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The unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, a model organism known for its unique combination of highly desirable molecular genetic, physiological and morphological characteristics, was employed in the present study. The species was cultured in BG11 liquid medium contained various initial concentrations of Pb2+ and Cd2+ (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 mg/L). The experiment was conducted for six days and the metal induced alterations in the ultrastructure, growth and pigment contents were assessed. Alterations in the ultrastructure of the Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 ceils became evident with the increased (>4 mg/L Pb2+) metal concentration. The photosynthetic apparatus (thylakoid membranes) were found to be the worst affected. Deteriorated or completely destroyed thylakoid membranes have made large empty spaces in the cell interior. In addition, at the highest concentration (8 mg/L pb2+), the polyphosphate granules became more prominent both in size and number. Despite the initial slight stimulations (0.2, 3.8 and 6.5% respectively at 0.5, 1 and 2 mg/L Pb2+), both metals inhibited the growth in a dose-dependent manner as incubation progressed. Pigment contents (chlorophyll a, βcarotene and phycocyanin) were also decreased with increasing metal concentration. Cells exposed to 6 mg/L Pb2+, resulted in 36.56, 37.39 and 29.34% reductions of chlorophyll a, β carotene and phycocyanin respectively over the control. Corresponding reductions for the same Cd2+concentrations were 57.83, 48.94 and 56.90%. Lethal concentration (96 h LC50) values (3.47 mg/L Cd2+ and 12.11 mg/L Pb2+) indicated that Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 is more vulnerable to Cd2+ than Pb2+.  相似文献   
通过对济阳县生态地球化学调查研究,该区受成土母质来源、土壤类型、地形地貌及其理化性质等因素影响,土壤元素全量、有效量及有效度表现为:低平洼地土壤中K,P,N,Se,Mn,Fe,Zn,Cu和Mo全量较高,P,N,Se和Cu有效量较高,显示为低平洼地为黏质成分的沉积成因特点;而决口扇形地区土壤Cu,Mo,N,Zn,B有效量和全量均偏低。富含有机质,且pH相对较低的潮土中Se,Cu,Mo和B等元素有效度较高,贫有机质、pH相对较高的草甸风沙土中N,Fe,Cu,Mo,B和S等元素有效量较低,但K有效量和有效度均较高。统计分析表明,土壤中K,P,N,S和Cu等元素全量与有效量间具显著正相关性,表明全量是有效量的重要影响控制因素;有机质含量与K,P,Zn,Cu和B有效度间为显著正相关,说明有机质较高有利于土壤元素活化;Fe,P,S,Zn,B和Cu有效度与pH值为显著负相关,表明土壤酸性增强会增加这类元素的生物有效性。  相似文献   
The planar photosynthetically available radiation (PAR), turbidity and concentration of chlorophyll a (chl a), were measured at 26 stations in the Huanghai (Yellow) Sea during a cruise of China SOLAS from 19 to 27 March 2005. Due to low chl a (<0.35 mg · m-3 ) in upper layers (above 5 m), suspended particulate matter became the major factor that influenced the turbidity in early spring. The calculated vertical diffuse attenuation coefficient of PAR, K PAR , varied with water depths with a maximum value in t...  相似文献   
提要:选取辽宁獐子岛近岸海域大叶藻样品,对其根系、根状茎和不同生长阶段叶片的灰分含量、热值和元素含量(碳、氮、磷)及其相关性进行研究,结果表明:在不同生长阶段,叶片长度随着生长顺序先增大后减小;灰分含量随着叶片生长逐渐升高,且极显著小于根状茎和根系(P<0.01);不同部位干质量热值差异极显著(P<0.01),以初生叶最高,为14894.36±40.25 Jg-1,后逐渐减小,在根系中最小,为8153.81±78.91 Jg-1;不同生长阶段叶片的去灰分热值差异不大,但大于根系和根状茎;碳氮磷含量均呈同一趋势:初生叶>幼叶>成熟叶1>成熟叶2>衰老叶>根状茎>根系;N/P比值为12.23,说明大叶藻存在N限制;N/P比值在根状茎中最大,根系中最小,这说明大叶藻存在能量的转移和存贮;大叶藻不同部位灰分含量与干质量热值、去灰分热值、碳含量、氮含量、磷含量之间呈极显著的负相关(P<0.01),干质量热值与碳含量、氮含量、磷含量之间呈极显著的正相关(P<0.01);大叶藻不同部位的热值与碳氮磷元素含量之间均呈显著的线性关系(P<0.05)。  相似文献   
采用活性炭吸附法脱除鱿鱼(Ommastrephes bartrami)皮胶原蛋白提取液中色素,优化脱色条件,以进一步利用鱿鱼皮胶原蛋白。在确定该色素特征吸收波长为420 nm条件下,分别研究了活性炭添加量、脱色时间、溶液p H值和脱色温度对鱿鱼皮胶原蛋白液色素脱除效果影响。在单因素实验基础上,选择脱色时间30 min,进行活性炭添加量、溶液p H值、脱色温度三因素三水平BoxBehnken中心组合响应面分析试验。结果表明,活性炭吸附鱿鱼皮胶原蛋白液色素最佳条件为活性炭添加量4.2%,溶液p H值2.27,脱色温度35°C,该条件下鱿鱼皮胶原蛋白液的脱色率为45.6%,蛋白质和氨基酸损耗率分别为19.65%和22.93%。脱色后鱿鱼皮胶原蛋白的甘氨酸含量最高(136.02 mg/g,相对含量23.05%),谷氨酸、精氨酸和脯氨酸含量也较高,而半胱氨酸和蛋氨酸总量不到1%,符合水产蛋白氨基酸和I型胶原蛋白氨基酸特点。  相似文献   
The hydrographically different conditions characterising the Western Iberian Margin (NE Atlantic) and the Gulf of Lions (Mediterranean) may play an important role in determining the biogeochemical characteristics of the sediments. To investigate this, we compared the Nazaré and Cap de Creus canyons, and their respective adjacent open slopes in terms of the organic carbon (Corg) contents, chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentrations, C:N and chl-a:phaeopigment ratios, and also in terms of modelled mixing intensities, chl-a and 210Pb deposition and background concentrations in sediments. Chlorophyll-a and 210Pb profiles were fitted simultaneously with a reactive transport model to estimate mixing intensity, deposition and background concentrations. Further, to account for the possibility that the decay of chl-a may be lower in the deep sea than in shallow areas, we estimated the model parameters with two models. In one approach (model 1), the temperature dependent decay rate of chl-a as given by Sun et al. [Sun, M.Y., Lee, C., Aller, R.C. (1993) Laboratory Studies of Oxic and Anoxic Degradation of chlorophyll-a in Long-Island sound sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 57, 147-157] for estuaries was used. In the other approach (model 2), an extra parameter was estimated to derive the chlorophyll-a degradation rate. An F-test, taking into account the different number of parameters in the models, was used to single out the model that significantly fitted the data best. In most cases, the model parameters were best-explained with model 1, indicating the empirical relationship by Sun et al. (1993) is a valid means to estimate the chlorophyll-a degradation rate in deep sea sediments. To assess the robustness with which the model parameters were estimated we provide a first application of Bayesian analysis in the modelling of tracers in sediments. Bayesian analysis allows calculating the mean and standard deviation for each model parameter and correlations among parameters. The model parameters for stations for which 210Pb and chlorophyll-a profiles were available were robustly fitted as evidenced by an average coefficient of variation of 0.22. Corg contents, chl-a concentrations, chl-a:phaeo ratios, mixing intensities, depositions and background concentrations of chl-a and 210Pb indicated that the Cap de Creus canyon and adjacent slope were less active in terms of organic matter accumulation and burial than the Nazaré canyon and respective open slope.  相似文献   
Rose Bengal stained benthic foraminifera were studied from 11 cores collected along two depth transects off southern Portugal: one in the Lisbon-Setúbal Canyon and the other along the canyon edge. The total standing stocks and distribution of foraminifera were investigated in relation to sediment and pore water geochemistry. Nitrate was used as a redox indicator, sedimentary chlorophyll a and CPE (chloroplastic pigment equivalents) contents as a measure of labile organic matter, and total organic carbon as a measure of bulk organic matter availability.The canyon sediments were enriched in organic carbon and phytopigments at all water depths in comparison with the canyon edge. Water depth seemed to control sedimentary phytopigment content, but not total organic carbon. No significant correlation was seen between pigment and total organic carbon content.The abundance of calcareous foraminifera correlated with the phytodetritus content, whereas a weaker correlation was observed for the agglutinated taxa. Therefore, calcareous foraminifera appear to require a fresher food input than agglutinated taxa. The foraminiferal species composition also varied with pigment content and nitrate penetration depth in the sediment, in line with the TROX concept. Phytopigment-rich (surficial CPE content >20 μg/cm3) sediments with a shallow nitrate penetration depth (∼1 cm depth) were inhabited by generally infaunal species such as Chilostomella oolina, Melonis barleeanus and Globobulimina spp. As the nitrate penetration increased to ∼2 cm depth in sediment and the pigment content remained relatively high (>15 μg/cm3), Uvigerina mediterranea and Uvigerina elongatastriata became dominant species. With declining CPE content and increasing nitrate penetration depth, the foraminiferal assemblages changed from the mesotrophic Cibicides kullenbergi-Uvigerina peregrina assemblage to the oligotrophic abyssal assemblage, mainly consisting of agglutinated taxa.  相似文献   
The snail, Littoraria scabra, is a dominant grazer on tropical mangrove trees, and may play an important role in the food web dynamics of these ecosystems. Its daily vertical migration to avoid tidal submersion results in exposure to varying food types and abundances. A comprehensive diet analysis – gut contents, fatty acid profiles, and stable isotopes (δ15N and δ13C) – was conducted on snails migrating along mangrove trees and snails maintained in non-tidal mesocosms at Nananu-i-ra, Fiji Islands. In addition, fatty acid profiles and stable isotope signatures were obtained from surface scrapings of mangrove roots, trunks, branches, and leaves. Results from this multi-technique study indicate that L. scabra is mainly a generalist herbivore, which easily shifts diets depending on food availability, and which also has the ability to ingest and assimilate zooplankton. Ingestion of greater quantities of diverse foods (i.e., microalgae, foliose/corticated macrophytes, filamentous algae, mangrove tissues, zooplankton) takes place in the bottom areas of mangrove trees (roots and trunks) during low tides, while top areas (branches and leaves) provide limited food resources for snails feeding during high tides. However, snails preferentially assimilate microalgae and bacteria, regardless of their feeding habitat (different areas within mangrove trees and non-tidal mesocosms). The daily vertical movements of this snail result in variable feeding times, ingestion of different food types and amounts, and different assimilations. These findings also suggest that organic matter derived from mangrove tissues may not be readily transferred to higher trophic levels through this grazing pathway.  相似文献   
Massachusetts Bay, a semi-enclosed embayment (50×100 km) in the Northwest Atlantic, is the focus of a monitoring program designed to measure the effects of relocating the Boston Harbor sewage outfall to a site 15 km offshore in Massachusetts Bay. The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) in situ monitoring program samples selected stations up to 17 times per year to observe seasonal changes in phytoplankton biomass and other water quality variables. We investigated the feasibility of augmenting the monitoring data with satellite ocean color data to increase the spatial and temporal resolution of quantitative phytoplankton measurements. In coastal regions such as Massachusetts Bay, ocean color remote sensing can be complicated by in-water constituents whose concentrations vary independently of phytoplankton and by inaccurate modeling of absorbing aerosols that tend to be concentrated near the coast. An evaluation of in situ and sea-viewing wide field-of-view sensor (SeaWiFS) measurements from 1998 to 2005 demonstrated that SeaWiFS overestimated chlorophyll a mainly due to atmospheric correction errors that were amplified by absorption from elevated concentrations of chlorophyll a and colored dissolved organic matter. Negative water-leaving radiances in the 412 nm band, an obvious artifact of inadequate atmospheric correction, were recorded in approximately 60–80% of the cloud-free images along the coast, while the remaining portions of the Bay only experience negative radiances 35–55% of the time with a clear nearshore to offshore decrease in frequency. Seasonally, the greatest occurrences of negative 412 nm radiances were in November and December and the lowest were recorded during the summer months. Concentrations of suspended solids in Massachusetts Bay were low compared with other coastal regions and did not have a significant impact on SeaWiFS chlorophyll a measurements. A regional empirical algorithm was developed to correct the SeaWiFS data to agree with in situ observations. Monthly SeaWiFS composites illustrated the spatial extent of a bimodal seasonal pattern, including prominent spring and fall phytoplankton blooms; and the approximate 115 cloud-free scenes per year revealed interannual variations in the timing, magnitude and duration of phytoplankton blooms. Despite known artifacts of SeaWiFS in coastal regions, this study provided a viable chlorophyll a product in Massachusetts Bay that significantly increased the spatial and temporal synoptic coverage of phytoplankton biomass, which can be used to gain a comprehensive ecosystem-wide understanding of phytoplankton dynamics at event, seasonal and interannual timescales.  相似文献   
This study presents new data on major, trace and REE element concentration of groundwaters in Lastochka spa located in the northern part of Primorye, Far East of Russia. The studied area is characterized by two types of groundwaters issued from a spring and wells: fresh waters with low mineralization (Total Dissolved Solids is up to 400 mg/l) and high pCO2 waters with high mineralization (TDS is up to 4700 mg/l). New data and previous δ13C(TIC), oxygen (δ18O) and hydrogen (δ2H) isotope data indicate that these waters result from meteoric water infiltration in the Sikhote–Alin mountain, circulating at shallow depths in sedimentary rocks. CO2 in groundwater is of mantle origin.  相似文献   
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