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南海东北部末次冰期以来的沉积环境演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用南海东北部上陆坡处所取的D孔柱样进行硅藻分析,结合粒度与碎屑矿物分析结果,探讨该海域末次冰期以来沉积环境演变过程.结果表明:粒度与硅藻分析结果较为吻合,共同显示D孔柱样可分为上下两层.上表层(0~2 cm)的砂质沉积层为冰后期海进过程改造的晚更新世残留沉积层,即变余沉积;下层(2~130 cm)主要是末次冰期形成的浅海沉积.整个柱样可反映出海洋同位素MIS 4期海退至MIS 3期海进与MIS 2期海退至冰后期海进的沉积变化韵律.  相似文献   
Microfossil analysis (e.g. diatoms, foraminifera and pollen) represents the cornerstone of Holocene relative sea-level (RSL) reconstruction because their distribution in the contemporary inter-tidal zone is principally controlled by ground elevation within the tidal frame. A combination of poor microfossil preservation and a limited range in the sediment record may severely restrict the accuracy of resulting RSL reconstructions. Organic δ13C and C/N analysis of inter-tidal sediments have shown some potential as coastal palaeoenvironmental proxies. Here we assess their viability for reconstructing RSL change by examining patterns of organic δ13C and C/N values in a modern estuarine environment. δ13C and C/N analysis of bulk organic inter-tidal sediments and vegetation, as well as suspended and bedload organic sediments of the Mersey Estuary, U.K., demonstrate that the two main sources of organic carbon to surface saltmarsh sediments (terrestrial vegetation and tidal-derived particulate organic matter) have distinctive δ13C and C/N signatures. The resulting relationship between ground elevation within the tidal frame and surface sediment δ13C and C/N is unaffected by decompositional changes. The potential of this technique for RSL reconstruction is demonstrated by the analysis of part of an early Holocene sediment core from the Mersey Estuary. Organic δ13C and C/N analysis is less time consuming than microfossil analysis and is likely to provide continuous records of RSL change.  相似文献   
南海北缘东部盆地油气资源研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
南海北缘东部的珠江口盆地及台西南盆地蕴藏着十分丰富的油气资源,根据区域构造背景、盆地发育分布的特点及中、新生代的油气地质条件,结合含油气构造、油气田、油气井的分布规律,利用油气资源评价的理论、方法,对区内的油气资源进行了综合研究,并按照油气资源状况划分出油气富集区、油气潜力区、油气远景区,在此基础上,再进一步划分出4条油气富集带、11条油气潜力带、8条油气远景带,充分显示了该区石油、天然气的分布规律和油气地质特点,为商业性的勘探开发和理论研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
利用1994年8-9月期间,由台湾海峡两岸的4艘海洋调查船在南海东北部海域所获之CTD和ADCP资料,并结合1992年3月间在同一海域获取的CTD资料及部分历史水文资料,对该区域的海水特性以及黑潮水入侵南海等问题进行了分析探讨。结果表明:调查期间,本海区水团分布与冬末、春初(1992年3月)航次基本相似,即南海和西北太平洋海域的海水结构有着各自相对独立的温、盐度特性。虽发现有黑潮水穿越巴上海峡进入南海,但其势力甚弱。因此,在夏末秋初,黑潮亦无直接的分支深入南海,即使在巴士海峡北端进入台湾海峡的黑潮水,其影响也是十分微弱的。由等密度面、地转流分析和实测ADCP资料显示,在调查海区的东南海域存在一支较强的N向流动。它沿菲律宾西海岸北上,绕过吕宋岛西北角流向东北,在巴上海峡呈现与黑潮水混合的迹象,其水体在冬季明显呈高温、低盐的特性;夏季则为相对低温、低盐。故在冬季的几幅卫星图像上也有较好的体现,很有可能长年存在。  相似文献   
The distribution and geochemical composition of suspended-particulate matter (SPM) in the East China Sea (ECS) were investigated during the summer period of high continental runoff to elucidate SPM sources, distribution and cross-shelf transport. The spatial variability of SPM distribution (0.3–6.5 mg l−1) and geochemical composition (POC, Al, Si, Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg and K) in the ECS was pronounced during summer when the continental fluxes of freshwater and terrestrial materials were highest during the year. Under the influences of Changjiang runoff, Kuroshio intrusion, surface production and bottom resuspension, the distribution generally showed strong gradients decreasing seaward for both biogenic and lithogenic materials. Particulate organic carbon was enriched in surface water (mean ∼18%) due to the influence of biological productivity, and was diluted by resuspended and/or laterally-transported materials in bottom water (mean 9.4%). The abundance of lithogenic elements (Al, Si, Fe, Mn) increased toward the bottom, and the distribution correlations were highly significant. Particulate CaCO3 distribution provided evidence that the SPM of the bottom water in the northern part of the study area was likely mixed with sediments originally derived from Huanghe. A distinct benthic nepheloid layer (BNL) was present in all seaward transects of the ECS shelf. Sediment resuspension may be caused by tidal fluctuation and other forcing and be regarded as the principal agent in the formation of BNL. This BNL was likely responsible for the transport of biogenic and lithogenic particles across or along the ECS shelf. Total inventories of SPM, POC and PN are 46, 2.8 and 0.4 Tg, respectively, measured over the total area of 0.45 × 106 km2 of the ECS shelf. Their mean residence times are about 27, 13 and 11 days, respectively. The inventory of SPM in the water column was higher in the northernmost and southernmost transects and lower in the middle transects, reflecting the influences of terrestrial inputs from Changjiang and/or resuspended materials from Huanghe deposits in the north and perhaps from Minjiang and/or Taiwan’s rivers in the south. The distribution and transport patterns of SPM and geochemical elements strongly indicate that continental sources and cross-shelf transport modulate ECS particulate matter in summer.  相似文献   
渤、黄、东海陆架底质的形成分布与末次盛冰期之后的海侵密切相关。末次盛冰期结束、海侵开始以来 ,潮流是渤、黄、东海陆架上的永久性主导作用应力。为从长期沉积动力演变过程的角度 ,探讨渤、黄、东海陆架底质形成分布的有关成因问题 ,利用数值模拟手段 ,再现了末次盛冰期以来 6个时期渤、黄、东海陆架潮流作用下海底的冲淤格局及底质分布。结果表明 ,扬子浅滩南侧东海外陆架的砂质沉积基本上是自 - 80 m海面以来形成的。扬子浅滩形成于 -5 2 m海面之后 ,至 - 3 0 m海面时已有一定规模 ,全新世最大海侵之后 ,逐渐形成现在规模的扬子浅滩。南黄海中部泥自 - 5 2 m海面时就已开始形成 ,- 3 0 m海面时范围很大 ,侵入北黄海 ,全新世最大海侵以来 ,逐渐调整到现在的范围。渤海中央泥、北黄海西部泥、浙闽岸外泥、辽东半岛西侧与北侧的砂质沉积、西朝鲜湾与江华湾中的砂质沉积以及苏北浅滩是自全新世最大海侵以来逐渐形成的。海州湾中砂质沉积形成的盛期在公元 8世纪之后。济洲岛西南泥、南黄海东部泥很可能分别形成于 - 3 0 m海面、- 5 2 m海面以来。全新世渤、黄、东海陆架底质分布的演变过程大致分为 2个阶段 :全新世最大海侵之前为渤、黄、东海陆架底质分布宏观格局的形成阶段 ;全新世最大海侵至今为渤  相似文献   
许朋柱  毛锐 《海洋与湖沼》1993,24(1):109-113
为了能够精确地拟合天然水域不规则的水陆边界,并能保持有限差分数值计算在矩形网格中进行,本文利用Thompson的数值网格生成技术,在长江口南支七丫口至横沙河段设计了一个椭圆型边界拟合坐标系,并在这个坐标系下建立了平面二维潮流数学模型。通过数值求解此数学模型,实现了计算区域内现状潮流的一个数值模拟,模拟结果表明,模式的设计是成功的。  相似文献   
柴达木盆地新构造运动主要特征与成因机制   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究表明,在壳幔结构、地球物理背景、沉积物结构、多层关地幔和构造样式等方面,达木盆地与中国东部新生代裂谷类伸展盆地具有可比性,应该归属 展性盆 。盆地伸展和收缩作用相间进行,伸展起因于地幔底辟;而收缩受两人因素影响;(1)盆地伸展作用受相邻造山带反作用诱导的挤压应力;(2)板块碰撞传递的远程板内应力。在此基础邮新的构造期达木盆地演化的“双层模式”,即地幔上隆-地壳伸展;被动挤压+板内应力-地壳收缩  相似文献   
通过电镜、电子探针和X射线等项分析,对东海沉积物中的有孔虫、腹足类、双壳类、苔藓、珊瑚、海胆等骨屑进行了矿物学研究,确定了矿物成分与生物属种的关系,并基于有孔虫壳体化学成分将壳体分为均质壳和异质壳,生物碳酸盐中镁主要富集在方解石及镁方解石中,锶在方解石和镁方解石中的分配系数(D)相似,为0.11—0.14;在文石质骨屑中D=1.09-1.20。碳氧同位素组成与生物属种有明显关系。据一些有孔虫壳体氧同位素偏差值计算的水温来看,本次测定的有孔虫属种的骨屑不能作为理想的骨屑温度计。  相似文献   
南麂列岛海洋自然保护区潮间带贝类资源时空分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
为了解南麂列岛海洋自然保护区潮间带贝类十多年来的动态变化,在1992年研究基础上,于2003年度再赴南麂列岛对岩、沙相贝类进行了研究.本次调查鉴定出贝类105种,其中岩相93种、沙相12种,6种为南麂列岛新记录种,对岩相、沙相贝类组合的生态特征进行了分析,岩相多样性和均匀度指数(1.25~2.20和0.54~0.70)高于沙相的(0.23~0.95和0.17~0.94).岩相贝类数量为3025.70g/m2和2660个/m2,生物量垂直分布为低潮区最高(6471.99g/m2),中潮区居中(3772.09g/m2),高潮区最小(78.35g/m2),栖息密度为中潮区最大(4245个/m2),低潮区居中(2973个/m2),高潮区最小(439个/m2).沙相贝类数量为16.81g/m2和11个/m2,低潮区(29.43g/m2和11个/m2)大于中潮区(14.01g/m2和10个/m2).通过与以往资料比对发现,岩礁贝类数量有所增加,沙滩贝类数量则明显下降,监控区贝类数量明显多于其他区域,对贝类资源变化产生影响的相关因子作了分析探讨.  相似文献   
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