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We explore the hypothesis that some high-velocity runaway stars attain their peculiar velocities in the course of exchange encounters between hard massive binaries and a very massive star (either an ordinary  50–100 M  star or a more massive one, formed through runaway mergers of ordinary stars in the core of a young massive star cluster). In this process, one of the binary components becomes gravitationally bound to the very massive star, while the second one is ejected, sometimes with a high speed. We performed three-body scattering experiments and found that early B-type stars (the progenitors of the majority of neutron stars) can be ejected with velocities of  ≳200–400 km s−1  (typical of pulsars), while  3–4 M  stars can attain velocities of  ≳300–400 km s−1  (typical of the bound population of halo late B-type stars). We also found that the ejected stars can occasionally attain velocities exceeding the Milky Ways's escape velocity.  相似文献   
We use high-resolution N -body/smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations to study the hydrodynamical interaction between the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and the hot halo of the Milky Way. We investigate whether ram pressure acting on the satellite's interstellar medium can explain the peculiarities observed in the H  i distribution and the location of the recent star formation activity.
Due to the present nearly edge-on orientation of the disc with respect to the orbital motion, compression at the leading edge can explain the high density region observed in H  i at the south-east border. In the case of a face-on disc (according to Mastropietro the LMC was moving almost face-on before the last perigalactic passage), ram pressure directed perpendicular to the disc produces a clumpy structure characterized by voids and high density filaments that resemble those observed by the Parkes H  i survey. As a consequence of the very recent edge-on motion, the Hα emission is mainly concentrated on the eastern side where 30 Doradus and most of the supergiant shells are located, although some Hα complexes form a patchy distribution on the entire disc. In this scenario, only the youngest stellar complexes show a progression in age along the leading border of the disc.  相似文献   
基于自研的HUST-Ship黏性流CFD求解器,提出了一种船舶耐波性数值试验水池参数化建模方法和网格生成技术。在自研的CFD软件平台中,根据波浪参数(规则波的波长、波高和不规则波的特征周期、有效波高)自动生成船舶耐波性数值试验水池。以结构化重叠网格技术为基础,分别对船舶与水池进行网格划分并进行网格的组装、重叠,实现船舶在耐波性数值试验水池中的数值“试验”,对船舶耐波性进行数值预报。根据波浪种类分为规则波数值试验水池与不规则波数值试验水池,可对各类波浪条件实现精确可靠的数值造波,模拟船舶在各种波浪环境中运动响应、耐波性事件与非线性运动特性。采用参数化建模方法生成的耐波性数值试验水池能够提高建模和网格生成效率,通过对国际标模进行数值预报并与船模试验结果对比,验证了参数化建模方法生成的耐波性数值试验水池对船舶在波浪中运动性能的计算精度。  相似文献   
Stochastic analysis of free surface flow through earth dams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This research investigated the unconfined flow through dams. The hydraulic conductivity was modeled as spatially random field following lognormal distribution. Results showed that the seepage flow produced from the stochastic solution was smaller than its deterministic value. In addition, the free surface was observed to exit at a point lower than that obtained from the deterministic solution. When the hydraulic conductivity was strongly correlated in the horizontal direction than the vertical direction, the flow through the dam has markedly increased. It is suggested that it may not be necessary to construct a core in dams made from soils that exhibit high degree of variability.  相似文献   
Though about 80 pulsar binaries have been detected in globular clusters so far, no pulsar has been found in a triple system in which all three objects are of comparable mass. Here, we present predictions for the abundance of such triple systems, and for the most likely characteristics of these systems. Our predictions are based on an extensive set of more than 500 direct simulations of star clusters with primordial binaries, and a number of additional runs containing primordial triples. Our simulations employ a number N tot of equal-mass stars from   N tot= 512  to  19 661  and a primordial binary fraction from 0 to 50 per cent. In addition, we validate our results against simulations with   N = 19 661  that include a mass spectrum with a turn-off mass at  0.8 M  , appropriate to describe the old stellar populations of Galactic globular clusters. Based on our simulations, we expect that typical triple abundances in the core of a dense cluster are two orders of magnitude lower than the binary abundances, which in itself already suggests that we do not have to wait too long for the first comparable-mass triple with a pulsar to be detected.  相似文献   
In this paper we carry out a quantitative analysis of the three-body systems and map them as a function of decaying time and initial configuration, look at this problem as an example of a simple deterministic system and ask to what extent the orbits are really predictable. We have investigated the behaviour of about 200 000 general Newtonian three-body systems using the simplest initial conditions. Within our resolution these cover all the possible states where the objects are initially at rest and have no angular momentum. We have determined the decay time-scales of the triple systems and show that the distribution of this parameter is fractal in appearance. Some areas that appear stable on large scales exhibit very narrow strips of instability and the overall pattern, dominated by resonances, reminds us of a traditional Maasai warrior shield. Also an attempt is made to recover the original starting configuration of the three bodies by backward integration. We find there are instances where the evolution to the future and to the past lead to different orbits, in spite of time symmetric initial conditions. This implies that even in simple deterministic systems there exists an arrow of time.  相似文献   
We present a simple and efficient method to set up spherical structure models for N -body simulations with a multimass technique. This technique reduces by a substantial factor the computer run time needed in order to resolve a given scale as compared to single-mass models. It therefore allows to resolve smaller scales in N -body simulations for a given computer run time. Here, we present several models with an effective resolution of up to  1.68 × 109  particles within their virial radius which are stable over cosmologically relevant time-scales. As an application, we confirm the theoretical prediction by Dehnen that in mergers of collisionless structures like dark matter haloes always the cusp of the steepest progenitor is preserved. We model each merger progenitor with an effective number of particles of approximately 108 particles. We also find that in a core–core merger the central density approximately doubles whereas in the cusp–cusp case the central density only increases by approximately 50 per cent. This may suggest that the central regions of flat structures are better protected and get less energy input through the merger process.  相似文献   
We present the secular theory of coplanar N -planet system, in the absence of mean motion resonances between the planets. This theory relies on the averaging of a perturbation to the two-body problem over the mean longitudes. We expand the perturbing Hamiltonian in Taylor series with respect to the ratios of semimajor axes which are considered as small parameters, without direct restrictions on the eccentricities. Next, we average out the resulting series term by term. This is possible thanks to a particular but in fact quite elementary choice of the integration variables. It makes it possible to avoid Fourier expansions of the perturbing Hamiltonian. We derive high-order expansions of the averaged secular Hamiltonian (here, up to the order of 24) with respect to the semimajor axes ratio. The resulting secular theory is a generalization of the octupole theory. The analytical results are compared with the results of numerical (i.e. practically exact) averaging. We estimate the convergence radius of the derived expansions, and we propose a further improvement of the algorithm. As a particular application of the method, we consider the secular dynamics of three-planet coplanar system. We focus on stationary solutions in the HD 37124 planetary system.  相似文献   
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