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李永祺  张鑫鑫 《海洋与湖沼》2021,52(5):1067-1074
海洋生态学和生物海洋学的研究内容大多交叉、重叠。为利于学科发展,文章在简述学科的产生与定义的基础上,强调学科之间要加强合作,适当分工。建议:海洋生态学侧重研究生物之间的相互关系和对环境的适应性、生存策略,并积极与经济、社会和文化相关学科交叉、融合;生物海洋学侧重于研究生物在海洋环境中的作用和功能,把推进对海洋的认识放在首位,加强与物理海洋学、化学海洋学的耦合,为海洋在地球四大圈层的相互关系中展现活力。据此,以渔业海洋学、海洋生态灾害和生物对地质的作用为例,阐述海洋生态学和生物海洋学的理解及其相互之间关系。  相似文献   
Water quality in Singapore's coastal area was evaluated with microbial indicators, pathogenic vibrios, chemical tracers and physico-chemical parameters. Sampling sites were grouped into two clusters (coastal sites at (i) northern and (ii) southern part of Singapore). The coastal sites located at northern part of Singapore along the Johor Straits exhibited greater pollution. Principal component analysis revealed that sampling sites at Johor Straits have greater loading on carbamazepine, while turbidity poses greater influence on sampling sites at Singapore Straits. Detection of pathogenic vibrios was also more prominent at Johor Straits than the Singapore Straits. This study examined the spatial variations in Singapore's coastal water quality and provided the baseline information for health risk assessment and future pollution management.  相似文献   
湖泊沉积物中元素相态的连续提取分析—以岱海为例   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
如何利用湖泊/海洋沉积物地球化学代用指标有效地指示环境很大程度取决于元素的来源及其在沉积物中赋存形态的确定.对位于半干旱区的内蒙古岱海14个沉积物样品的连续提取实验及18个元素在水可溶态、可交换态、碳酸盐结合态、铁锰氧化物结合态、有机物结合态及残留态等六种赋存相态中含量变化进行了测试和研究,结合沉积物的矿物组成,结果表明在岱海流域内只经历了较弱的化学风化过程,除了Ca和Sr外,其他元素主要赋存于残留态中,只发生了很小程度的活化溶解.受元素亲合性和湖水物理化学状态的制约,出溶的Sr与Ca的赋存相态基本一致,而出溶的Pb、Be、Co、Cu、K、Mn、Fe等元素则与自生碳酸盐、有机质表现出一定的亲合性.元素在不同赋存相态中分布为地球化学环境代用指标的提取和解释提供了机理性的实验依据.  相似文献   
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2016.09.005   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We propose the nuclear geyser model to elucidate an optimal site to bear the first life.Our model overcomes the difficulties that previously proposed models have encountered.Nuclear geyser is a geyser driven by a natural nuclear reactor,which was likely common in the Hadean Earth,because of a much higher abundance of ~(235)U as nuclear fuel.The nuclear geyser supplies the following:(1)high-density ionizing radiation to promote chemical chain reactions that even tar can be used for intermediate material to restart chemical reactions,(2)a system to maintain the circulation of material and energy,which includes cyclic environmental conditions(warm/cool,dry/wet,etc.)to enable to produce complex organic compounds,(3)a lower temperature than 100℃ as not to break down macromolecular organic compounds,(4)a locally reductive environment depending on rock types exposed along the geyser wall,and(5)a container to confine and accumulate volatile chemicals.These five factors are the necessary conditions that the birth place of life must satisfy.Only the nuclear geyser can meet all five,in contrast to the previously proposed birth sites,such as tidal flat,submarine hydrothermal vent,and outer space.The nuclear reactor and associated geyser,which maintain the circulations of material and energy with its surrounding environment,are regarded as the nuclear geyser system that enables numerous kinds of chemical reactions to synthesize complex organic compounds,and where the most primitive metabolism could be generated.  相似文献   
Physical properties of sea water,such as salinity,temperature,density and acoustic velocity,could be demarcated through degradation of energy caused by water absorption,attenuation and other factors.To overcome the challenging difficulties in the quick monitoring of these physical properties,we have explored the high resolution marine seismic survey to instantly characterize them.Based on the unique wavefield propagating in the sea water,we have developed a new approach to suppress the noise caused by the shallow sea water disturbance and obtain useful information for estimating the sea water structure.This approach improves seismic data with high signal-to-noise ratio and resolution.The seismic reflection imaging can map the sea water structure acoustically.Combined with the knowledge of local water body structure profile over years,the instant model for predicting the sea water properties could be built using the seismic data acquired from the specially designed high precision marine seismic acquisition.This model can also be updated with instant observation and the complete data processing system.The present study has the potential value to many applications,such as 3D sea water monitoring,engineering evaluation,geological disaster assessment and environmental assessment.  相似文献   
Seismic oceanography is a new cross-discipline of reflection seismology and physical oceanography. The biggest difference between seismic oceanography and traditional reflection seismology is its research object of time-varied seawater. How to estimate the temporal variations of reflectors in water structure and make some corrections in seismic data are basic problems in seismic oceanography research. Here a method of estimation for seawater movement is provided based on the reflectors. The application results of this method to the simulated and field seismic data turn out to be acceptable. As compared with the previous research, this method has the advantages of low-dependence on migration velocity and dip of reflectors, and it is very suitable for correction in a spectral analysis using seismic data, which is very useful in the research of ocean energy budget.  相似文献   
基于WRF/Chem(Weather Research Forecasting/Chemistry)模式对2015年11月25日至12月2日我国北方一次大范围PM2.5(空气动力学当量直径小于等于2.5 μm的颗粒物,即细颗粒物)重污染过程进行了模拟。与观测资料对比表明,模式能够较好地模拟出PM2.5浓度及气象因素的变化趋势,结果适用于此次污染事件的机理分析。动力、热力条件及化学转化等因素对此次强污染事件形成的机理分析表明,动力因子主要通过表面风和垂直风切变的减弱对此次污染事件造成影响,边界层逆温等热力因子促进了大气稳定性的增强,不利于污染物扩散。依据PM2.5组成成分变化分析可知,硝酸盐、硫酸盐和有机碳在此次事件中含量增加,说明机动车汽车尾气和燃煤排放所致的二次气溶胶生成对PM2.5污染加剧起重要贡献。多元线性回归分析和多因子相对贡献率量化解析结果表明,热力因子在此次污染过程中起主要作用,方差贡献率为52%,动力因子次之,方差贡献率为34%,而化学转化方差贡献率约为14%,说明气象条件,尤其是热力条件是引起此次污染事件的主要原因。  相似文献   
利用地震数据反演海水的温盐分布是地震海洋学研究的一个重要方向.本文分析了采集于伊比利亚半岛西南缘海域的GOLR12低频地震数据和同步观测的XBT(eXpendable BathyThermograph)、CTD(Conductivity-Temperature-Depth)资料,将叠后约束波阻抗反演方法应用到海水温度、盐度剖面的计算当中,计算结果显示这种反演方法可以提供水平分辨率为6.25 m的温度和盐度资料,温度的精度约为0.16 ℃,可以为物理海洋学研究提供高横向分辨率的基础数据.  相似文献   
Anhydrite–pyrite–magnetite–pyroxene–type deposits occur in the Mesozoic volcanic areas of the Middle–Lower Yangtze Valley in China. These deposits are hosted in alkaline basaltic rocks, and are generally accompanied by melanocratic and leucocratic alteration zones, both of which are characterized by a distinct vertical zonation pattern. Investigation of these zones indicates that the chemical compositions of solid solutions and polymorphs of various minerals vary spatially in the alteration profile, upwards from the lowest level, and outwards from the center.Here we report a case study on the Luohe deposit. In the melanocratic-alteration zone, the composition of magnetite (including trace elements Ti, V, Mg, Mn), pyroxene (Mg, Fe2+, Fe3+, Al2O3), plagioclase (AnxAb1 − x), pyrite (Co, Ni) and apatite (F, CeO2 + Y2O3 + La2O3) changes with depth. The isotherms of hydrothermal fluids determined from fluid inclusion data, including homogenization temperature and salinity, also vary with depth.Activity diagrams were constructed from mineral and isotherm analysis to estimate the chemical constraints on the alteration-mineral assemblages and the coexisting hydrothermal solutions for the Na2O–K2O–CaO–MgO–FeO–Fe2O3–A12O3–SiO2–H2SO4–H2S–HCI–H2O system at 350 to 600 °C and 500 bars (50 MPa), assuming that the major alteration mineral assemblages along the profile reflect the nature of the coexisting hydrothermal solutions. The activity diagrams adopted the major minerals as buffers to fix the activities of the aqueous species in the system, simulating the physicochemical conditions of the magnetite–anhydrite–pyroxene equilibrium and of solid solutions of diopside–hedenbergite, grossular–andradite and anorthite–albite found in the profile.This study provides an approach to modeling the chemical constraints of coexisting fluids in ore-alteration zones based on field observations.  相似文献   
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