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王佳玉  余龙 《海洋工程》2021,39(2):110-120
海流发电机(MCT)是开发海洋可再生能源的重要装置。在预测海流发电机水动力性能方面,修正叶素动量理论(M-BEMT)方法被验证是一种简单有效的方法。为了进一步提高M-BEMT方法的适用性和准确性,基于M-BEMT方法开发M-BEMT2.0方法包括时均法(TA-BEMT2.0)和瞬态积分法(TI-BEMT2.0),新方法考虑了来流的轴向非均匀性和周向非均匀性。首先使用文献的试验结果验证均匀来流时新方法的适用性。然后使用计算流体力学(CFD)计算结果验证非均匀来流时新方法的适用性。最后结合新方法和CFD方法深入研究两个串列排布海流发电机(MCTA)的水动力性能。基于M-BEMT2.0研究发现,均匀来流时计算结果与试验结果基本吻合,非均匀来流时新方法的计算结果优于M-BEMT的计算结果。对于MCTA,当第一个MCT的叶尖速度比越大,第二个MCT功率比和推力比恢复到90%的距离越短。  相似文献   
为了改善潮流能水轮机叶片表面流动分离问题,提高其升阻比,本文通过在潮流能水轮机叶片表面加装涡流发生器,来研究涡流发生器对潮流能水轮机水动力学性能的影响。本文以NACA4418翼型为研究对象,分别建立了含VGs和不含VGs的三维模型,利用CFD方法研究了VGs的高度、长度以及相邻一对VGs之间的间距等多个方面对该翼型性能的影响。结果表明:VGs可以有效地提高翼型的最大升力系数;相邻VGs间距的增加对流动分离的抑制有积极影响。此外,通过对尾迹区流线和旋涡的分析,进一步揭示了尾迹区的流场特征。  相似文献   
The fatigue life of offshore wind turbines strongly depends on the dynamic behaviour of the structures including the underlying soil. To diminish dynamic amplification and avoid resonance, the eigenfrequency related to the lowest eigenmode of the wind turbine should not coalesce with excitation frequencies related to strong wind, wave and ice loading. Typically, lateral response of monopile foundations is analysed using a beam on a nonlinear Winkler foundation model with soil–pile interaction recommended by the design regulations. However, as it will be shown in this paper, the guideline approaches consequently underestimate the eigenfrequency compared to full-scale measurements. This discrepancy leads the authors to investigate the influence of pore water pressure by utilising a numerical approach and consider the soil medium as a two-phase system consisting of a solid skeleton and a single pore fluid. In the paper, free vibration tests are analysed to evaluate the eigenfrequencies of offshore monopile wind turbine foundations. Since the stiffness of foundation and subsoil strongly affects the modal parameters, the stiffness of saturated soil due to pore water flow generated by cyclic motion of monopiles is investigated using the concept of a Kelvin model. It is found that the permeability of the subsoil has strong influence on the stiffness of the wind turbine that may to some extent explain deviations between experimental and computational eigenfrequencies.  相似文献   
混流式转轮中流场的大涡模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
建立了基于微可压缩流体理论的相对运动的大涡模拟方法,并对混流式转轮流场进行了三维非恒定粘性数值模拟,计算方法采用了有限体积法和预测-校正方法,对固体边壁的处理使用了“壁函数”法。得到了混流式转轮的三维速度场和压力分布,与k-ε模型计算结果进行比较表明,所建立的相对运动的大涡模拟方法对转轮性能预测更加精确、合理,对转轮改型设计具有十分重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
风机基础作为海上风机整体结构的重要组成部分,承受着上部风机所受到的风浪流荷载,并且对风机的安全性及可靠性至关重要。吸力式桶形基础由于其安装简单和可重复利用等优点,在海洋平台基础中得到了广泛应用,并逐步应用于海上风机基础中。但由于海上风机与海洋平台在海洋环境中的荷载工况有一定的差别,仍需要通过对其承载特性研究现状进行全面认识,以实现吸力式桶形基础在海上风机基础中的可靠应用。文中通过总结和评价现有研究对桶形基础在不同土体条件以及荷载条件下进行试验及数值模拟分析得到的研究结果,综述了静荷载和循环荷载作用下砂土和黏土中的吸力式桶形基础的承载特性研究现状,以及海上风机吸力式桶形基础的相关研究。文章展望了目前应用于海上风机基础的桶形基础仍缺乏的研究,为海上风机吸力式桶形基础的可靠应用及后续研究提供重要参考。  相似文献   
The worldwide demand for renewable energy is increasing rapidly. Wind energy appears as a good solution to copy with the energy shortage situation. In recent years, offshore wind energy has become an attractive option due to the increasing development of the multitudinous offshore wind turbines. Because of the unstable vibration for the barge-type offshore wind turbine in various maritime conditions, an ameliorative method incorporating a tuned mass damper (TMD) in offshore wind turbine platform is proposed to demonstrate the improvement of the structural dynamic performance in this investigation. The Lagrange's equations are applied to establish a limited degree-of-freedom (DOF) mathematical model for the barge-type offshore wind turbine. The objective function is defined as the suppression rate of the standard deviation for the tower top deflection due to the fact that the tower top deflection is essential to the tower bottom fatigue loads, then frequency tuning method and genetic algorithm (GA) are employed respectively to obtain the globally optimum TMD design parameters using this objective function. Numerical simulations based on FAST have been carried out in typical load cases in order to evaluate the effect of the passive control system. The need to prevent the platform mass increasing obviously has become apparent due to the installation of a heavy TMD in the barge-type platform. In this case, partial ballast is substituted for the equal mass of the tuned mass damper, and then the vibration mitigation is simulated in five typical load cases. The results show that the passive control can improve the dynamic responses of the barge-type wind turbine by placing a TMD in the floating platform. Through replacing partial ballast with a uniform mass of the tuned mass damper, a significant reduction of the dynamic response is also observed in simulation results for the barge-type floating structure.  相似文献   
概念性地设计了一种新型半潜式海上风力机基础,确定了结构的型式和尺寸,对风浪联合作用下不同工况的风力机基础稳性进行了校核.考虑黏性阻尼和二阶波浪力的作用,计算分析了风力机基础的水动力系数、幅频运动以及动力响应特性.结果表明,经过改进的新型风力机基础具有良好的稳性和水动力性能,特别是在垂荡性能上有大幅的提升.波浪入射角度对垂荡的影响不大,但对其他自由度RAOs影响较大.垂荡、横摇和纵摇RAOs均存在一个主峰值和次峰值,但峰值周期均远离波能集中区.此外还发现,不同工况下风浪入射角对风机系统的动力响应和系泊力均有较大影响,相对于工作工况,极端工况下所受风荷载较小,但是系泊力更大.  相似文献   
In this study, we construct one 2–dimensional tidal simulation, using an unstructured Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model(FVCOM). In the 2–D model, we simulated the tidal turbines through adding additional bottom drag in the element where the tidal turbines reside. The additional bottom drag was calculated from the relationship of the bottom friction dissipation and the rated rotor efficiency of the tidal energy turbine. This study analyzed the effect of the tidal energy turbine to the hydrodynamic environment, and calculated the amount of the extractable tidal energy resource at the Guishan Hangmen Channel, considering the rotor wake effect.  相似文献   
Under real sea conditions, the hydrodynamic performance of floating vertical-axis tidal current turbines is affected by waves and currents. The wave circular frequency is a significant factor in determining the frequencies of the wave-induced motion responses of turbines. In this study, the ANSYS-CFX software (manufacturer: ANSYS Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States) is used to analyse the hydrodynamic performance of a vertical-axis turbine for different yawing frequencies and to study how the yawing frequencies affect the main hydrodynamic coefficients of the turbine, including the power coefficient, thrust coefficient, lateral force coefficient, and yawing moment coefficient. The time-varying curves obtained from the CFX software are fitted using the least-squares method; the damping and added mass coefficients are then calculated to analyse the influence of different yawing frequencies. The simulation results demonstrate that when analysing non-yawing turbines rotating under constant inflow, the main hydrodynamic coefficient time-varying curves of yawing turbines exhibit an additional fluctuation. Furthermore, the amplitude is positively correlated with the yawing frequency, and the oscillation amplitudes also increase with increasing yawing frequency; however, the average values of the hydrodynamic coefficients (except the power coefficient) are only weakly influenced by yawing motion. The power coefficient under yawing motion is lower than that under non-yawing motion, which means that yawing motion will cause the annual energy production of a turbine to decrease. The fitting results show that the damping term and the added mass term exert effects of the same level on the loads and moments of vertical-axis turbines under yawing motion. The results of this study can facilitate the study of the motion response of floating vertical-axis tidal current turbine systems in waves.  相似文献   
以DTU 10 MW基准风机为研究对象,单柱式平台作为基础支撑结构,使用FAST软件计算分析,考虑单独风、单独波浪以及风浪组合三种环境条件,对10 MW级海上浮式风机的运动特性进行研究。研究发现:系统摇荡是风激励的低频运动和波浪激励的波频运动的合成,气动阻尼削弱系统的波频运动;系统纵荡和纵摇运动存在明显的耦合现象,而垂荡运动和其他方向的运动没有耦合关系;受纵摇影响,转动的风轮产生陀螺惯性力矩,激励首摇运动;随着风机单机容量的增加,风激励的低频运动比例增大,波浪激励的波频运动比例减小。  相似文献   
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