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In recent years, voices in Jordan became lauder to exploit the fresh to brackish deep groundwater overlain by fresh groundwater bodies. In this article the implications of such a policy on the existing fresh water bodies are worked out through studying the sources of salinity in the different aquifer systems and the potentials of salinity mobilization by artificial changes in the hydrodynamic regimes. It is concluded that extracting the groundwater of deep aquifers overlain by fresh water bodies, whether the deep groundwater is fresh to brackish, brackish or salty, is equivalent to extracting groundwater from the overlying fresh groundwater bodies because of the hydraulic connections of the deep and the shallow aquifers’ groundwaters. The consequences are even more complicated and severe because exploiting the deep groundwater containing brackish or salty water will lead to refilling by fresh groundwater leaking from the overlying aquifers. The leaking water becomes salinized as soon as it enters the pore spaces of the emptied deep aquifer matrix and by mixing with the deep aquifer brackish or saline groundwater. Therefore, the move to exploit the deep groundwater is misleading and damaging the aquifers and is unjust to future generation's rights in the natural wealth of Jordan or any other country with similar aquifers’ set-up. In addition, desalination produces brines with high salinity which cannot easily be discharged in the highlands of Jordan (with only very limited access to the open sea) because they will on the long term percolate down into fresh water aquifers.  相似文献   
Static lattice energy calculations, based on empirical pair potentials, were performed for a large set of structures differing in the arrangement of octahedral cations within the garnet 2 × 2 × 2 supercell. The compositions of these structures varied between Ca3Fe2Ge3O12 and Ca4Ge4O12. The energies were cluster expanded using pair and quaternary terms. The derived ordering constants were used to constrain Monte Carlo simulations of temperature-dependent mixing properties in the ranges of 1,073–3,673 K and 0–10 GPa. The free energies of mixing were calculated using the method of thermodynamic integration. The calculations predict a wide miscibility gap between Fe-rich (cubic) and Fe-pure (tetragonal) garnets consistent with recent experimental observations of Iezzi et al. (Phys Chem Miner 32:197–207, 2005). It is shown that the miscibility gap arises due to a very strong cation ordering at the Fe-pure composition, driven by the charge difference between Ca2+ and Ge4+ cations. The structural and thermodynamic analogies between Ca–Ge and Mg–Si systems suggest that a similar miscibility gap should exist between pyrope and Mg–Si-majorite.  相似文献   
Remineralization Ratios in the Subtropical North Pacific Gyre   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Based on a new mixing model of two end-members, the water column remineralization ratios of P/N/Corg - O2 = 1/13 ± 1/135 ± 18/170 ± 9 are obtained for the Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) data set at station ALOHA. The traditional Redfield ratios of P/N/Corg/–O2 = 1/16/106/138 have standard deviations of more than 50%, when they are based on the average composition of phytoplankton. Apparently, the remineralization processes in the water column have smoothed out the observed large variability of plankton compositions. A new molar formula for the remineralized plankton may be written as 135H280O105N13P or C25(CH2O)101(CH4)9(NH3)13(H3PO4). Oxidation of this formula results inC25(CH2O)101(CH4)9(NH3)13(H3PO4) + 170O2 135CO2 + 132H2O + 13NO3 - + H2PO4 - + 14H+.For comparison, remineralization using Redfield's formula gives:(CH2O)106(NH3)16(H3PO4) + 138O2 106CO2 + 122H2O + 16NO3 -+ H2PO4 - + 17H+  相似文献   
The deep seismic reflection traverses across the Central Alps (NFP 20, ECORS-CROP) contain a new set of data on the lower crust which has been interpreted in different ways. One currently fashionable model depicts the European lower crust (ELC) as gently dipping below the Adriatic crust. However, this model requires that an observed sharp termination of the ELC under the internal border of the External Massifs is due to the non-transmission of organized seismic energy through the complex upper crust. This explanation is questioned as other reflections in this and similarly complex areas are recorded, and as the same sharp termination of the ELC under the internal border of the External Massifs is observed on all seismic lines for a length of 300 km. A tectonic — metamorphic cause appears to more satisfactorily explain the obeservations, and therefore an alternative model combining surface and deep geophysical data is proposed. It consists of three mutually largely decoupled tectonic levels. (1) The shallow obducted part or lid, bounded at its base by the combined Late Miocene Jura and Lombardic basal thrusts. Estimates of shortening based on balanced sections are at least about 100 km. (2) The intermediate level between the brittle-ductile transition and the top of the subducted mantle. It contains a stack of lower crust imbrications (with a minor admixture of upper mantle) accommodated by (inducted into) the ductile middle crust. Estimates of shortening based on area balancing are again of the order of slightly more than 100 km. (3) The subducted upper mantle, for which there are no reflection data.In the Central Alps the Late Miocene phase was dextrally transpressive, producing flower structures at the shallow level (External Massifs); the stacks of lower crust imbrications at the intermediate level may be the equivalent of the External Massifs at that level. Inverted flower structures of the subducted mantle are possible, but no detailed data are available.  相似文献   
Deep lakes always maintain vertical thermal stratification due to their physical structure. The thermocline prevents the transfer of oxygen from epilimnion to hypolimnion, leading to the formation of anoxic conditions in deeper water, the enhanced release of endogenous pollutants and the deterioration of water quality. Oxygenation is an effective measure to improve the water quality of deep lakes and mitigate the release of endogenous pollutants via the increase of the oxygen level in water. This paper provided an overview of the method and theory of oxygenation in deep lakes. Advantages and limitations of different methods of oxygenation, including artificial destratification, airlift aerators, Speece cone and bubble plume diffusers, were discussed. In addition, challenges and prospects of oxygenation were assessed based on the analyzing of typical examples of oxygenation in deep lakes and the difference in oxygenation system used in deep lakes and shallow lakes.  相似文献   
针对锦屏一级水电站深部裂缝加固技术难题,在对深部裂缝工程地质特征及其灌浆加固技术特点分析基础上,对水泥-水玻璃控制性灌浆技术进行了研究。首先对水泥-水玻璃灌浆作用机理进行分析,然后主要从胶凝时间和强度两方面对水泥-水玻璃浆液进行试验研究,分析了水玻璃和缓凝剂加量对浆液胶凝时间和强度的影响规律,并按初凝时间为5min的情况进行了水泥-水玻璃浆液配比设计。最后,提出采用水泥-水玻璃双液孔口混合式灌浆方法,采用自上而下、孔口封闭、纯压式灌浆方式对深部裂缝进行固结灌浆加固处理。由此初步建立了锦屏一级深部裂缝灌浆加固处理技术研究方案。  相似文献   
上海市曾遭受了严重的地面沉降灾害,主要由于浅部含水层开采引发浅部土层固结所致。之后采取了回灌浅部含水层并转向开采深部含水层的措施,地面沉降得到了有效控制。但21世纪初,通过水位及分层沉降监测,发现随着开采量增加,深部含水层也会成为主要压密土层。其变形呈现出显著的非线性压密特征,即使水位普遍抬升,压密仍然持续,开展其固结压密机理模型研究对地面沉降防治十分必要。传统太沙基理论认为砂土骨架是瞬时变形的,忽略了流变性本质,因此无法解释该现象。基于国内外学者的研究,考虑了前期固结压力前后流变性的差异,建立了深部含水层黏弹塑固结压密模型。通过试验获取了相关参数,结合塘桥F16分层标监测结果,对第四含水层长期压密变形进行了模拟。模拟结果很好地反映了含水层长期非线性压密行为,研究结果对指导防治地面沉降有实际意义。  相似文献   
宁南深层岩溶地下水系统三维数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宁南“南北古脊梁”岩溶裂隙水系统的储水空间以岩溶裂隙为主,岩溶水的空间分布明显受南北向大型断裂构造控制。根据水动力场和水化学场特征,划分了3个相对独立的岩溶水子系统。通过三维数值模拟计算,确定了马渠—洪河岩溶水子系统天然资源量和可开采资源量,为本区的地下水合理开发利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
西邑铅锌矿取得深部隐伏矿找矿的重大突破,为扩大找矿成果,在其外围有利成矿地段开展地质勘查工作.应用激电中梯、激电测深和EH4等综合物探方法预测找矿靶区,在深部隐伏矿勘查中能取得较好效果.  相似文献   
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