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用一个中等复杂程度的热带海气耦合模式模拟LaNi na事件成熟位相锁定在年底左右的特征并研究其形成的机制。结果表明 ,模式能很好地模拟观测到的LaNi na事件成熟位相锁定在年底左右的特征。LaNi na事件成熟位相锁定在年底主要由海洋气候基本态引起。海洋垂直平均流是LaNi na事件成熟位相锁定在年底左右的最主要因子。由海洋气候基本态的季节变化所引起的冷平流的季节变化是LaNi na事件成熟位相锁定在年底的机制。在LaNi na事件期间 ,1~ 5月份 ,赤道中东太平洋地区的冷平流较弱 ,它不能平衡海气热量交换过程的影响 ,因而海洋表面温度增加。这一过程使海气耦合不稳定度减弱 ,从而使LaNi na事件衰减。 6~ 12月份 ,赤道中东太平洋地区的冷平流较强。海气热量交换过程的影响不能平衡较强冷平流的影响 ,因而海洋表面温度减小。这一过程使海气耦合不稳定度加强 ,从而使LaNi na事件发展。这样 ,LaNi na事件成熟位相容易出现在年底左右。  相似文献   
根据北京塔7层涡动系统2012年5月至2013年12月的湍流观测数据,分析了北京城区二氧化碳浓度在不同高度层次的日变化和月变化特征,并初步给出不同季节和日变化时间段内二氧化碳的浓度垂直廓线.结果表明:二氧化碳浓度整体随高度而下降;各观测层均有浓度的明显日变化,夏季最为明显,冬季相对平缓;近地层浓度直接受城市供暖、地表植被、交通运输等碳源影响,更高观测层浓度则受对流输送和天气过程影响较大;垂直方向上,冬季浓度变化范围最大,夏季层间浓度变化最明显;在一天中的任何时刻,近地面层二氧化碳浓度的日变化最低值一般出现在夏季,50m以上则出现在春季,浓度最高值总是出现在冬季;根据对二氧化碳浓度四季垂直廓线变化的分析可以看出,边界层二氧化碳浓度强烈受到碳源、下垫面植被、大气稳定度、环境温度和天气过程等因素的影响.  相似文献   
周金胜  王强 《岩石学报》2022,38(5):1399-1418
岩浆是将地球内部物质传送到表层系统的主要载体,并造成显著的资源聚集和环境效应。岩浆动力学是研究岩浆的迁移、储存、演化、就位以及喷发过程,侧重物理机制。这些岩浆过程主要发生在岩浆通道系统中,包括岩浆储库和岩浆管道。本文对目前国际岩浆动力学领域一些热点和前沿进行了介绍,这包括从岩浆房到岩浆储库概念的转变、岩浆储库的生长和动力学演化过程、岩浆过程的时间尺度以及岩浆中晶体的生长。然后阐述了岩浆中挥发分的种类和溶解度、获取天然岩浆挥发分含量的方法、一些典型镁铁质岩浆中的挥发分含量、岩浆去气的化学和物理机制,并简要梳理了热液金属矿床的形成过程和岩浆挥发分进入地表圈层系统引发的环境气候效应。最后列举了一些岩浆动力学有关的重要科学问题并建议了进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   
笔者以新疆叶尔羌河流域为例,在研究区水文地质调查的基础上,根据不同区域、不同深度D、~(18)O和T值的变化分析地下水补给来源.解决了传统研究方法很难解决的问题.为干旱地区地下水起源及空间分布规律研究提供了新思路。研究结果表明:(1)研究区地下水不是来自大气降水的直接入渗,而是地表水渗漏补给。(2)流域分为两个独立的地下水循环系统,分别接受叶尔羌河与提孜那甫河河水补给。(3)潜水和承压水的起源相同,属统一的地下水系统。(4)地下水径流表现为倾斜平原区径流强烈,地下水以水平运动为主;细土平原区地下水径流迟缓,地下水以垂直蒸发运动为主.径流方向与地表水流向密切相关。  相似文献   
Data collected in three Californian estuaries indicate that hypersaline conditions exist during the dry summers typical of a Mediterranean climate. The generalised seasonal and longitudinal hydrographic structures are described and explained. It is argued that this seasonal hypersalinity is common and that it represents a major class of estuaries. The observed accumulation of salt indicates surprisingly long residence times in small basins which have free exchange with the ocean. This semi-isolation of the inner basin leads to a large build-up or severe depletion of nutrients, pollutants and plankton in these systems. Of concern are the trends to increase pollutant loading in the same systems that are experiencing an increase in residence times owing to freshwater extraction in the watershed.  相似文献   
肖琼  赵海娟  章程  贺秋芳  吴夏 《第四纪研究》2020,40(4):1058-1069

岩溶作用所产生的岩溶碳汇对全球碳循环有着重要的影响。岩溶水生生物通过CO2富集机制(CCM)固定岩溶水中的HCO3-,将其转化为有机碳。惰性有机碳(RDOC)为水生生物和微生物不能利用和降解的溶解性有机碳。RDOC长时间滞留水体,形成稳定碳汇。多次培养实验发现可以用原位微生物法对岩溶区地表水中的RDOC进行检测。以桂林漓江为对象,研究由外源水补给并流经岩溶峰林平原区的岩溶地表水中的RDOC及其相关因子,结果显示:1)漓江水中Ca2+,HCO3-浓度从上游到下游逐渐升高,表明外源水进入岩溶区,发生了岩溶作用。漓江水的C/N为6.29~10.50,表明水中有机碳的来源为外源水和水生生物作用。受岩溶作用和水生生物光合作用双重影响,δ13C-DIC值从上游到下游逐渐偏正,水生生物优先利用无机碳中的12C使得δ13C-POC从上游到下游逐渐偏负。C/N与δ13C-DIC、δ13C-POC的变化以及相关性体现了岩溶地表水体中无机环境和有机环境相关联;2)岩溶区地表水中检测出RDOC且浓度远大于非岩溶区,RDOC浓度的时空变化与水生生物利用岩溶作用所产生的HCO3-有关。漓江地表水中DOC、BDOC、RDOC浓度与HCO3-浓度变化趋势一致,从上游到下游逐渐升高,下游L6(岩溶区)RDOC浓度为上游L1(非岩溶区)的3倍,在季节上表现出秋季>冬季>夏季>春季,RDOC的含量平均占水体中DOC含量的78%左右,体现了岩溶作用强度和水生生物活动对岩溶地表水中RDOC的影响;3)结合流量数据计算RDOC通量:桂林水文站RDOC的通量为0.75×107 kg/a,阳朔水文站的RDOC通量为1.3×107 kg/a,是桂林水文站断面的1.7倍。

高绍鑫  刘静  常煜 《暴雨灾害》2022,28(4):426-433

利用1970—2019年内蒙古地区110个国家站降水量资料,采用经验正交函数(EOF)分析、重标极差分析(R/S)和非周期循环分析,统计四季和年降水量时间序列的Hurst指数(H)、分维数(D)和非周期循环的平均循环长度,分析降水量变化趋势和记忆周期。结果表明:(1)内蒙古地区年降水量变化呈增多趋势,其中在东部的偏东地区增多最显著,变化趋势具有持续性特征,持续时间为8 a,但在内蒙古西部的偏南地区和东部的局地区域年降水量呈减少趋势;(2)春季、秋季和冬季年降水量的年代变化呈增多趋势,夏季呈减少趋势,特别是冬季在东部的偏北地区的个别区域Hurst指数H=1,呈现完全预测特征,降水量未来趋势为增多趋势且通过95%的显著性检验;(3)四季降水量过去的增量与未来的增量都呈正相关,夏季降水量减少趋势的持续性最弱,冬季降水量增多趋势的持续性最强,春季、夏季、秋季和冬季的记忆长度分别为8 a、8 a、9 a和10 a。

A right annual cycle is of critical importance for a model to improve its seasonal prediction skill. This work assesses the performance of the Grid-point Atmospheric Model of IAP LASG (GAMIL) in retrospective prediction of the global precipitation annual modes for the 1980 2004 period. The annual modes are gauged by a three-parameter metrics: the long-term annual mean and two major modes of annual cycle (AC), namely, a solstitial mode and an equinoctial asymmetric mode. The results demonstrate that the GAMIL one-month lead prediction is basically able to capture the major patterns of the long-term annual mean as well as the first AC mode (the solstitial monsoon mode). The GAMIL has deficiencies in reproducing the second AC mode (the equinoctial asymmetric mode). The magnitude of the GAMIL prediction tends to be greater than the observed precipitation, especially in the sea areas including the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal (BOB), and the western North Pacific (WNP). These biases may be due to underestimation of the convective activity predicted in the tropics, especially over the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) and its neighboring areas. It is suggested that a more accurate parameterization of convection in the tropics, especially in the Maritime Continent, the WPWP and its neighboring areas, may be critical for reproducing the more realistic annual modes, since the enhancement of convective activity over the WPWP and its vicinity can induce suppressed convection over the WNP, the BOB, and the South Indian Ocean where the GAMIL produces falsely vigorous convections. More efforts are needed to improve the simulation not only in monsoon seasons but also in transitional seasons when the second AC mode takes place. Selection of the one-tier or coupled atmosphere-ocean system may also reduce the systematic error of the GAMIL prediction. These results offer some references for improvement of the GAMIL seasonal prediction skill.  相似文献   
Interdecadal variations of El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) signals and annual cycles appearing in the sea surface temperature (SST) and zonal wind in the equatorial Pacific during 1950–1997 are studied by wavelet, empirical orthogonal function (EOF) and singular value decomposition (SVD) analyses. The typical timescale of ENSO is estimated to be about 40 months before the late 1970s and 48–52 months after that; the timescale increased by about 10 months. The spatial pattern of the ENSO signal appearing in SST also changed in the 1970s; before that, the area of strong signal spread over the extratropical regions, while it is confined near the equator after that. The center of the strongest signal shifted from the central and eastern equatorial Pacific to the South American coast at that time. These SST fluctuations near the equator are associated with fluctuations of zonal wiond, whose spatial pattern also shifted considerably eastward at that time. In the eastern equatorial Pacific, amplitudes of annual cycles of SST are weak in El Niño years and strong in La Niña years. This relation is not clear, however, in the 1980s and 1990s.  相似文献   
吉林省大安市是松嫩平原土壤盐渍化最严重的地区之一,以苏打盐渍土为主,境内的土壤与地表水中的易溶盐分量相似。为了研究复合盐与干湿交替环境下混凝土的耐久性,根据大安地区盐渍土中主要易溶盐的含量,配制了4种不同质量分数的复合盐侵蚀溶液,再以水溶液用于试验对比,共制备了5种配合比的混凝土,进行盐浸-热烘试验。结果表明:在干湿循环条件下,复合盐对混凝土材料有较强的腐蚀性,而且盐溶液的质量分数越大,混凝土破坏越严重;干湿循环作用后,混凝土的质量变化规律为先增加后减少,而动弹性模量先呈小幅增长,达到一定干湿循环次数后,呈下降趋势;引气剂与粉煤灰均能够提高混凝土抗盐蚀-干湿循环的破坏能力,但引气混凝土提高效果更显著。  相似文献   
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