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根据人事部国人发[2004]63号《关于事业单位试行人员聘用制度有关工资待遇问题的处理意见(试行)的通知》和辽宁省的实施细则,通过对现行工资分配转矿的分析,从积极意义上肯定了其对事业单位工资配套改革的“突破性、规范性、操作性及继发性”作用,同时对一些具体操作也提出了一些疑虑和有待进一步探讨的问题。  相似文献   
Rapid economic development in the aftermath of the Chinese post-1978 reforms has resulted in a shrinking of grain grown area in the southern and eastern regions of the country which in turn is believed to have put the marginal northern regions under increased pressure. This paper examines key indicators of agricultural performance as well as cultivated land area development of the pre- and post-1978 reform periods focusing on the agro-pastoral Tongliao City Prefecture, eastern Inner Mongolia. The results are related to the village level development through a case study as well as to the provincial level. Average annual grain per capita production increased from about 400 kg in the late 1970s to more then 1000 kg in the late 1990s. This was achieved through a combination of intensification and reclamation of cropland, with the latter restricted to pastoral classified counties. Production variability, in particular for the low producing counties, has also increased possibly as an effect of the substitution of traditional mixed pattern of crops with HYV monocultures. Average living standards have improved but have been accompanied by widening income gaps. Poor farmers’ livelihoods continue to be insecure, particularly during dry years. Concern is raised regarding the sustainability of the rapid agricultural development; an increased use of costly fertilisers constrains poorer farmer’s economy and may lead to deteriorating water quality while increasing irrigation depletes water resources.  相似文献   
Mount Etna volcano erupted almost simultaneously on its northeastern and southern flanks between October 27 and November 3, 2002. The eruption on the northeastern flank lasted for 8 days, while on the southern flank it continued for 3 months. The northeastern flank eruption was characterized by the opening of a long eruptive fracture system between 2,900 and 1,900 m.a.s.l. A detailed survey indicates that the fractures’ direction shifted during the opening from N10W (at the NE Crater, 2,900 m) to N45E (at its lowest portion, 1,900 m) and that distinct magma groups were erupted at distinct fracture segments. Based on their petrological features, three distinct groups of rocks have been identified. The first group, high-potassium porphyritic (HKP), is made up of porphyritic lavas with a Porphyritic Index (P.I.) of 20–32 and K2O content higher than 2 wt%. The second group is represented by lavas and tephra with low modal phenocryst abundance (P.I. < 20) named here oligo-phyric (low-phyric), and K2O content higher than 2 wt% (HKO, high-potassium oligophyric). The third group, low-potassium oligophyric (LKO), consists of tephra with oligophyric texture (P.I. < 20) but K2O content < 2 wt%. K-rich magmas (HKP and HKO) are similar to the magma erupted on the southern flank, and geochemical variations within these groups can be accounted for by a variable degree of fractionation from a single parent magma. The K-poor magma (LKO), erupted only in the upper segment of the fracture, cannot be placed on the same liquid line of descent of the HK groups, and it is similar to the magmas that fed the activity of Etna volcano prior to the eruption of 1971. This is the first time since then that a magma of this composition has been documented at Mt. Etna, thus providing a strong indication for the existence of distinct batches of magma whose rise and differentiation are independent from the main conduit system. The evolution of this eruption provides evidence that the NE Rift plays a very active role in the activity of Mt. Etna volcano, and that its extensional tectonics allows the intrusion and residence of magma bodies at various depths, which can therefore differentiate independently from the main open conduit system.  相似文献   
This work focuses on the comparison between satellite-only and combined Global Geopotential Models (GGMs) derived from the CHAMP and GRACE satellite missions with land gravity anomalies, geoid undulations provided by the gravimetric geoid ANDALUSGeoid2002 and GPS/levelling geoid undulations in Andalusia in order to find the GGM that best fits this area in order to be used in a further geoid computation. The results show that the EIGEN-CG01C model or the combined models GGM02C/EIGEN-CG01C and ITG-CHAMP01E/EIGEN-CG01C should be used.  相似文献   
供给侧改革与科技创新耦合助推西藏渔业资源养护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于西藏生态环境脆弱、生态系统结构简单、生产力低下以及高原鱼类生长缓慢、资源补充周期长、对生境高度适应和依赖等特点,高原水域水生生态更容易受到外界的影响.尤其近几十年以来,外来鱼类入侵、水电水利设施的兴建、过度捕捞、水质环境恶化,导致162种青藏高原鱼类中,处于极危、濒危、易危或野外绝灭鱼类就有35种,超过了20%,在雅鲁藏布江中游,常见的6种裂腹鱼类中,有3种鱼类处于濒危状态,因此推动西藏渔业资源养护刻不容缓.供给侧改革和科技创新,将为西藏渔业资源养护注入新的活力.通过科学引导放生行为,规范和加强增殖放流行为,积累和推广本土鱼类繁育技术,密切关注西藏水生态系统,将会推动西藏渔业资源养护工作迈上一个新台阶,也会助推西藏"精准扶贫"进程.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a complete morphological characterization of the ash particles erupted on 18 December 2002 from Etna volcano, Italy. The work is based on the acquisition and processing of bidimensional digital images carried out by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to obtain shape parameters by image analysis. We measure aspect ratio (AR), form factor (FF), compactness (CC), and rectangularity (RT) of 2065 ash particles with size between 0.026 and 1.122 mm. We evaluate the variation of these parameters as a function of the grain-size. Ash particles with a diameter of <0.125 mm vary from mostly equant to very equant, ash particles between 0.125 and 0.250 mm have an intermediate shape, and particles with diameters >0.250 mm are subelongate. We find that, on average, particles with a diameter of <0.250 mm are subrounded, particles between 0.250 and 0.50 mm are subangular, and particles >0.50 mm are angular. Using this morphological analysis and an empirical relation between the drag coefficient (C D) and Reynolds number (R e) of Wilson and Huang (Earth Planet Sci Lett 44:311–324, 1979), we calculate the terminal settling velocities (V WH). The comparisons between these velocities and those calculated with the formula of Kunii and Levenspiel (Fluidization engineering. Wiley, New York, pp 97, 1969) (V KL), which considers ash particles as spheres, show that V KL are in average 1.28 greater than V WH. Hence, we quantify the systematic error on the spatial distribution of the mass computed around the volcano carried out by tephra dispersal models when the particles are assumed to be spherical.  相似文献   
随着国家财政体系改革的深入,现行的事业单位会计制度在诸多方面已经难以适应事业单位发展的需要,有些甚至在很大程度上制约了其发展,因此事业单位的会计制度面临着改革的迫切性和必要性。该文主要分析了现行事业单位会计制度存在的主要问题,并进一步提出了完善事业单位会计制度改革的建议。  相似文献   
针对测绘工程专业"摄影测量学"的课程特点,进行了一系列的改革与实践,包括教学内容的整合优化、实验教学的强化与提炼和教学方法的改进等.通过改革,激发了学生的学习兴趣,提高了教学质量,增强了学生实践动手能力.  相似文献   
数控技术的广泛应用使制造业发生了根本性的变革。我国要成为“世界工厂” ,需要培养数十万数控技术应用领域的操作人员、编程人员和维修人员。目前 ,在经济发达的珠三角地区的各类企业中 ,已普遍使用数控设备进行生产 ,而数控方面的技术人才却极其缺乏。因此 ,为社会培养大批能熟练掌握数控技术的技能型人才 ,已成为广东省有关高校所面临的紧迫任务。以数控技术教育为切入点 ,结合我校成人教育机电专科数控专业的教学改革 ,提出了培养技能型实用人才的课程体系和人才培养模式。  相似文献   
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