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詹瑾  李玉霖  韩丹  杨红玲 《中国沙漠》2019,39(6):184-191
为探究放牧对丘间低地植被群落及土壤的影响,分析了浑善达克沙地丘间低地在重度和轻度放牧下植被的地上生物量、物种重要值、物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数、Simpson生态优势度指数及0~10 cm土壤中黏粒、粉粒、砂粒、有机碳和全氮含量。结果表明:(1)植被地上生物量、土壤黏粒、粉粒、砂粒、土壤有机碳和全氮含量在不同放牧程度下存在极显著差异(P<0.01),物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数在不同放牧程度下差异不显著(P>0.05),Simpson生态优势度指数在不同放牧程度下差异显著(P<0.05)。(2)放牧区植被以禾本科为主,禾本科植被地上生物量占整个植被群落的54.88%~57.76%;重度放牧区植被地上生物量为63.59 g·m-2,比轻度放牧区低26.61%。(3)羊草(Leymus chinensis)和狗尾草(Setaria viridis)是放牧区的优势种,其重要值依次为14.16%(重度放牧区)和19.10%(轻度放牧区)、13.40%(重度放牧区)和15.42%(轻度放牧区),重度放牧下雾滨藜(Bassia dasyphylla)、克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)和猪毛蒿(Artemisia scoparia)的重要值较显著高于轻度放牧区,而羊草则低于轻度放牧区。(4)重度放牧加剧了土壤沙漠化,使砂粒含量增加,草地生产力下降,土壤有机碳和全氮含量降低。  相似文献   
文章总结了梧州市常用的沉管灌注桩、钻孔灌注桩和人工挖孔桩在以花岗岩残积土为桩基持力层时施工中的特点及容易出现的问题 ,并提出相应的解决办法  相似文献   
2011年春季中国北方沙尘天气过程及其成因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2011年春季,中国共出现了7次沙尘天气过程,其中沙尘暴4次,强沙尘暴2次,沙尘天气频次总体偏少、强沙尘暴偏多,影响范围较广。通过对2010/2011年冬季及2011年春季天气气候特征的分析表明:①2010/2011年冬季,冷空气偏强,气温偏低,有利于土壤冻结,同时新疆大部、内蒙古西部及东北部分地区降水偏少,使得前期地面植被状况偏差,进入2011年春季,中国北方大部地区降水仍偏少,地面植被状况虽未得到改善,但气温仍偏低,土壤解冻较晚,而2011年春季冷空气较常年偏弱,使得2011年沙尘暴发生时间较常年偏晚,且沙尘天气过程偏少;②中国北方沙尘天气常发区域土壤湿度较常年偏高,土壤状况良好,土质不够疏松,是2011年春季沙尘天气偏少的一个重要因素;③2011年春季蒙古国及内蒙古大部地区纬向风为偏西风的负距平区,不利于起沙及沙尘粒子向东输送。  相似文献   
四川盆地紫色丘陵区的水土保持林低效化问题已较严重。研究了其土壤方面的成因。通过对土壤构造、土壤肥力特性、土壤结构性评价等研究,指出该区人工林地的土壤构造发育不正常,土壤腐殖质胶体积累量低。土壤结构质量差等林地土壤退化是土壤水土保持功能降低的主要原因。根据研究的初步结果,提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   
通过对西藏自治区主要土壤类型的实地踏勘和采样分析,并结合全国土壤普查资料的结果进行分析,揭示了本区土壤具有4点特性:即多砾石性、砂质性、成土幼年性和低矿化的富有机质性。因此,在改良本区土壤时,应重视去石与防治沙漠化措施,加强矿质养分肥料的施用,稳定有机肥的投入。  相似文献   
流动沙地灌丛内外生境中土壤动物群落结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以中国科学院奈曼沙漠化研究站为依托,调查了小叶锦鸡儿灌丛内外生境中土壤动物群落特征及土壤理化特性,分析了灌丛内外生境中土壤动物群落结构的差异性,并探讨了土壤动物对灌丛覆盖流沙地表产生小生境的响应特征。结果发现,共捕获土壤动物30科,优势类群有大赤螨科、等节跳科和虱啮科,常见类群有球角跳科,中型土壤动物占绝对优势。土壤动物密度、类群数和多样性指数灌丛内显著高于灌丛外(p<0.05);土壤动物群落均匀度和优势度变化趋势相反,但灌丛内外无显著差异性(p>0.05)。调查季节(夏季)灌丛内外小生境的土壤温度、酸碱度及有机碳含量差异是主要影响因素。流动沙地灌丛下生境中土壤动物分布表现出了明显的聚集现象,土壤动物多样性显著增加,表明小叶锦鸡儿灌丛覆盖流动沙地后能够显著改变土壤动物生存的微生境,从而导致土壤动物群落结构发生了深刻变化。而且,由于对灌丛内外微生境的选择性和适应性差异,动物类群产生了不同的响应模式。  相似文献   
Little information is available on denitrification potential of marsh soils in natural saline-alkaline wetlands. The denitrification potentials of an open wetland in the floodplain(Erbaifangzi wetland) and a closed wetland(Fulaowenpao wetland) in backwater areas in Jilin Province of Northeast China were monitored by an anaerobic incubation at 30℃ for 25 days. Our results showed that the relative denitrification index(RDI) increased gradually with incubation time, and showed a rapid increase in the first 5 days of incubation. The RDI values declined quickly from surface soils to subsurface soils and then kept a small change in deeper soils along soil profiles over the incubation time. Denitrification proceeded much faster in the top 20 cm soils of open wetland than in the closed wetland, whereas no significant differences in RDI values were observed in deeper soils between both wetlands. The RDIs were significantly negatively correlated with bulk density and sand content, while a significantly positive correlation with clay content, soil organic matter, total nitrogen and phosphorous. The maximum net NO–3-N loss through denitrification in 1 m depth were higher in the open wetland than the closed wetland with higher soil pH values. Future research should be focused on understanding the influencing mechanisms of soil alkalinity.  相似文献   

全球导航卫星系统干涉反射测量(global navigation satellite system-interferometric reflectometry,GNSS-IR)技术能探测浅层地表的土壤湿度。针对多系统组合的土壤湿度反演问题,基于轨迹聚类方法,从全球定位系统(global positioning system,GPS)、北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou satellite navigation system,BDS)、格洛纳斯(GLONASS)、伽利略(Galileo)导航系统的信噪比观测数据中提取多径干涉相位,利用经验模型求解轨迹聚类后的土壤湿度估计值,以加权平均方式得到系统组合后的估计结果。结果表明,BDS、Galileo反演精度相当且优于GPS、GLONASS,基于轨迹聚类的多系统组合土壤湿度估计方法的均方根误差为0.041 4 cm3/cm3,相比于单系统的综合反演精度提升约16.3%,相比于单系统的最佳频段反演精度提升约5.2%,所提方法能有效监测土壤湿度的变化。

选取黄土高原区大南沟流域非耕地中灌木林地、摞荒地、荒草地、林地土壤养分数据,利用常规数据处理软件进行分析,得出如下结论:(1)水土流失造成摞荒地中土壤养分最低,需要把摞荒地改为灌木林地或林地;(2)磷含量从生长季开始随着时间推移一般呈现逐渐降低趋势,主要是水土流失造成的;(3)改变非耕地土地利用结构,增加地表植被覆盖率;占黄土高原一半以上的非耕地区是环境脆弱区之一,非耕地区土壤养分变化对环境产生重要影响,为土地利用结构的改变和当地的可持续发展提供理论支持.  相似文献   
From 2011 to 2019, mercury (Hg) stores and fluxes were studied in the small forested catchment Lesní potok (LES) in the central Czech Republic using the watershed mass balance approach together with internal measurements. Mean input fluxes of Hg via open bulk deposition, beech throughfall and spruce throughfall during the periodwere 2.9, 3.9 and 7.6 μg m−2 year−1, respectively. These values were considerably lower than corresponding deposition Hg fluxes reported in the early years of the 21st century from catchments in Germany. Current bulk precipitation inputs at unimpacted Czech mountainous sites were lower than those in Germany. The largest Hg inputs to the catchment were via litterfall, averaging 22.6 and 17.8 μg m−2 year−1 for beech and spruce stands. The average Hg input, based on the sum of mean litterfall and throughfall deposition, was 23.0 μg m−2 year−1, compared to the estimated Hg output in runoff of 0.5 μg m−2 year−1, which is low compared to other reported values. Thus, only ~2% of Hg input is exported in stream runoff. Stream water Hg was only weakly related to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) but both concentrations were positively correlated with water temperature. The estimated total soil Hg pool averaged 47.5 mg m−2, only 4% of which was in the O-horizon. Thus Hg in the O-horizon pool represents 72 years of deposition at the current input flux and 3800 years of export at the current runoff flux. Age-dating by 14C suggested that organic soil contains Hg from recent deposition, while mineral soil at 40–80 cm depth contained 4400-year old carbon, suggesting the soil had accumulated atmospheric Hg inputs through millennia to reach the highest soil Hg pool of the soil profile. These findings suggest that industrial era intensification of the Hg cycle is superimposed on a slower-paced Hg cycle during most of the Holocene.  相似文献   
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