滑坡发生前并无明显的滑坡迹象,滑坡的发生表现出极强的隐蔽性和突发性以及高位高速远程运动和危害巨大的特点,同时,主滑坡发生后在短时间内滑坡区再次启动发生二次滑坡,这些现象和特点具有特殊性,也具有典型性,值得深入研究。  相似文献   
The main sediment depocenter along the Oman margin is the Al Batha turbidite system that develops in the Gulf of Oman basin. It is directly connected to the wadi Al Batha, and forms a typical sand and mud rich point source system that acts as regional sediment conduit and feeds a ~ 1000 km2 sandy lobe.The Al Batha lobe depositional architecture has been investigated in detail using very high-resolution seismic, multibeam echosounder data and sediment cores. Several scales of depositional architecture can be observed. The Al Batha lobe is composed of several depositional units, made of stacked elementary sediment bodies (thinner than 5 m) that are each related to a single flow event. The lobe is connected to the feeder system through a channel-lobe transition zone (CLTZ) that extends on more than 25 km. The lobe can be divided into proximal, middle and distal lobe areas. The proximal lobe is an area of erosion and by-pass with small axial feeder channels that rapidly splay into several small distributaries. They disappear in the mid-lobe area where deposits consist of vertically stacked tabular to lens-shaped sediment bodies, with a lateral continuity that can exceed 10 km. The distal lobe fringe shows a classical facies transition towards thin-bedded basin plain deposits.Sub-surface deposits consist of sandy turbidites and hyperpycnites, interbedded with fine-grained deposits (thin turbidites, hyperpycnites, or hemipelagites). Although these distal deposits are mainly related to flow transformations and concentration evolution, they highlight the importance of flooding of the wadi Al Batha on the sediment transfer to the deep basin. The thick sandy hyperpycnites recovered in such a distal area are also possibly related to the initial properties of gravity flows, in relation to the flooding characteristics of mountainous desert streams.Finally, the Al Batha lobe depositional architecture is typical of sand-rich lobes found within “small”, sand and mud rich turbidite systems fed by mountainous “dirty” rivers. Turbidite sedimentation in the Al Batha system appears to be primarily controlled by the strong climatic and geomorphic forcing parameters (i.e. semi-arid environment with ephemeral, mountainous rivers subjected to flash-flooding).  相似文献   
通过对冀北滦平盆地下白垩统西瓜园组沉积地层的实地考察,发现盆地内发育丰富的重力驱动作用沉积物。文中描述西瓜园组发育的滑动和滑塌现象,指出露头剖面中存在的挤压变形现象并非构造成因,而是由于滑动块体和滑塌块体前端的挤压应力环境造成的。在介绍西瓜园组重力流沉积发育环境的基础上,对露头中存在的若干重力流沉积进行了描述,并使用砂质碎屑流这一概念对这些现象进行了较为合理的成因解释。通过对滑动和滑塌(重力块体运动)和砂质碎屑流—浊流(重力流)沉积物研究,结合前人对该地区冲积扇—扇三角洲的研究成果,认为重力驱动作用是滦平盆地下白垩统西瓜园组沉积时期主要的搬运机制。  相似文献   
Priabonian age is highlighted for the first time in Corsica in the Venaco Formation using the presence of specific microfauna (in particular some representatives of Turborotalia cerroazulensis lineage). This silicoclastic formation is mainly represented by coarse facies. It is composed of three members from south to north and from oldest towards youngest: member of Uboli, Cardo and Orsu. The sedimentologic analysis reveals a gravity depositional environment, involving different type of currents. Sedimentologic and chronologic characteristics make the Venaco Formation and the Annot Formation (p.p.) equivalent. Dating the Venaco Fm. brings confirmation that the green schist metamorphism of the Variscan batholith and the related deformation are from the pre-Priabonian period.  相似文献   
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