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为提高Kriging近似模型在船舶结构性能多维度响应预测方面的适用性,对常规Kriging近似模型进行分区间泛化改进:一是对设计样本点的各个维度(分量)进行划区,并在每一个分区间内采用最优拉丁超立方(OLhd)取样;二是引入比例系数w1组合高斯与指数型相关函数提高模型对数据的泛化能力,从而在每个划分的区间内建立泛化的Kriging近似模型。通过SCH测试函数,验证了构造的分区间泛化Kriging模型有效性。结合参数化建模和改进Kriging近似模型对某过渡肘板和舱口角隅边界进行形状优化,优化第一阶段由改进的近似模型通过多岛遗传算法得到全局初步的最优解,第二阶段在初步解的基础上缩小优化变量范围,由少量的FEM计算即可在小范围内搜寻到精确的最优设计变量。结果表明:分区间泛化Kriging近似模型在预测多维度响应时较常规Kriging模型预测精度更高;分阶段的形状优化流程在保证极小误差和缩小计算成本的情况下能够得到理想的应力分布和重量优化结果,有助于船舶结构的轻量化研究。  相似文献   
The impact of an elastic plate onto the compressible fluid without free surface deformation is considered. The ability of the liquid volume to be deformed is geometrically limited which leads to severe impact conditions. The present analysis is focused on the stresses in the plate and the hydrodynamic loads under the impact. The motivation for this research comes from ship hydrodynamics, where the hulls of a catamaran restrict the liquid outflow and the water impacts onto the wetdeck. The influence of the air on the impact process is investigated. The analysis did not reveal any great advantage of utilizing the air-cushion effect or ejection of air into the water near the impact region to prevent high stresses in the elastic plate. It was found that in the problem considered, the stress peaks far from the plate centre and the one-mode approximation does not provide correct information about the stress level.  相似文献   
The basis, process and results of the demonstration of the main dimensions of a 75000t floating production and storage vessel are discussed in this paper. A simple but reliable orthogonal design method is applied in the main dimension optimization. The ideas of gradual approximation and feedback from various aspects are put into effect. During the demonstration, in order to make the model tally with the actual situation, the draft design is closely related to the computational analysis, so that the demonstration model can be verified at any time; the handling of the overall system is closely related to the research of each item, which is beneficial not only to the mastery of various regularities, but also to the balance of decisions. Finally, according to the computational results and the regularities obtained from analysis, the main dimensions are determined.  相似文献   
To dates,most ship detection approaches for single-pol synthetic aperture radar(SAR) imagery try to ensure a constant false-alarm rate(CFAR).A high performance ship detector relies on two key components:an accurate estimation to a sea surface distribution and a fine designed CFAR algorithm.First,a novel nonparametric sea surface distribution estimation method is developed based on n-order Bézier curve.To estimate the sea surface distribution using n-order Bézier curve,an explicit analytical solution is derived based on a least square optimization,and the optimal selection also is presented to two essential parameters,the order n of Bézier curve and the number m of sample points.Next,to validate the ship detection performance of the estimated sea surface distribution,the estimated sea surface distribution by n-order Bézier curve is combined with a cell averaging CFAR(CA-CFAR).To eliminate the possible interfering ship targets in background window,an improved automatic censoring method is applied.Comprehensive experiments prove that in terms of sea surface estimation performance,the proposed method is as good as a traditional nonparametric Parzen window kernel method,and in most cases,outperforms two widely used parametric methods,K and G0 models.In terms of computation speed,a major advantage of the proposed estimation method is the time consuming only depended on the number m of sample points while independent of imagery size,which makes it can achieve a significant speed improvement to the Parzen window kernel method,and in some cases,it is even faster than two parametric methods.In terms of ship detection performance,the experiments show that the ship detector which constructed by the proposed sea surface distribution model and the given CA-CFAR algorithm has wide adaptability to different SAR sensors,resolutions and sea surface homogeneities and obtains a leading performance on the test dataset.  相似文献   
1 .IntroductionAshiptravelingatseaundergoesundesirablewave inducedmotions ,namely ,surge ,sway ,heav ing ,rolling ,pitchingandyaw .Thesemotionsoftencauseproblemstothecrew ,theonboardequip mentand ,intheworstcase ,thesafetyofthevessel.Tominimizethewave inducedshipmotions ,controlsystemsmaybeapplied .Theaccuratemodelingofshipmotionsisthereforeveryimportantforshipdesignanddesignofmotioncontrolsystems .Manyresearchershavedevelopedshipmotionpredictionmethodsbasedonthepotentialflowtheo ries (Dong ,…  相似文献   
The topic of ship recycling has obtained considerable attention during the last two decades for a variety of reasons with the likelihood of the adoption of a new international convention under the auspices of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). This study applies econometric modeling to a unique data set to provide insight into the dynamics of the ship recycling market. The data set contains information on 51,112 ships over 100 gt and includes 748,621 events over a period of 29 years. The analysis confirms a negative relationship of earnings and a positive relationship of scrap prices for all locations while Bangladesh seems to be more sensitive to changes in earnings than the other locations and more likely demolishes larger and older vessels. The results for flag and ownership vary across scrapping locations with Malta and Cyprus indicating potential importance from a registry perspective. The overall safety profile of a vessel seems to be less important towards the probability of a ship being scrapped. Possible implementation of the convention at EU level will mostly likely affect Turkey while non-ratification of one of the major flags will most likely affect China or Bangladesh.  相似文献   
A towing experiment was conducted using a modulated wave train to investigate the vertical bending responses of a hydro-structural container ship model. In the experiment, a spatially periodic modulated wave train, as a model of a freak wave in successive high waves mimicking the so-called three sisters, was generated by the recently established higher-order spectral method wave generation (HOSM-WG) method. HOSM-WG enables us to control the location and timing of the maximum crest height in a wave tank. With precise control of the towing carriage, an experiment was conducted in which the timing of the encounters between the ship model and the modulated wave train was accurately determined. The maximum sagging moment (SM) was found to increase in proportion with the encounter wave height. However, because of differences in the relative depth of the fore and aft troughs, the maximum SM is highly variable for a given wave height. The temporal wave-geometry evolution caused the relative trough-depth to vary significantly within a wave period in the vicinity of the maximum crest height. As a result, depending on the encounter timing, the SM varied considerably for a given wave height. The temporal variation of the wave geometry is a robust feature of a modulated wave train and is common between the spatially periodic and temporally periodic modulated wave trains.  相似文献   
平方千米阵列即将开始建设,各子工作包也进入关键设计评估阶段。基于云与容器技术是平方千米阵列科学数据处理器未来可能采用的平台技术。针对超大规模海量数据处理面临的天文应用软件快速部署、运行与实测要求,充分考虑天文应用软件运行环境复杂、云计算环境下超大规模计算集群部署困难等问题,系统研究并给出了一种使用容器技术的天文应用软件通用自动部署方法。以目前较为常用的可见度函数校准软件SAGECaL为例,首先分析了SAGECaL的相关特性和分布式部署方面存在的困难,进而给出了基于容器技术的SAGECaL分布式集群的自动部署方法。实验结果表明,自动部署方法极大地提高了SAGECaL分布式集群的部署效率,满足项目组承担平方千米阵列科学数据处理器相关测试工作所需要的基础平台部署与切换等需求,同时也为其它天文软件在云端的快速部署与执行提供了有益的思路。  相似文献   
日照港30万吨油码头船舶泊稳物理模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王世江 《海岸工程》2006,25(4):25-30
日照港拟在岚北港区建设30万吨级原油码头,通过实验测定了船舶在风、浪、流作用下对码头结构的作用力、船舶运动量最大值、最大缆绳拉力、船舶对护舷撞击能量和撞击力,为工程结构设计和操船规程的制定提供可靠依据。  相似文献   
通过大连港外海上实验测量船舶含气泡尾迹表观光学特征(如离水辐亮度、遥感反射率),分析了尾迹气泡对极度混浊的Ⅱ类水体海水表观光学特征的影响.实验结果证明:无论在可见光还是近红外波段,尾迹气泡都增强了海水表观光学量,如"耘海"船尾迹遥感反射率在可见光波段相对背景海水提高了50%,在近红外波段相对提高了159%.数据分析结果表明在此种水体中,气泡使得尾迹海水水色变黄,而不是在Ⅰ类水体中使水色变绿.随着观测点在尾迹中的位置靠近目标船,气泡数密度不断增加,遥感反射率也随之增强.  相似文献   
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