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渤海的潮汐余流   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文采用二维非线性潮波微分方程,依据目前的海图对渤海M_2、S_2、K_1、O_1的潮汐余流进行了数值计算,并进一步计算了由这4个分潮组成的总潮汐余流。计算表明,渤海以M_2的潮汐余流占主要地位,S_2、K_1、O_1的潮汐余流具有大约相同的量值。但是,它们比M_2小一个量级。为探讨渤海潮汐余流自30年代以来的变化情况,本文还依据30年代的渤海海图和设想数十年后渤海的海图,对M_2进行数值计算,求得这二个时代的M_2潮汐余流。结果表明,自30年代以来,莱州湾的潮汐余流发生了很大的变化。  相似文献   
邹春蕾  王志力  甄峰  徐欢 《海岸工程》2020,39(4):246-255
为研究连云港埒子口海域潮流动力特征及其对周边海岸工程的响应,以及为治理埒子口闸下淤积问题提供参考,建立了基于有限体积法离散二维浅水方程的数值模型。采用实测水文资料对模型率定和验证,应用模型分析埒子口潮流动力特征和建设徐圩港防波堤和灌河口导堤后埒子口海域潮流动力的变化。模拟结果表明,建设工程后潮流动力变化较大,埒子口海域涨急流和落急流方向改变,涨、落潮平均流速均减小,距离工程区域越近,流速变化越大。埒子口海域潮流动力减弱将会加重上游挡潮闸的闸下淤积问题,致使埒子口排水不畅,进而增加沂北地区的洪涝风险,所以,相关部门应及时采取措施,保证埒子口排涝畅通。  相似文献   
黄河口潮滩以其悬浮沉积物浓度高而闻名。但是,目前对其高浓度悬浮沉积物的控制因素和来源的了解尚不清晰。因此,本文基于黄河口潮滩上为期7天的水动力(水深,波高和水流速度)和悬浮沉积物浓度观测,对黄河口潮滩不同海况下悬浮沉积物的控制因素和来源进行分析。数据显示,在大部分时间里,黄河口潮滩处于1级海况下(波高小于0.1m),SSC的变化范围为0.1-3.5 g/L,潮流的沉积物输运为悬浮沉积物的主要来源。但是,当水动力作用增强并且导致海底发生大规模侵蚀时,再悬浮沉积物成为了悬浮沉积物的主要来源,水体中的悬浮沉积物浓度可达到17.3 g/L。我们发现悬浮泥沙通量主要受平流输运的控制,而波浪引起的切应力也可通过影响悬浮泥沙浓度影响悬浮泥沙通量的变化。在观测期间, 1级海况下,流致再悬浮沉积物浓度(RSC)大于波致RSC。与此相反,在2级海况下,波致RSC大于流致RSC,例如,在观测期间出现的单个波浪事件导致6小时内海床被侵蚀了11.8 cm。该研究揭示了河控河流三角洲潮滩附近高悬浮沉积物浓度的不同控制因素,并有助于我们更好地了解三角洲的沉积和侵蚀机制。  相似文献   
Between April 2002 and April 2003, in situ measurements of water depth, current velocity and suspended sediment content were carried out in edge region of East Chongming salt marsh and neighboring bald flat in the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary under different weather conditions. Cross-shore suspended sediment flux was calculated and analyzed. The results show that under calm weather conditions, the current velocity process in bald field and salt marsh area varied differently during semidiurnal tidal cycles. Owing to current velocity asymmetry, mean SSC during flood tide phase was 1.8 times higher than that of ebb tide phase. As a result, net onshore sediment flux controlled cross-shore suspended sediment transport process and salt marsh pioneer zone was generally accreting. There was significant positive correlation between total sediment flux and quartic power of maximum water depth. It indicates that tidal ranges dominate suspended sediment transport and sedimentation process in the salt marsh pioneer zone under the calm weather condition. The sedimentation rate on the adjacent mudflat was higher than the salt marsh, which induced stable accreting of salt marsh towards the sea. The wind events enhanced SSC and current velocity during the semidiurnal tides. And the remarkable onshore net sediment flux could occur on the high marsh and mudflat close to the marsh fringe during the short period under the rough weather condition.  相似文献   
辽东湾顶太-葵管道路由区潮流场三维数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辽河油田太-葵管道路由区位于辽东湾顶潮汐水道区,研究利用普林斯顿大学的河口、陆架和海洋模式(ECOM),考虑M2、S2、K1、O1四个主要分潮的影响,对辽东湾顶三维潮流场进行数值模拟,并着重对太-葵管道路由区进行动力分析。潮位和潮流的验证表明,该文建立的模型可以较好地用于辽东湾顶流场的预报模拟,为将来工程建设对海洋生态环境影响、保证海上工程的安全等研究奠定基础。  相似文献   
乐清湾的潮位、潮流和余流特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2008年7月至2009年4月在乐清湾进行了代表春、夏、秋、冬4个季节的航次调查,设置了Y4、Y14、Y15和A共4个连续观测站位,共得到12组实测的海流流速和10组CTD数据。采用潮汐调和分析法分析了距江厦潮汐能试验电站3 km处的潮汐站位连续19个月的潮位资料,结合调查数据特性和乐清湾潮汐特点,引入M2与S2、O1与K1、M4与MS4、2MS6与M6分潮之间的差比关系,对连续观测站位的潮位和潮流进行准调和分析。潮位的统计和准调和分析结果显示:Y4、Y14、Y15站位和潮汐站位8个分潮振幅和的航次调查平均值为3.75,4.02,3.94和4.03 m,(HO1+HK1)/HM2的航次调查平均值为0.32,0.28,0.32和0.24。Y4、Y14、Y15和潮汐站位的M4、MS4、M6和2MS6浅水分潮振幅的航次调查平均值分别为0.20,0.31,0.35和0.25 m,M6和2MS6浅水分潮振幅的航次调查平均值分别为0.03,0.15,0.17和0.15 m。不同航次调查4个连续观测站位涨潮最大流速的平均值为81.5 cm/s,落潮最大流速的平均值为103.1 cm/s。Y4、Y14和Y15站位潮流的M2和S2分潮振幅百分比分别为86%,65%和68%,浅水分潮振幅百分比分别为11%,29%和25%。M4、MS4分潮振幅之和分别是M6、2MS6分潮振幅之和的2.1,1.2和1.7倍。由潮位和潮流的分析结果可知:从乐清湾湾口至湾顶,潮汐逐渐增强,半日潮比率逐渐增大,半日潮型的特性更为明显;浅水分潮强度逐渐增加,其中M6和2MS6分潮强度增强更为明显。位于湾口的Y4站位在秋季(2008年10月)航次调查时的日平均余流流向为西南偏南方向,冬季(2009年1月)和春季(2009年4月)航次调查时的余流流向为东南偏南方向。Y4站位余流受灵霓大坝影响,大坝建成后湾口余流改变方向,向南流出乐清湾。位于湾顶的Y14站位,余流流速变化不大,但方向变化明显,夏季(2008年7月)为西南方向,秋季为西南偏南方向,冬季为西南偏西方向,春季又为西南偏南方向。Y15站位余流流速较小,但方向变化明显。A站位两个航次调查时的余流流向均为东北方向。  相似文献   
Along the downwelling coast off Western Australia, late-autumn/early-winter chlorophyll a blooms are observed on the continental shelf south of Shark Bay (26°S), in contrast with summer blooms in the north. The late-autumn/early-winter blooms are in phase with seasonal strengthening of the Leeuwin Current and its eddy field. Anticyclonic eddies entrain the high phytoplankton biomass waters from the shelf and transport offshore into the oligotrophic, subtropical marine environment, as revealed by coalescing the finite-size Lyapunov exponent (FSLE) of the surface geostrophic flow field and the satellite chlorophyll a images.  相似文献   
ADCP等测量新技术用于金沙江河道,取到了宝贵的成果,但GPS在山区使用受到限制,ADCP和测深仪会受含沙量影响不能满足测量需要,以及电波流速仪因电磁辐射干扰阻碍使用等。为此,通过分析仪器原理和环境条件,提出了一些有效的处理办法,并在实践中得到成功运用。  相似文献   
A three-dimensional suspended sediment model(SED)developed by the present authors is coupled with the combinatorial model of COHERENS(Luyten et al.,1999) (the three-dimensional coupled hydrodynamical-ecological model for Regional and Shelf Seas) and SWAN(Holthuijsen et al.,2004) (the third generation wave model).SWAN is regarded as a subroutine of COHERENS and gets time-and space-varying current velocity and surface elevation from COHERENS.COHERENS gets time-and space-varying wave relevant parameters provided by SWAN.Effects of wave on current are applied in bottom shear stress,wave-induced depth-dependent radiation stress and surface drag coefficient calculation.At the same time,the damping function of suspended sediment on turbulence is introduced into COHERENS.So the sediment model SED has feed back on circulation model COHERENS.The SED obtains current as sociated parameters from COHERENS.Then a couple dhydrodynamic-sediment model COHERENS-SED being able to account for interaction between wave and current is obtained.COHERENS-SED is adopted to simulate three-dimensional suspended sediment transport in the Huanghe River delta.In terms of simulation results,there is obvious diffierence between top and bottom layer of wave-induced longshore current.The values of time series of sediment concentration gotten by COHERENS-SED have,generally,an accepted agreement extent with measurement.Significant wave heights and wave periods obtained by COHERENS-SED show that wave simulation case with current’s effect can give better agreement extent with measurement than case without current’s effect.In the meantime,suspended sediment concentration distributing rule obtained by COHERENS-SED is similar to former researches and measurement.  相似文献   
Tidal current velocity profile in the near-bed layers has been widely studied. The results showed that velocity profile in the near-bed layer obviously departure from the traditional logarithmic profile, due to the acceleration or deceleration. Although the logarithmic linear profile can reduce the rate of deviation from this, only it is a lower-order approximate solution. In this paper, considering the unsteady and non-linear features of tidal motion, the double logarithmic profile near-bed layers in estuarine and coastal waters is established on the assumption that the turbulent shear stress along the water depth was parabolic distribution, and on the basis of Prandtl''s mixing length theory and von Karman''s self-similar theory. Having been verified the data observed at the West Solent in the south of England, and comparison of the logarithmic linear profile, it found that the double logarithmic profile is more precious than the latter. At last, the discussed results showed that:(1) The parabolic distribution of the tidal shear stresses verified good by the field data and experimental data, can be better reflected the basic features of the tidal shear stress deviating from linear distribution that is downward when to accelerate, upward when to decelerate. (2) The traditional logarithmic velocity profile is the zero-order approximation solution of the double logarithmic profile, the logarithmic linear profile is the first order, and the logarithmic parabolic profile is the second order. (3) Ignoring the conditions of diffusion and convection in the tidal movement, the double logarithmic profile can reflect the tidal properties of acceleration or deceleration, so that the calculation of the friction velocity and roughness length are more reasonable. When the acceleration or the deceleration is about zero, the double logarithmic profile becomes the logarithmic profile.  相似文献   
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