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陈永红 《新疆地质》2006,24(4):395-397
综述了Molar-Tooth的时空分布及其形态特征,Molar-Tooth为元古代时期全球性的一种构造现象.其成因,地质学家们已争论了一个多世纪,直到今天还未取得一致的认识.归纳前人的研究成果,初步认为Molar-Tooth的成因与藻类等生物活动有关.  相似文献   
与泥页岩以缓慢压实为主的成岩作用不同,碳酸盐岩的成岩以胶结和交代作用为主,并在浅埋处几乎失去其所有的原生孔隙和沉积水。碳酸盐岩在埋藏条件下处于近完全封闭的压实流环境中,深埋和地温升高除形成小规模的压溶作用(如缝合线)外,其他类型的成岩作用很微弱。在进入有机质生烃的门限深度后,低丰度有机质虽可生成一定数量的烃类,但碳酸盐岩不像泥岩那样可以脱出大量压实水,烃的运移既无载体,又无异常高压作为动力和造缝条件,烃类很难大规模运移。在其后的成岩作用中,烃类或分散于封闭的晶间孔隙中,或与矿物结合形成晶包有机质和包裹体有机质,造成碳酸盐岩含烃率常常高于泥页岩。  相似文献   
塔河油田上奥陶统良里塔格组下段以泥微晶灰岩、瘤状灰岩为主,上段以鲕粒灰岩、生屑灰岩、砂砾屑灰岩为主,纵向上构成了一个向上水体变浅的沉积序列。根据层序地层学研究结果,将良里塔格组划分为一个三级层序,细分为两个体系域。通过对各体系域地层单元的岩相学和地球化学分析研究,恢复了各时期的古地理面貌及沉积相带的空间展布。最终研究结果表明良里塔格组沉积相带具有开阔台地、台地边缘和斜坡3种类型,平面上由北向南顺序展布,走向近东西。微量元素分析进一步佐证和完善了该区沉积相带分析,V、Ni和Cr微量元素的含量显示从浅水到深水总体呈增加之势,Ce异常曲线对沉积环境也有良好反映,而台地边缘相的Sr/Ba比值表现出异常高值。  相似文献   
塔河油田碳酸盐岩储层测井评价方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对塔河油田的碳酸盐岩储层测井评价方法进行了回顾总结,具体涉及综合概率模型、声波全波测井、声波井壁成像测井及油气水判断等四个方面,认为所取得的成果具有实用价值,并对进一步的研究工作有重要借鉴作用。强调对裂缝性储层的划分应综合应用成像测井与综合概率模型。成像测井应在裂缝产状、沉积构造描述和区分有效与无效裂缝方面进一步深入研究;综合概率模型应补充新的指标,并按岩性将指标优化组合。在提高裂缝识别与评价精度、储层参数评价方法研究、储层空间展布研究等三个方面提出了今后的工作设想。  相似文献   
四川盆地南部志留系碳酸盐灰泥丘成因与储集性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
灰泥丘与生物礁具有相似的地震反射特征,但两者的形成环境及内部组成完全不同。缓坡环境和较弱的水动力环境是灰泥丘形成的两个重要条件,灰泥丘主要由微生物所建造。川南志留系主要发育中—下志留统,自下而上划分为龙马溪组、石半栏组、韩家店组和秀山组,其中石牛栏组主要为碳酸盐岩,岩性较硬,上下地层相对为软岩层,构成“两软夹一硬”的地晏剖面结构。灰泥丘主要发育在石牛栏组,属于典型的开阔台地内缓坡泥丘。灰泥丘储层主要发育在丘翼和丘顶微相中,经历了胶结作用、重结晶作用、白云石化作用、压实作用和溶解作用等,其中胶结作用使丘翼储集物性变差,而白云石化作用使丘顶物性变好。因此丘翼灰岩被胶结后储集性能普遍较差,平均孔隙度1%~2%,渗透率(3~5)×10~(-3)μm~2;丘顶白云石化后储集物性普遍较好,孔隙度4%~5%,渗透率(6~8)×10~(-3)μm~2,构成了川南地区相对有利的天然气储层。  相似文献   
碳酸盐岩生气的热模拟实验   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
采用半封闭外加温加压式热压模拟装置对碳酸盐岩的生烃情况进行了热模拟实验。利用自然样品和人造样品相结合,研究了碳酸盐岩生气量随成熟度和温度变化的趋势,探讨了碳酸盐岩的生气规律:碳酸盐岩气态烃产率随温度升高而增大,并且在某一温度点(460℃)之后,气态烃产率的增大非常明显;温度是碳酸盐岩生烃的重要影响因素;随着温度增高,碳酸盐岩的生烃潜力不断降低,其间有一个生烃潜力的巨变阶段;碳酸盐岩生烃过程中,总有机碳TOC变化不明显,这可能与样品本身的TOC太低有关;碳酸盐岩的气态烃产率与有机质丰度的关系并不明显。  相似文献   
Microbial dolomite crusts from the carbonate platform off western India   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Abstract The occurrence of Late Pleistocene dolomite crusts that occur at 64 m depth on the carbonate platform off western India is documented. Dolomite is the most predominant mineral in the crusts. In thin section, the crust consists of dolomitized microlaminae interspersed with detrital particles. Under scanning electron microscopy, these laminae are made up of tubular filaments or cellular structures of probable cyanobacterial origin. Dolomite crystals encrust or overgrow the surfaces of the microbial filaments and/or cells; progressive mineralization obliterates their morphology. Well-preserved microbial mats, sulphide minerals (pyrrhotite and marcasite) and the stable isotope composition of dolomite in the crusts indicate hypersaline and anoxic conditions during dolomite formation. The crusts are similar to dolomite stromatolites, and biogeochemical processes related to decaying microbial mats under anoxic conditions probably played an important role in dolomite precipitation. The dolomite is therefore primary and/or very early diagenetic in origin. The dolomite crusts are interpreted to be a composite of microbial dolomite overprinted by early burial organic dolomite. The results of this study suggest that a microbial model for dolomite formation may be relevant for the origin of ancient massive dolomites in marine successions characterized by cryptalgal laminites. The age of the crusts further suggests that the platform was situated at shallow subtidal depths during the Last Glacial Maximum.  相似文献   
塔中地区中古48井区鹰山组二段碳酸盐岩储集层地震预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塔中地区中古48井区储层集中发育在奥陶系鹰山组二段,该段又划分为上亚段和下亚段。依据钻井资料,标定了不同层段、不同物性储集层的地震反射特征。利用地震资料提取不同层段的地震振幅属性,开展了钻后储集层地震预测与描述。储集层划分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类三种级别,它们总体沿构造高地和断裂带分布。上亚段厚度110m左右,储集层主要分布在鹰山组顶面向下100 m的范围内,沿不整合面都很发育,但Ⅰ类储集层在构造低部位分布较少;下亚段厚度260 m左右,储集层主要分布在鹰山组顶面向下110~200 m的范围内,它与构造和断裂发育带的关系更为紧密,在构造较低部位欠发育。下亚段Ⅰ类储集层要明显多于上亚段,中古45井已在下亚段获得高产油气流,说明下亚段储集层也有很大的勘探潜力。本区应该坚持上、下亚段两套目的层并举的勘探方向。  相似文献   
Many pre‐Mesozoic records of Earth history are derived from shallow water carbonates deposited on continental shelves. While these carbonates contain geochemical proxy records of climate change, it is the stratal architecture of layered carbonate units that often is used to build age models based on the idea that periodic astronomical forcing of sea‐level controls the layering. Reliable age models are crucial to any interpretation of rates and durations of environmental change, but the physical processes that actually control this stratal architecture in shallow water carbonates are controversial. In particular, are upward‐shallowing stacks of carbonate beds bounded by flooding surfaces (‘parasequences’) truly a record of relative sea‐level change? The purpose of this study is to examine a tidal flat that is actively accumulating carbonate stratigraphy, and to determine the relative importance of tidal channel migration (poorly known, but investigated here) and Holocene sea‐level rise (well‐known) in controlling post‐glacial parasequence architecture. This work represents a field study of peritidal carbonate accumulation at Triple Goose Creek, north‐west Andros Island. By integrating surface facies maps with differential global positioning system topographic surveys, a quantitative relationship between facies and elevation is derived. Sedimentary facies are sensitive to elevation changes as small as 5 cm, and are responding to both internal (distance to nearest tidal channel) and external (sea‐level rise) controls. The surface maps also are integrated with 187 sediment cores that each span the entire Holocene succession. While flooding of the Triple Goose Creek area should have occurred by ca 4500 years ago, preservation of Holocene sediment did not begin until 1200 years ago. The tidal channels are shown to be stationary, or to migrate sluggishly at up to 6 cm per year. Therefore, while the location of tidal channels is responsible for the modern mosaic of surface facies, these facies and the channels that control them have not migrated substantially during the ca 1200 years of sediment accumulation at Triple Goose Creek. Once the region was channellized, vertical and lateral shifts in facies, such as the landward retreating shoreline, expanding mangrove ponds and seaward advancing inland algal marsh, are driven by changes in relative sea‐level and sediment supply, not migrating channels. While stratigraphic columns look different depending on the distance to the nearest tidal channel, the overall parasequence architecture everywhere at Triple Goose Creek records an upward‐shallowing trend controlled by the infilling of accommodation space generated by post‐glacial sea‐level rise.  相似文献   
古城墟隆起作为塔里木盆地中央隆起带的一部分,近年来,油气显示丰富,展现了良好的油气勘探前景.但由于长期以来勘探程度低、钻井少等因素影响,碳酸盐岩沉积与储层研究十分薄弱,已成为制约该区油气勘探突破的瓶颈问题.为此,本文以古城墟隆起与卡塔克隆起构造、沉积演化差异对比分析为基础,结合单并相分析及沉积相模式的建立,刻画了晚寒武...  相似文献   
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