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Despite the fact that Co is an essential trace element for the growth of marine phytoplankton, there is very limited information on the cycling of this trace metal in the marine environment. We report here the distribution of dissolved (<0.4 μm) and particulate (>0.4 μm) Co in surface waters of the Hudson River Estuary (HRE) and San Francisco Bay (SFB). Samples were collected during several cruises (from 1990 to 1995 in SFB and from 1995 to 1997 in the HRE) along the whole salinity gradient. Dissolved Co concentrations (mean±1 standard deviation) were nearly identical in magnitude in both estuaries despite differences in climate, hydrography, riverine-flow conditions and land-usage (HRE=0.91±0.61 nM; SFB=1.12±0.69 nM). Dissolved Co levels in each system showed non-conservative distributions when plotted as a function of salinity, with increasing concentrations downstream from the riverine end-members. Desorption from suspended particulates and sewage inputs, therefore, seems to be the major processes responsible for the non-conservative behavior of Co observed. Mass balance estimates also indicated that most of the estuarine Co is exported out of both estuaries, indicating that they and other estuarine systems are principal sources of this essential trace element to the open ocean.  相似文献   
根据2000~2009年胶州湾海水监测资料,选用单项指标分析和富营养化指数法,对胶州湾海域以及主要河口区营养水平进行评价。结果表明,胶州湾水质较差,无机氮严重超标,N/P值为62.7,呈现高N低P状况,整个海域呈中度-重度富营养状态。主要河口海域无机氮(IN)严重超标,富营养化程度高,其中墨水河口为严重富营养,楼山河口为重度富营养。  相似文献   
根据2009-04—2010-02隔月6个航次桑沟湾9个调查站位贝类养殖区有机氯(OCPs)、有机磷(OPPs)农药残留和麻痹性贝毒(PSP)的调查资料,分析了它们在该海域海水中、表层沉积物中和主要贝类(栉孔扇贝、太平洋牡蛎和菲律滨蛤仔)体内的含量水平,就农药残留及贝毒污染对海洋环境质量的影响进行综合评价和类别划分,并对主要食用贝类中农药残留和贝毒的暴露水平进行健康风险评估。结果表明,桑沟湾贝类养殖区海水质量、沉积物质量和养殖贝类质量水平范围为1~2级,平均分别为2级、1级和1级,养殖生态环境综合质量水平为2级;总体上,该海域海洋环境综合质量处于良好水平,贝类产区生态环境质量为1类区(清洁区)。即该海域农药残留及贝毒污染对海洋环境质量影响较小或无明显影响。另外,针对食用桑沟湾贝类水产品的消费人群进行了农药残留及贝毒污染的健康风险评估,结果表明调查人群食用贝类中OCPs中的HCHs和DDTs、OPPs中的马拉硫磷和甲基对硫磷、PSP的日摄入量分别为0.75,2.11,0.19,0.09和1.22μg/(人·d),其摄入量低于ADI的推荐限值,因此桑沟湾主要食用贝类中农药残留及贝毒污染的健康风险处于安全范围。  相似文献   
Indian Ocean humpback dolphins Sousa plumbea inhabit nearshore waters from South Africa to eastern India. Humpback dolphins are vulnerable to conservation threats due to their naturally small population sizes and use of nearshore habitats, where human activities are highest. We investigated the abundance and residency of this species inhabiting Mossel Bay, South Africa, using photographic mark-recapture. Data were collected during 81 surveys in Mossel Bay between 2011 and 2013. Open population modelling using the POPAN parameterisation produced a ‘super-population’ estimate of 125 individuals (95% CI: 61–260) and within-year estimates of between 33 and 86 individuals (2011: 71 [95% CI: 30–168]; 2012: 33 [15–73], 32 [15–70]; 2013: 46 [20–108]). Although less appropriate, closed capture models were also run for comparison with previous studies in the region and generated similar, but slightly smaller, population estimates within each year. We compared our catalogue with opportunistic data collected from East London, Plettenberg Bay, De Hoop and Gansbaai. The only catalogue matches attained were between Plettenberg Bay (n = 44 identified) and Mossel Bay (n = 67 identified), separated by 140?km. Population exchange was moderate, with nine individuals resighted in multiple years between these two areas. This study supports previous findings of long-range movements for this species and provides a baseline from which to assess future impacts on the population.  相似文献   
根据海湾扇贝(Argopecten irradians)过氧化物还原酶V(AiPrxV)的cDNA序列和部分基因组DNA序列设计引物,采用基因组步移方法扩增获得其第1内含子(I1)完整序列,并通过Blast比对、DNAMAN和RepFind搜索进行序列分析。AiPrxV I1长8 565bp,占AiPrxV基因全长的68%,AT%显著高于GC%。在5 900-6 700bp的区域中包含了不完整的编码区,经分析与文昌鱼、海胆的逆转录酶有极高的相似性,其N端与多种动植物逆转座子的逆转录酶C端具有相似特征。此外,发现AiPrxV I1中包含283个重复序列,在3 500-4 000bp和6 800-7 200bp区域尤为密集。以上特点提示海湾扇贝过氧化物还原酶V第1内含子可能是由一个非长末端重复元件逆转座子(non-LTR retrotransposons)插入,逐渐演变而形成的。  相似文献   
Surface sediments from the Changjiang River(Yangtze River) Estuary,Hangzhou Bay,and their adjacent waters were analyzed for their grain size distribution,organic carbon(OC) concentration,and stable carbon isotope composition(δ13C).Based on this analysis,about 36 surface sediment samples were selected from various environments and separated into sand(0.250 mm,0.125–0.250 mm,0.063–0.125 mm) and silt(0.025–0.063 mm)fractions by wet-sieving fractionation methods,and further into silt-(0.004–0.025 mm) and clay-sized(0.004mm) fractions by centrifugal fractionation.Sediments of six grain size categories were analyzed for their OC andδ13C contents to explore the grain size composition and transport paths of sedimentary OC in the study area.From fine to coarse fractions,the OC content was 1.18%,0.51%,0.46%,0.42%,0.99%,and 0.48%,respectively,while theδ13C was –21.64‰,–22.03‰,–22.52‰,–22.46‰,–22.36‰,and –22.28‰,respectively.In each size category,the OC contribution was 42.96%,26.06%,9.82%,5.75%,7.09%,and 8.33%,respectively.The OC content in clay and fine silt fractions(0.025 mm) was about 69.02%.High OC concentrations were mainly found in offshore modern sediments in the northeast of the Changjiang River Estuary,in modern sediments in the lower estuary of the Changjiang River and Hangzhou Bay,and in Cyclonic Eddy modern sediments to the southwest of the Cheju Island.Integrating the distribution of terrestrial OC content of each grain size category with the δ13C of the bulk sediment indicated that the terrestrial organic material in the Changjiang River Estuary was transported seaward and dispersed to the Cyclonic Eddy modern sediments to the southwest of the Cheju Island via two pathways:one was a result of the Changjiang River Diluted Water(CDW) northeastward extending branch driven by the North Jiangsu Coastal Current and the Yellow Sea Coastal Current,while the other one was the result of the CDW southward extending branch driven by the Taiwan Warm Current.  相似文献   
2013年春季崂山湾浮游植物群落及其环境控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2013 年春季(3、4、5 月)对崂山湾海域浮游植物群落及其理化环境进行了3 个航次的调查研究。共鉴定浮游植物40 属75 种, 硅藻是调查区主要的浮游植物类群; 浮游植物细胞丰度平均为1.27×106个/m3,3 月份的平均丰度显著高于4、5 月份(P<0.01); 优势种主要为冰河拟星杆藻(Asterionopsis glacialis)、加拉星平藻(Asteroplanus karianus)、密联角毛藻(Chaetoceros densus)和夜光藻(Noctiluca scintillans), 浮游植物群落演替明显, 由3 月份硅藻控制逐步过渡到4、5 月份硅/甲藻共同控制; 相对较低的硝酸盐水平是导致4、5 月份浮游植物丰度显著低于3 月份的主要原因; 物种–环境数据的冗余分析(RDA)结果显示, 温度、硝酸盐含量是控制崂山湾春季浮游植物分布的重要环境因子。  相似文献   
万猛  姚炎明  陈琴  李丹 《海洋通报》2015,34(3):295-302
基于Delft3D-Flow模块建立了象山港海域的三维斜压潮流数值模型,结合实测水文资料,研究了象山港的潮(余)流特征,对欧拉余流场的时空分布进行了定量的比较和分析,并与潮流测站计算分析得到的欧拉余流分布对比,很好的模拟了象山港的余流特征。结果表明:由湾外至湾顶,余流呈减小的趋势,湾外余流最大为33 cm/s,湾顶最小,余流平均仅5 cm/s。垂向上,表层余流大于底层余流,表层余流指向湾外,而底层余流则指向湾内。对比斜压、正压两种模式下的欧拉余流分布,可以看出湾顶附近主要受径流控制,两种模式得到的结果基本一致,口门至西沪港区域受径流和潮流的共同影响,斜压模式更准确地模拟出了水体层化和垂向余环流结构。  相似文献   
水体吸收系数是影响水体光场分布的重要参数,在水色遥感探测中受到广泛关注。本文利用2012年9月辽东湾区域航次调查数据分析该区域水体各组分吸收系数的分布情况,结果表明,辽东湾水体中浮游植物含量相对较高。并利用该航次数据,建立了区域性半分析算法,该算法基于相邻波段间固有光学量的线性关系,首先通过遥感反射率反演得到550 nm波段的水体总吸收系数,再通过后向散射波段相关关系外推得到其他波段的总吸收系数。经独立测试数据检验,3个波段(412、443、550 nm)总吸收系数反演的平均相对误差分别为19.71%,17.99%,9.35%,说明区域性半分析算法能较好地估算研究区域的水体总吸收系数。本文还通过引入随机误差对算法稳定性进行了检验,结果表明算法具有较好的稳定性。  相似文献   
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