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利用1970年以来至今青藏块体东北部大量的震源机制解,分时间统计其主压应力方位并求其归一化分布。根据P轴的优势分布方位,推测其主压应力方向。同时,借助有限元方法,利用GPS大地水平形变观测资料,把1999年以来青藏块体东北部大量的GPS资料经过解算,计算其最大主应变率场及最大剪切应变率场。将震源机制解P轴的主压应力方向和GPS计算的最大主应力方向进行对比,分析青藏块体东北部构造应力场随时空的变化特点及时空差异性,探讨震源机制解P轴的优势分布方位、GPS资料的最大主应力方向与地震孕育之间的关系。  相似文献   

Dans la Cordillère Orientale des Andes de Bolivie, le Mésozoïque est eonservé le plus souvent dans des synclinaux discontinus, fréquemment chevauchés par des écailles de Paléozoïqne. Les sédiments mésozoïques, marins et continentaux de plateforme d’arrière-arc, ont jusqu’à présent été considérés comme déposés en régime extensif. Ils recouvrent en discordance le Paléozoïque plissé et l’aillé à l’Hercynien et, postérieurement, profondément érodé avant la sédimentation mésozoïque. Des paléofailles majeures N-S, NW-SE et NE-SW, héritées de structurations antérieures, ont influencé l’évolution géodynamique du bassin mésozoïque depuis la lin du Jurassique.

Dans la partie méridionale de la Cordillère Orientale, la région de Tica Tica présente de nombreux indices de serrage synsédimentaire depuis le début des dépôts mésozoïques jusqu’à la discordance campano-maastriehtienne (phase « péruvienne »). Le domaine de la Cordillère Orientale, avant-pays du bassin d’arrière-arc chiléno-péruvien, peut être ainsi interprété comme un secteur en compression sur lequel les transgressions successives, au Cénomanien, au Turonien et au Campano-Maastrichtien. soulignent divers instants d’un processus pratiquement continu de déformation.

Pendant le Tertiaire, les chevauchements andins réactivent les accidents majeurs préexistants : ils en inversent le mouvement, ou les déforment, ou bien les utilisent comme zones de coulissage. Ainsi, contrairement à ce qui a pu être proposé, le raccourcissement de la chaîne des Andes boliviennes, initié à la fin du Jurassique et faisant intervenir des fractures profondes, implique une participation, non seulement de la totalité de la pile séilimeutaire, mais très vraisemblablement aussi de son substratum précambrien comme c’est le cas dans le Nord-Ouest argentin.  相似文献   
通过对上海软土的原状土和重塑土的压缩试验,对原状土和重塑土的压缩性状以及两者压缩模量和压缩系数进行分析。研究结构性对上海软土压缩特性的影响,并对其微观行为进行了分析,得出上海软土的结构屈服应力在100~150kPa之间,及其对压缩模量与压缩系数等力学指标的影响。  相似文献   
将大陆岩石层视为由幂指数律控制的一层薄层,它上伏在粘滞性较低的软流层之 上蠕变流动,其运动限制在与东亚大陆构造形态较相似的边界模型的梯形框架之中.设印度 板块以一恒定的速度向北推进,并被视为青藏高原挤压隆升的主要动力.用数值模拟的方法 研究了青藏高原的挤压隆升演化过程,并对数值模拟的隆升过程作了剥蚀修正.结果表明, 由挤压模型所产生的地形和现代青藏高原及其邻区的地形格局比较吻合.同时也表明,挤压 隆升过程受多种因素(如岩石层的力学特性、边界条件以及剥蚀作用)的制约,无论从空间还 是从时间上看,模拟所反映的高原隆升都是不均匀的演化过程.  相似文献   
The compression index is a one of the important soil parameters that is essential to geotechnical designs. As the determination of the compression index from consolidation tests is relatively time-consuming, empirical formulas based on soil parameters can be useful. Over the decades, a number of empirical formulas have been proposed to relate the compressibility to other soil parameters, such as the natural water content, liquid limit, plasticity index, specific gravity, and others. Each of the existing empirical formulas yields good results for a particular test set, but cannot accurately or reliably predict the compression index from various test sets. In this study, an alternative approach, an artificial neural network (ANN) model, is proposed to estimate the compression index with numerous consolidation test sets. The compression index was modeled as a function of seven variables including the natural water content, liquid limit, plastic index, specific gravity, and soil types. Nine hundred and forty-seven consolidation tests for soils sampled at 67 construction sites in the Republic of Korea were used for the training and testing of the ANN model. The predicted results showed that the neural network could provide a better performance than the empirical formulas.  相似文献   
The structure of diopside (CaMgSi2O6) has been calculated at pressures between 0 and 25 GPa using the planewaves and pseudopotentials approach to density functional theory. After applying a pressure correction of 4.66 GPa to allow for the under-binding usually associated with the generalized gradient approximation, cell parameters are in good agreement with experiment. Fitting to the third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state yields values of 122 GPa and 4.7 for the bulk modulus and its pressure derivative. In addition to cell parameters, our calculations provide all atomic positional parameters to pressures considerably beyond those currently available from experiment. We have analyzed these data in terms of polyhedral rigidity and regularity and find that the most compressible Ca polyhedron becomes markedly less anisotropic above 10 GPa. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
青藏高原南北向地堑系的实验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
潘裕生  钟嘉猷  周勇 《地质科学》2003,38(2):172-178,213
青藏高原南北向正断层及与其伴生的地堑是当前的热门话题。对其成因的认识分歧颇大,它们与高原隆升的关系则还处于推论阶段。本文用模拟实验的方法检验了其中的主要观点,结果表明:南北向正断层及与其伴生的地堑是南北向挤压的结果,是在挤压中期横张裂隙的基础上发展起来的。因此,它不代表高原已抬升到了最大高度后的塌陷,而是伴随高原隆升过程中的产物。  相似文献   
Seismic reflection profiles indicate the compressive nature of the structural style associated with the major uplift events in the Cooper–Eromanga Basins. Inversion geometries and reactivated features attest to a period of compression during Late Triassic–Early Jurassic times. In the Eromanga Basin, compressional structural styles associated with Late Cretaceous–Tertiary are apparent. Many of the Late Cretaceous–Tertiary structures coincide with exhumation highs in Late Cretaceous–Tertiary times. The two-layer lithospheric compression model is considered as the most complete explanation of both the uplift of areas subject to compression and crustal thickening, and of the regional uplift of areas not subject to any apparent Late Cretaceous–Tertiary compression. In the model, compression and thickening in the lower lithosphere is decoupled and laterally displaced from that in the upper crust. Thickening of the mantle lithosphere without thickening of the overlying crust can account for the initial subsidence then uplift of not inverted platform areas. The opening of the Tasman Sea and the Coral Seas can lead to stress transmission in the interior of the continent. These stresses are likely to generate uplift but cannot explain the distribution of uplift in areas not subject to compression.  相似文献   

The Modified Cam Clay (MCC) model is extended based on S-shaped compression so that the quantitative inaccuracies and the qualitative errors of the model associated with both low and high stress levels can be removed. The following modifications are made: (i) a material constant r, the spacing ratio, is introduced; (ii) the yield surface is modified for r?≠?2; and (iii) the ratio of the elastic compression index to the virgin compression index is assumed to be constant. The compression and shearing behavior of reconstituted clays for p′ < ∝ can be successfully described. Following the same method, the proposed complete S-shaped compression curve can be implemented to many existing models, removing errors of the models at the extremities of stress level and improving the performance of the models for different stress levels with one set of values of the model parameters.  相似文献   
In deep-sea mining engineering, the compression–shear coupling effect of the sediment on the moving tracked mining vehicle must be considered, since it is proved to be existing in compression–shear creep test of the sediment simulant. Based on the endochronic theory, the compression–shear coupling rheological model is established by the definition of intrinsic time and calculation of deviatoric tensor, where the coupling rheological parameters can be obtained by the compression–shear creep test. For simulating sinkage and traction force of the moving tracked mining vehicle, the compression–shear coupling rheological model as well as compressive rheological model and direct shear rheological model (regardless of coupling rheological effect) is programmed and introduced into RecurDyn software (with only traditional elastic–plastic constitutive model) for comparison. Research results show that the sinkage is the largest, and the traction force is the smallest under the compression–shear coupling rheological model, which could better reflect the worse working situation. The compression–shear coupling rheological model could provide theoretical basis for optimal design and safety assessment of the tracked mining vehicle.  相似文献   
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