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本文以长牡蛎27个幼虫发育阶段个体以及成体的5个组织织作为实验材料,采用实时荧光定量PCR技术对Dmrt家族中的2个基因(CgDsx和CgDmrtA2)的主要对长牡蛎Dmrt家族中的2个基因(CgDsx和CgDmrtA2)在幼虫时期和成体组织中的表达模式以及在性别决定中可能发挥的作用进行了研究。采用实时荧光定量PCR技术对幼虫27个发育阶段以及成体5个组织的表达进行了测定。结果表明,长牡蛎CgDsx基因在胚胎发育初期有大量表达,其中囊胚期到担轮幼虫初期表达量最高从囊胚期到担轮幼虫初期表达量最高,其后之后表达量开始降低,在D形幼虫后期之后一直维持在极低的表达水平,此后仅在成体的雄性性腺中具有高度表达。该结果表明由此可见,CgDsx 可能也对早期胚胎发育起一定调控作用,除了同时参与了性别决定外,可能也对早期胚胎发育起一定调控作用。CgDmrtA2在长牡蛎所有组织中均有表达,各组织间表达差异不显著,在长牡蛎D形幼虫至壳顶后期表达量较高,表明其参与了胚胎中后期的发育过程说明它参与了胚胎中后期的发育过程,可能与神经的形成相关,但是其具体功能还需要进一步研究。  相似文献   
Heavy metal pollution can affect the immune capability of organisms.We evaluated the effect of cadmium(Cd) on the defense responses of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas to Listonella anguillarum challenge.The activities of several important defensive enzymes,including superoxide dismutase(SOD),glutathione peroxidase(GPx),acid phosphatase(ACP),Na+,K+-ATPase in gills and hepatopancreas,and phenoloxidase-like(POL) enzyme in hemolymph were assayed.In addition,the expression levels of several genes,including heat shock protein 90(HSP90),metallothionein(MT),and bactericidal/permeability increasing(BPI) protein were quantified by fluorescent quantitative PCR.The enzyme activities of SOD,ACP,POL,and GPx in hepatopancreas,and the expression of HSP90 were down-regulated,whereas GPx activity in the gill,Na+,K+-ATPase activities in both tissues,and MT expression was increased in Cdexposed oysters post L.anguillarum challenge.However,BPI expression was not significantly altered by co-stress of L.anguillarum infection and cadmium exposure.Our results suggest that cadmium exposure alters the oysters’ immune responses and energy metabolism following vibrio infection.  相似文献   
采用改良的DMEM(HG)培养基,建立了近江牡蛎(Crassostrea hongkongensis)鳃细胞体外培养技术,包括鳃组织块培养法和胰酶消化培养法。结果表明,组织块培养法接种6 h后,细胞开始从组织块中迁出,细胞形态较小,呈圆形、椭圆形或多边形,直径3~6μm。培养至3 d时,细胞在组织块周围形成生长晕。培养至6 d时可进行细胞传代,本次实验细胞已传至第6代。胰酶消化法接种约2 h后,细胞逐渐贴壁,从形态上主要分为两类,一类为小型细胞,形态为圆形、椭圆形或多边形,直径3~6μm,数量多,增殖速度较快;另一类为大型细胞,形态为圆形、椭圆形或多边形,直径10~20μm,部分细胞内部含有颗粒,数量较少,增殖速度较慢。培养至2 d时可进行细胞传代,传代培养物中的优势细胞皆为小型细胞。本次实验细胞已传至第6代。  相似文献   
在良种选育过程中,为了尽快得到稳定可遗传的优良性状,常采用近交方式进行纯系选育,而近交会导致群体的遗传多样性下降。为了解长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)多代近交和自交家系的遗传多样性、遗传结构和生长情况,本实验选用长牡蛎近交4代(F4代)、近交5代(F5代)家系和雌性同体自交1代(自交1代)家系,采用8对多态性高的微卫星序列进行分析,同时对其成体的三个时间点生长数据进行了显著性差异分析。实验结果表明,8对微卫星位点在野生对照组中表现出较高的多态性,F4代、F5代和自交1代3个家系的遗传多样性明显下降,平均等位基因数(Na)由17.00下降到2.00,平均观测杂合度(Ho)由0.538下降到0.449,平均多态信息含量(PIC)由0.826下降到0.297;哈迪-温伯格平衡(HWE)检验结果显示,8个位点在三个家系和野生对照组中均不同程度偏离HWE平衡(P0.0062)。F4代、F5代、自交1代和野生对照的生长性状指标分析表明,和野生对照相比,三个家系生长指标明显提高,对于自交一代而言,与自交实验组亲本选择的偶然性有关。同时,三个家系三个时间点的壳长、壳宽生长性状没有显著性差异(除330日龄壳宽和630日龄壳长),F5代生长性状指标壳高和湿重均大于F4代和自交1代,且差异显著;但F4代和自交1代之间没有显著性差异。通过本研究发现,F5代可以继续用来进行生长性状新品系的选育,自交1代多样性降低程度相当于F5代,但多样性的降低对成体的生长性状影响不明显,仍可以用做相关实验材料。  相似文献   
The Role of Suspended Oyster Culture on Nitrogen Cycle in Hiroshima Bay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The predominance of bivalves affects the cycle of materials in the coastal ecosystem. In the present study, the role of suspended oyster culture on the nitrogen cycle was demonstrated for the northern Hiroshima Bay. The nitrogen cycle was considered as two systems, (1) the primary production (PP) system and (2) the oyster culture (OC) system. The results show that about 26% of N productivity was supplied to process by cultured oysters in the OC system. This process varies seasonally due to the seasonal variations of PON, physiological activities and biomass of oysters. The N processing rates were found to be high in summer and low in winter. The biodeposition and excretion of N in the OC system are 3.0 and 2.1 ton N d–1, while the natural sedimentation rate and N regeneration in the PP system are 8.3 and 18.0 ton N d–1, which indicates that the PP system is a major system regenerating N in the water column. The release of total dissolved N from the bottom to the water column is about 8.3 ton N d–1. The amount of N harvested as oyster product was about 1.3 ton N d–1, which is about 10% of daily N loading in north Hiroshima Bay. According to the N cycle developed in the present study, the results suggest the significant role of suspended oyster culture on the nitrogen cycle in Hiroshima Bay. In addition, our results indicate that oyster production was efficiently harvested, suggesting that oyster culture could probably be used as a tool to remove N from Hiroshima Bay.  相似文献   
缢蛏属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄瑞  张云飞 《台湾海峡》2007,26(1):115-120
笔者对福建省闽江口、长乐市梅花镇海区滩涂的一种蛏进行研究,发现该种的壳长与壳高比、精子细胞形态、遗传基因(另做报道)等方面有别于缢蛏.新种的贝壳壳长与壳高比值较缢蛏大,生活水域的比重较缢蛏低.精子细胞核外缘呈瓣状,具8~9瓣,顶体长度约为缢蛏的1/3,为福建河口区缢蛏属一新种(软体动物门,双壳纲,灯塔蛤科),定名为近江蛏.  相似文献   
RAPD标记在大连湾牡蛎种群研究中的应用   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
对四个不同地点(莱州,荣成,青岛和日照)的大连湾牡蛎(Crasostreatalienwhanensis)进行了RAPD分析,结果表明相邻两地种群的遗传距离不明显。地理相距越远,遗传距离越大。莱州种群中具有OPK11—685标记,日照种群具有OPK11—780标记。上述两地之间的青岛和荣成种群中,62.5%的个体同时具有这两个标记;只有20%的个体为OPK—780标记。莱州和日照种群间的基因流动有一定的局限性,而位于这两地之间的种群存在明显的基因流动现象  相似文献   
湛江港石门海区的近江牡蛎Crassostrea rivularis(Gould)养殖,出现苗种大批死亡、生产不稳定等现象。本文对该海区近江牡蛎的生活环境和个体生态进行了调查研究,并对它的采苗、养成、生物敌害的防除等问题作了初步探讨。  相似文献   
The Australasian sea cucumber (Australostichopus mollis) has attracted commercial attention for aquaculture development, partly due to its potential for co-culture with shellfish and finfish species. However, minimal attention has been given to the possibility of co-culturing this species with oysters. In this study we evaluated the growth of juvenile sea cucumbers (36.7 ± 0.9 g, wet weight) caged underneath Pacific oyster farms in northern New Zealand. Co-culture started at the end of the summer, and after 304 days the juveniles had doubled in size (79.8 ± 3.3 g, wet weight), but their subsequent growth appeared to be constrained by overstocking of the cages and summer water temperatures, reaching a carrying capacity of 720 g m?2. Overall, the results of this study indicate that the co-culture of juvenile sea cucumbers with Pacific oysters is feasible, if sea cucumber losses are reduced (between 33% and 52% lost in this study) and careful attention is given to stocking rates and the water temperature regimes of oyster farms in order to maintain adequate growth rates.  相似文献   
Cryopreservation experiments were conducted on D-stage larvae of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) to investigate the effects of two cryoprotectant solutions and three cooling rates on larval development from 1 to 22 days post-fertilisation. Cryoprotectant solutions were made up to final concentrations (after 1:1 dilution with larvae) of 10% ethylene glycol, 1% polyvinylpyrrolidone and either 0.2 or 0.4 M trehalose. Three cooling rates (0.5, 1 and 2 °C min?1 between ?10 and ?35 °C post-holding) were tested in an orthogonal design with the two cryoprotectants. Results indicate that control larvae out-performed all cryopreservation treatments for survival, feeding consumption and shell length parameters. However, larvae exposed to 0.4 M trehalose did considerably better than those exposed to 0.2 M trehalose, regardless of cooling rate conditions. Scanning electron and light microscopy observations were used to assess larval morphology and organogenesis, indicating that treatments with surviving larvae were morphologically and developmentally similar to control larvae.  相似文献   
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