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The late Pleistocene–Holocene ecological and limnological history of Lake Fúquene (2580 m a.s.l.), in the Colombian Andes, is reconstructed on the basis of diatom, pollen and sediment analyses of the upper 7 m of the core Fúquene‐7. Time control is provided by 11 accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C dates ranging from 19 670 ± 240 to 6040 ± 60 yr BP. In this paper we present the evolution of the lake and its surroundings. Glacial times were cold and dry, lake‐levels were low and the area was surrounded by paramo and subparamo vegetation. Late‐glacial conditions were warm and humid. The El Abra Stadial, a Younger Dryas equivalent, is reflected by a gap in the sedimentary record, a consequence of the cessation of deposition owing to a drop in lake‐level. The early Holocene was warm and humid; at this time the lake reached its maximum extension and was surrounded by Andean forest. The onset of the drier climate prevailing today took place in the middle Holocene, a process that is reflected earlier in the diatom and sediment records than in the pollen records. In the late Holocene human activity reduced the forest and transformed the landscape. Climate patterns from the Late‐glacial and throughout the Holocene, as represented in our record, are similar to other records from Colombia and northern South America (the Caribbean, Venezuela and Panama) and suggest that the changes in lake‐level were the result of precipitation variations driven by latitudinal shifts of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study presents a detailed spatial, quantitative assessment of the land use/cover changes (LUCC) in the savanna region of Llanos Orientales in Colombia. LUCC was determined from multitemporal satellite imagery (Landsat and CBERS) from 1987 to 2007. Systematic landscape transitions were identified and put in the context of population change and economic activity. The results showed that during the period 1987 to 2007, 14% of the study area underwent some kind of land use/cover change, with most change occurring in the last decade. Systematic transitions were observed from flooded savannas to crops and exotic pastures. An important land cover change was linked to the expansion of palm oil plantations from 31 km2 in 1987 to 162 km2 in 2007. The observed changes are shown to be related to the economic and market-oriented-development from before 1970 to the present day. Based on the future economic development plans, the Llanos Orientales will continue to undergo significant change as an estimated 70% of the 17,000 km2 have been identified for conversion to plantation, or for petroleum and mining purposes. We provide recommendations for future economy integrated conservation, by proposing the implementation of a Llanos ecological network.  相似文献   
To understand the coastal water quality of San Andrès Island, and provide tools for the management of its marine resources, we present the historical analysis of the island monitoring, which includes ammonia, nitrites, nitrate, phosphates, fecal and total coliforms. The anthropogenic pressure on the coastal system is heavy, with water nutrification, posing at risk seagrass and coral ecosystems. During dry season, biologically available nitrogen is 3-9 times higher than the maximum recommended for coral reefs, while during wet season values are 2-6.4 times the maximum. Biologically available phosphorous is also high, 1-8 times the maximum during dry season, 2-13 times during wet season. In some sites the concentration of pathogenic bacteria is above the limits set by law for primary and secondary contact. It is urgent to improve the management of sewage discharge, the main polluting source of San Andres coastal waters.  相似文献   
Rapp, Anders: Periglacial nivation cirques and local glaciations in the rock canyons of Söderåsen, Scania, Sweden. A discussion and new interpretation. Geografisk Tidsskrift 82: 95–99, Copenhagen, October 15, 1982.

Present opinions about the genesis of the rock canyons OdensjOn, Skäralid and Klöva Hallar of Söderåsen, Sweden are reviewed, and a new theory is presented. It is proposed, that during periglacial tundra periods large amounts of drifting snow collected in valleys of north-south directions. Small glaciers were created, which caused local overdeepening and removal of loose material. These processes were active in tundra periods before and after the main Quaternary glaciations.


Odensjön, Skäralid and Klöva Hallar are three valleys of canyon type, deeply cut (60–100 m) into the horst block of Söderåsen, of fractured Precambrian gneiss rock. It has been shown by other authors that the cold periods after the Weichselian deglaciation were characterized by permafrost and ice wedges on sandy plains in south Sweden. Strong winds caused widespread wind-polishing of stones and bedrock, predominantly from easterly and westerly directions. Based on this evidence, the author presents the theory that large deposits of wind-blown snow were trapped in the canyon valleys of Söderåsen, except for the valleys of east-west directions. The snow was metamorphosed to firn and local, small glaciers, which filled the valleys. The rims of the canyon valleys have in many cases well developed nivation hollows, either steep nivation funnels or gently sloping, semicircular nivation cirques. Odensjøn is a closed, semicircular rock basin, which has been much discussed by scientists earlier, and which seems to fit the theory of creation by nivation from mainly west, but also east, and a local cirque glacier flow northwards causing the overdeepening and removal of loose material. The three valleys mentioned were problably widened and deepened into a series of nivation basins in tundra periods before and after each major continental glaciation. The nivation hollows and the deep canyon valleys were not destroyed by glacial erosion during the Weichselian and earlier Quaternary major ice advances, because the valleys were filled with densely packed snow and ice from snow drifting before the main glacier front moved over them from NE directions. The theory will be further checked by a team of scientists from the Department of Physical Geography in Lund. A comparison is made with cirque forms in present-day mountain tundra conditions in the area of Kärkevagge in northern Lappland, investigated by the author during the 1950's and later.  相似文献   
Samples of the deep crust and upper mantle in the Northern Andes occur as abundant xenoliths in the Granatífera Tuff, a late Cenozoic vent in the Mercaderes area of SW Colombia. The lower crustal assemblage includes granulites, hornblendites, pyribolites, pyroxenites and gneisses; mafic rocks predominate, but felsic material is also common. PT conditions for the pyribolite assemblages (i.e. Hbl+Fs/Scp+Grt+Cpx+Qtz±Bt), which are the best constrained, are 720–850 °C and 10–14 kbar, consistent with a deep-to-lower crustal origin. A notable feature of this xenolith suite is that it is dominated by hornblende. However, mineral reactions within the suite show that there is a transition from amphibolite to granulite facies, and there is a probable restite–melt relationship represented within the suite. However, the latter appears to be dominated by hornblende and garnet.The mafic rocks mostly lack the high Cr and Ni that would be expected of cumulates. Neither do they possess the positive Sr and Eu anomalies that would be consistent with resite or cumulate models for the lower crust. They bear greatest similarity to oceanic basalts (s.l.). The Rb contents of the xenoliths, whether mafic or silicic, are very low, and the more silicic members of the suite tend to have small positive Sr and Eu anomalies, which are transitional to adakitic compositions. The Sr isotopic compositions of the xenoliths lie between 0.704 and 0.705; however, the Nd isotopic compositions are much more variable, indicating considerable long-term heterogeneity. Few of the xenoliths can be compositionally recognised as metasedimentary; however, a sedimentary component is evident in the Pb isotopic compositions. Within these constraints, our favoured model is a deep crust formed by basaltic components (subduction–accretion?), and minor sediment, which is subject to an increase in thermal gradient to produce the granulites, any melting being dominated by hornblende-out reactions involving garnet. However, there is no evidence of any pervasive crustal melting, leading to the conclusion that the voluminous Andean magmatism arises from the mantle wedge.  相似文献   
通过色度学计算,将我国云南祖母绿的颜色特征与世界公认的最优质的哥伦比亚祖母绿的颜色特征进行对比,并通过化学成分及吸收光谱对其颜色产生差异的原因进行了分析,得出云南祖母绿的颜色多以黄绿色,绿色偏黄色为主的原因,是与Cr、V的含量,且V>Cr,以及Fe3+的存在有关。  相似文献   
Theorizations of sustainability transformation have foregrounded the construction (making) of novel socioecological relations; however, they generally have obscured processes of deliberate deconstruction (unmaking) of existing, unsustainable ones. Amidst ever more compelling evidence of the simultaneous unsustainability and continued reproduction of capitalist modernity, it is misguided to assume that transformation can happen by the mere construction of supposed ‘solutions’, be they technological, social or cultural. We rather need to better understand whether and how existing institutions, forms of knowledge, practices, imaginaries, power structures, and human-non-human relations can be deconstructed at the service of sustainability transformation. This paper demonstrates the usefulness of a lens that attends to processes of making and unmaking in sustainability transformations through an analysis of an ongoing sustainability transformation, the territorios campesinos agroalimentarios (TCA) endogenous territorial figure and peasant movement in Colombia. TCA is transforming territory beyond capitalism on the basis of relational ontologies and principles of autonomy, dignity and sufficiency. This paper identifies processes of unmaking of capitalism in the TCA and demonstrates how they are concretely entangled in the construction of post-capitalist realities. This paper sketches a research agenda on sustainability transformation that is sensitive to and theoretically equipped for the analysis of transformation as a multifaceted, multilevel process that entails the deconstruction of capitalist modernity and the construction of post-capitalist realities. Central to this agenda is a plural engagement with theories of social change from across the social sciences and humanities, which have not previously been mobilized for this endeavour.  相似文献   
The occurrence and the chemical compositions of ore minerals (especially the silver‐bearing minerals) and fluid inclusions of the El Zancudo mine in Colombia were investigated in order to analyze the genetic processes of the ore minerals and to examine the genesis of the deposit. The El Zancudo mine is a silver–gold deposit located in the western flank of the Central Cordillera in Antioquia Department. It consists mainly of banded ore veins hosted in greenschist and lesser disseminated ore in porphyritic rocks. The ore deposit is associated with extensive hydrothermally altered zones. The ores from the banded veins contain sphalerite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, galena, Ag‐bearing sulfosalts, Pb‐Sb sulfosalts, and minor chalcopyrite, electrum, and native silver. Electrum is included within sphalerite, pyrite, and arsenopyrite, and is also partially surrounded by pyrite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite, and tetrahedrite. Native silver is present in minor amounts as small grains in contact with Ag‐rich sulfosalts. Silver‐bearing sulfosalts are argentian tetrahedrite–freibergite solid solution, andorite, miargyrite, diaphorite, and owyheeite. Pb‐Sb sulfosalts are bournonite, jamesonite, and boulangerite. Two main crystallization stages are recognized, based on textural relations and mineral assemblages. The first‐stage assemblage includes sphalerite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, galena and electrum. The second stage is divided into two sub‐stages. The first sub‐stage commenced with the deposition and growth of sphalerite, pyrite, and arsenopyrite. These minerals are characterized by compositional growth banding, and seem to have crystallized continuously until the end of the second sub‐stage. Tetrahedrite, Pb‐Cu sulfosalts, Ag‐Sb sulfosalt, and Pb‐Ag‐Sb sulfosalts crystallized from the final part of the first sub‐stage and during the whole second sub‐stage. However, one Pb‐Ag‐Sb sulfosalt, diaphorite, was formed by a retrograde reaction between galena and miargyrite. The minimum and maximum genetic temperatures estimated from the FeS content of sphalerite coexisting with pyrite and the silver content of electrum are 300°C and 420°C, respectively. These estimated genetic temperatures are similar to, but slightly higher than the homogenization temperatures (235–350°C) of primary fluid inclusions in quartz. The presence of muscovite in the altered host rocks and gangue suggest that the pH of the hydrothermal solutions was close to neutral. Most of the sulfosalts in this deposit have previously been attributed as the products of epithermal mineralization. However, El Zancudo can be classified as a xenothermal deposit, in view of the low pressure and high temperature genetic conditions identified in the present study, based on the mineralogy of sulfosalts and the homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions.  相似文献   
The coastal confined aquifer in the Gulf of Urabá (Colombia) is an important water source for the banana agro‐industry as well as for urban and rural communities. However, the main processes controlling recharge and mixing in the aquifer are still poorly understood. Hydrochemical analyses and stable isotope monitoring were conducted to (a) determine groundwater recharge origin, mean groundwater age, and the main processes governing groundwater chemistry and the potential mixing of marine water and the influence of diffusive processes from the two surrounding aquitard layers. Hydrochemical data indicate that the main processes affecting the dissolved chemical composition include cation exchange, dissolution of carbonated and CO2, and silicate weathering. δ18O and δ2H compositions combined with 14C data highlight the differences in climatic conditions between the recharge zone and the confined section of the aquifer, which is close to the Atlantic Ocean. Groundwater samples with 14C ages from recent to 28,300 years BP show a depleted isotopic trend ranging from ?6.43‰ to ?9.14‰ in δ18O and from ?43.2‰ to ?65.7‰ in δ2H. The most depleted δ18O and δ2H compositions suggest a cooler recharge climate than the current conditions (corresponding to the last glacial period of the late Pleistocene). Depleted δ13C values in the total dissolved inorganic carbon indicate the existence of organic material oxidation processes within the geologic formation. These results can be used or transferred to enhance groundwater modelling efforts in other confined coastal aquifers of South America where scarcity of long‐term monitoring data limits water resources planification under a changing climate.  相似文献   
Interest in Colombia’s offshore industry has increased over the past years. Therefore a detailed characterization of extreme wind and waves, in terms of return periods, numbers of events and its duration during the annual cycle, is needed. Two sets of high-resolution data are used in the statistical extreme value analysis (EVA). The significant wave height data (0.125°, 6 h) are from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA-Interim reanalysis available for the past 35 years (1979–2014). Surface winds (0.25°, 6 h) from the Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform Ocean Surface Wind Vector Analyses (CCMP) of NASA/GSFC/NOAA (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) are available for the past 24 years (1987–2011). Three well-known methods are applied to the data: the Block Maxima (BM), the Peak-Over-Threshold (POT) and the Method of Independent Storm (MIS). Several probabilistic models (Gumbel, Generalized Extreme Value, Weibull and Pareto) are evaluated for the BM and different threshold values for the POT and MIS. The results show that waves can reach up to 3.8 m and winds can be as strong as 31 m/s when considering the 50–100-year return periods. However, the wave model could underestimate values by up to one meter; hence, there is a probability of higher values in the region. Seasonally, most extreme events occur during the dry season (December–March) and during the Mid-Summer-Drought (MDS) or Veranillo months (June–July). Local conditions, including the reinforcement of the Caribbean Low Level Jet (CLLJ) and the occurrence of cold atmospheric fronts, are important drivers of extreme metoceanic variability. The total number of extreme wind events varied spatially and temporally from 15 to 65 and the mean duration from 15 to 25 h. A total number of extreme wave events ranging from <10 to 80 were computed during the annual cycle in the areas of interest, with a mean duration of less than 40 h.  相似文献   
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