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Sediment cores were collected from the subaqueous delta of the Changjiang Estuary. Sediment grain-size profiles and their fractal dimensions were analyzed, to elucidate responses to long-term sedimentary processes. In addition, the environmental sensitive populations of grain size have been extracted. The sediment cores can be divided into two parts, according to the sedimentary structures present. The upper part (0-12 cm) is interpreted as being the active layer, which is influenced frequently by changes i...  相似文献   
The Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary is located in the East China Sea shelf with shallow water. Affected by the tide mixing and the runoff of the Changjiang River and the Qiantang River, the turbidity is very high. Generally, the water-leaving radiance is high in the turbid water because of the large particle scattering. Based on the in-situ data and ocean color remote sensing data of SeaWiFS, it was found that there was a black water region with the normalized water-leaving radiances less than 0.5 mW/(cm2·μm2·...  相似文献   
Sedimentary marine systems are often highly productive and perform important nutrient regeneration functions as they efficiently decompose organic material. In recent years the role of habitat effects and of species composition in ecosystem functioning has become of interest. Estuarine environments are frequently subject to considerable anthropogenic pressures whilst supporting a variety of habitats ranging from well sorted soft muds through biogenically stable sediments to highly mobile coarse sands. There is therefore considerable spatial complexity in habitat type and faunal composition. This study set out to observe the effects of altering the topographical habitat features of an estuarine mudflat on a range of porewater nutrient concentrations (NH4+, NO3, NO2, PO43− and SiO) collected from four depths (3, 5, 9, and 12 cm) and on faunal composition. Two treatments (Shelled Nets and Net Controls) were used to alter the topography from simple mud to a mussel shell crumble and were compared to un-manipulated Control areas. Sediment granulometry and organic matter content analyses alongside biological traits analysis of the fauna were also conducted.
Differences were observed in porewater nutrient concentrations between the Control and both netted treatments at 5 cm depth only; the species diversity and abundance were also different in the netted treatments compared to the Controls, although no difference between the two manipulated treatments were observed. The changes in faunal composition were attributed solely to the altered topography and the observed nutrient changes were attributed to the faunal alteration rather than the topographical manipulation.  相似文献   
以实测悬沙粒径、流速、含沙量资料为基础,通过悬沙不同粒级组分、中值粒径以及粒度参数的统计,分析椒江河口最大浑浊带核部悬沙粒径分布变化特性。研究表明,悬沙粒径分选主要受物质来源、潮流动力作用下底部部分物质再悬浮和絮凝沉降3个因素的影响。其中第二个因素起主导作用,大潮期比小潮期显著,第三个因素的作用主要发生在涨落憩前后低流速期,并在表层较近底层的水体明显。  相似文献   
夏季长江口外海区域上升流现象的数值研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
白涛  杨德周  尹宝树 《海洋科学》2009,33(11):65-72
基于Blumberg等(1996)的ECOMSED模式,对长江口外海区域夏季的上升流现象进行了数值模拟.模式综合考虑径流,风应力,环流,热通量和M_2,S_2,K_1,O_1四个主要分潮的作用,从而提高长江口外海区域上升流模拟的准确性和可靠性,并通过各种控制实验分析了其动力机制,进一步说明本区域影响上升流的主要因子.数值实验表明,长江口外水下河谷的南边(杭州湾口门中心东侧),上升流主要是由向北流动的台湾暖流通过底Ekman效应和陆坡的抬升共同作用产生的.夏季偏南风对长江口外水下河谷西侧上升流的产生有一定影响,但作用不大.此外,潮汐潮流对上升流的产生也起着一定的作用,但在本文关注的上升流区潮作用影响不大.  相似文献   
通过对九龙江河口表层沉积物的重金属元素含量、沉积物粒度等要素进行分析,结合相关与聚类分析等统计手段,探讨了九龙江河口地区的沉积环境与重金属元素含量特征的关系.结果表明,即使在沉积环境复杂的河口地区,重金属含量分布与沉积物粒度仍存在明显的对应关系.受沉积动力影响,不同的重金属元素分布在九龙江河口地区表现出较大差异,而嵩屿至屿仔尾一带呈带状南北向展布的重金属相对高值条带值得引起注意.  相似文献   
根据2003年1月份珠江口实测资料获得了适合该海域的相关参数,建立了适用于该海域的二类水体水色三要素优化反演模型,同步优化反演得到了与2003年1月25~26日实测站点相对应的2003年1月29日的SeaWiFs图像像元点的水色三要素,反演与实测水色三要素的平均相对误差分别为:叶绿素14.9%,悬浮泥沙12.1%,黄色物质13.6%。研究结果说明本研究建立的优化反演模型比较适用于珠江口二类水体水色三要素的反演,且具有较高的反演精度。  相似文献   
用国家海洋局东海环境监测中心2004年夏初(6月)和秋末(11月)对长江口外海区现场观测资料,用Matlab计算机编程语言对观测资料进行质量控制、插值网格化,绘制研究海区盐度立体分布图,显示夏初、秋末两季的盐度分布特征。将2004年夏、秋两季长江口外海区冲淡水和羽状锋的分布与以往观测研究结果对比,可得:(1)长江口外海区冲淡水的盐度值主要在5—31之间,冲淡水前缘盐度锋面的盐度值为18—28;盐度值20—28的盐度锋面基本体现该海区羽状锋的特征及变化。(2)夏初长江口外海区冲淡水范围明显大于秋末,夏初该海区以冲淡水为主,秋末冲淡水的范围收缩,紧贴沿岸一带。相应地,夏初该海区羽状锋呈倾斜锋面,占据较大的海区;秋末则为垂直锋面,介于122.50°E-122.70°E海区。  相似文献   
根据2003和2006年长江口及邻近海域表层沉积物样品的粒度组成和元素铬、铜、镍、铅、锌、铝、钙和锶的含量,分析了重金属元素含量的分布特征,探讨了含量的变化趋势及其对人类活动的响应。自2003年三峡工程一期蓄水完成到2006年6月,长江输沙量逐年减少,长江口海域沉积物中黏土的百分含量明显增加,但是沉积物分布的总体格局并没有发生明显的变化。重金属元素大多在泥质区沉积物中富集,高值区沿岸线呈带状分布,在最大浑浊带和口外羽状锋处达到峰值。在长江大量物质输入的背景下,研究区沉积物中重金属元素含量相对其他类似河口较低。河流的陆源颗粒输入、水动力条件、细颗粒物质的吸附以及絮凝作用是控制沉积物中重金属元素含量分布的主要因素,氧化还原条件也对重金属元素含量变化有一定的影响。人类活动(重大工程的建设和人为污染)对长江口外泥质区中重金属元素含量有重要影响,尤其对铅和锌的含量及其分布的影响显著。自2003年三峡工程一期蓄水以来,长江口海域表层沉积物中重金属元素沉积机制未有明显的变化,但是重金属元素含量有逐渐降低的趋势。  相似文献   
长江口外陆架区埋藏古河道研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大量高分辨率单道地震和浅地层剖面资料显示长江口外的广大海域分布着大量埋藏古河道,据区域浅层地质特征及地震相特征,可把研究区埋藏古河道断面划分为对称、不对称和复式三种类型;河道内充填的沉积物复杂多样;古河道主要存在于晚更新世晚期沉积层中。60个古河道断面串联成长180km的古长江河系以及长64km的古舟山河和长近100km的古钱塘江河两条支流河道系。长江古河道宽深比较大,盛冰期时深切81~109m,河底纵比降为0.82×10-4,平均古流量约为535.24m3/s,最大断面的古流量为20433.72m3/s。按比降-河宽法判别,当时古长江河道为辫状分汊河型。  相似文献   
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