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济阳坳陷博兴洼陷西部沙三段层序地层   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取以基准面为参照面的高分辨率层序地层学的理论与分析技术,对博兴洼陷西部沙三段开展层序地层分析工作。在博兴洼陷沙三段识别出5个层序界面和4个较大规模的洪泛面,由此将研究层段划分为4个长期基准面旋回(相当于3级层序),并通过长期旋回内部次级转换面的识别,细分出8个中期旋回(大致相当于4级层序)。通过对比建立了研究区的高分辨率层序地层格架,并分析了各层序的地层发育特征。以层序格架为基础,探讨了研究区各层序的沉积演化特征,建立了辫状三角洲—浊积扇层序发育模式,认为研究区辫状三角洲和浊积扇均具有加积作用特点;斜坡区为辫状三角洲发育区,而洼陷区为浊积扇发育区;中期基准面旋回下降期辫状三角洲发育,上升期浊积扇发育;浊积扇体的发育规模与湖泛规模相关。综合分析认为,浊积扇是形成岩性圈闭的主要储集砂体类型,其发育的有利层位是MSC8、MSC7、MSC6、MSC5旋回的上升半旋回,岩性圈闭发育的有利区是博兴南部斜坡坡折带之下的洼陷区。  相似文献   
西沙礁序列的磁性地层学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用西沙群岛西琛一井330m以上井段的149块岩心标本,用美国2-G型超导磁力仪进行了古地磁测定,获得了一个从更新世至中新世晚期包括布容,松山,高斯和吉尔伯特四个极性时及若干亚极性的磁性地层柱,为礁序列的划分对比,提供了新的依据。  相似文献   
A statistical study has been made for the variations along the Hubble sequence, os such parameters as the degree of tightness of winding of spiral arm λ, the pitch angle μ, the flatness of the disk H/D25 and the thickness H along the Hubble sequence for 365 spiral galaxies published in A&Ap Supplement Series. The mean values of these quantities for the various Hubble types have been obtained for the first time. The results of the statistics show clearly 1) that the Hubble classification of spiral galaxies is one which has only a qualitative and statistical significance, and 2) that the dispersion relation in the density wave theory is valid for most spiral galaxies, i.e., the arms of most spiral galaxies satisfy the requirements of being tightly wound.  相似文献   
We calculate the structure of a force-free magnetosphere which is assumed to corotate with a central star and which interacts with an embedded differentially rotating accretion disc. The magnetic and rotation axes are aligned, and the stellar field is assumed to be a dipole. We concentrate on the case when the amount of field line twisting through the disc–magnetosphere interaction is large , and consider different outer boundary conditions. In general the field line twisting produces field line inflation (e.g. Bardou & Heyvaerts), and in some cases with large twisting many field lines can become open. We calculate the spin-down torque acting between the star and the disc, and we find that it decreases significantly for cases with large field line twisting. This suggests that the oscillating torques observed for some accreting neutron stars could be caused by the magnetosphere varying between states with low and high field line inflation. Calculations of the spin evolution of T Tauri stars may also have to be revised in the light of the significant effect that field line twisting has on the magnetic torque resulting from star–disc interactions.  相似文献   
层序识别与划分是东海西湖凹陷油气勘探研究工作的重要基础。利用层序地层学、古生物学、地层学等技术手段,对西湖凹陷古近系和新近系地层进行识别,共识别出14个层序界面、15个三级层序,并找出各层序在海平面升降变化上的响应。从层序划分结果来看,始新统至上新统发育的各地层界面在地震上都显示出不整合或对应于不整合的整合界面,而这些层序界面均与海平面变化曲线中的关键界面相吻合,也与古生物特征吻合。  相似文献   
南大西洋两岸盆地海相烃源岩特征与控制因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南大西洋两岸盆地漂移期层系油气资源十分丰富,通过对两岸重点盆地漂移期主力烃源岩发育层位、生烃潜力、识别特征和分布范围对比分析,明确两岸发育早、晚两套主力海相烃源岩。其中,晚期的赛诺曼—土仑阶海相烃源岩分布范围较广。整体上,两岸北段和赤道段盆地漂移期主力烃源岩地化指标优于中段和南段盆地,西非一侧海域盆地烃源岩地化指标优于南美一侧盆地。在对重点钻井的矿物元素化验分析、沉积相和古地理分析基础之上,总结了局限海湾的古地理背景和沉积相带类型控制优质海相烃源岩发育程度和分布范围的规律,并进一步指出南大西洋两岸北段和赤道段盆地漂移期成熟生烃灶平面分布范围内的深水沉积砂体是主要有利勘探方向,以找油为主,中段含盐盆地内紧邻盐微盆的漂移期深水沉积砂体勘探潜力次之。  相似文献   
开展地震资料解释,分析上超、下超、顶超等地震反射终止关系、不整合面以及沉积趋势,识别出北康-曾母盆地中中新世以来14个三级层序界面。在层序界面内部,通过层序地层内幕结构刻画和原形剖面恢复,并结合地层堆砌方式,在北康-曾母盆地中中新世以来的层序地层内,划分了海进、高位正常海退、强制海退和低位正常海退4种成因单元。通过进一步研究该4种成因单元内地层结构和相分布关系,提出北康-曾母盆地中中新世以来的3种层序地层样式,即陆架边缘富砂型三角洲进积楔、退积型生物礁和陆架边缘富砂-富泥型退积楔,其中,沉积物源供应量充足且可容空间减小时,发育富砂的三角洲进积楔,陆架边缘-斜坡-盆地区域发育含砂深水扇;而可容空间增量远大于沉积物供应量时,发育退积型生物礁和富砂-富泥退积楔,斜坡-盆地区域含砂深水扇欠发育。  相似文献   
澳大利亚N区块是海上勘探区块,钻探成本高,存在一定的勘探风险,尽可能地降低风险和找寻可能存在的最大圈闭资源规模,成为勘探的重点和难点。为此,在澳大利亚N区块开展了构造和岩性等多种类型圈闭的识别评价。在构造圈闭落实的情况下,利用澳大利亚N区块二维、三维地震资料,在高精度层序地层格架下,结合物源方向、古地貌和沉积体系空间配置关系分析,建立了岩性圈闭发育模式。通过目标层位的地震叠后属性、叠前同时反演等综合分析,采用纵横波速度比(Vp/Vs)等地震属性预测了岩性圈闭的分布特点及含油气性。在上述工作基础上,开展了岩性圈闭的油气成藏条件研究和圈闭资源量估算,扩大了澳大利亚N区块的资源规模,使其具备了一定的勘探价值。  相似文献   
The Bridport Sand Formation is an intensely bioturbated sandstone that represents part of a mixed siliciclastic‐carbonate shallow‐marine depositional system. At outcrop and in subsurface cores, conventional facies analysis was combined with ichnofabric analysis to identify facies successions bounded by a hierarchy of key stratigraphic surfaces. The geometry of these surfaces and the lateral relationships between the facies successions that they bound have been constrained locally using 3D seismic data. Facies analysis suggests that the Bridport Sand Formation represents progradation of a low‐energy, siliciclastic shoreface dominated by storm‐event beds reworked by bioturbation. The shoreface sandstones form the upper part of a thick (up to 200 m), steep (2–3°), mud‐dominated slope that extends into the underlying Down Cliff Clay. Clinoform surfaces representing the shoreface‐slope system are grouped into progradational sets. Each set contains clinoform surfaces arranged in a downstepping, offlapping manner that indicates forced‐regressive progradation, which was punctuated by flooding surfaces that are expressed in core and well‐log data. In proximal locations, progradational shoreface sandstones (corresponding to a clinoform set) are truncated by conglomerate lags containing clasts of bored, reworked shoreface sandstones, which are interpreted as marking sequence boundaries. In medial locations, progradational clinoform sets are overlain across an erosion surface by thin (<5 m) bioclastic limestones that record siliciclastic‐sediment starvation during transgression. Near the basin margins, these limestones are locally thick (>10 m) and overlie conglomerate lags at sequence boundaries. Sequence boundaries are thus interpreted as being amalgamated with overlying transgressive surfaces, to form composite erosion surfaces. In distal locations, oolitic ironstones that formed under conditions of extended physical reworking overlie composite sequence boundaries and transgressive surfaces. Over most of the Wessex Basin, clinoform sets (corresponding to high‐frequency sequences) are laterally offset, thus defining a low‐frequency sequence architecture characterized by high net siliciclastic sediment input and low net accommodation. Aggradational stacking of high‐frequency sequences occurs in fault‐bounded depocentres which had higher rates of localized tectonic subsidence.  相似文献   
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