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刘军  石鹏飞  孙凯 《岩土工程技术》2021,(2):134-136,F0003
对土工试验方法标准的新旧规范中无荷膨胀率和有荷膨胀率的变化内容进行对比分析,发现两者的计算公式发生显著变化,新规范的计算结果与旧规范相比,膨胀率明显变大,膨胀量随之增大,这将对工程勘察、设计、施工等产生明显影响。以某工程为例,新规范计算后地层总膨胀量由旧规范的16.7 mm变为51.8 mm,增加了2倍左右,地基土的胀缩等级由Ⅰ级变为Ⅱ级,地基基础设计等级由丙级变为乙级,地基处理措施和施工方案随之也发生改变。因此,工程技术人员对此应综合考虑,严谨对待。  相似文献   
蚀变岩的蠕变特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以某水电站工程项目为依托,利用自行研制的试验仪器对大量的蚀变岩做了单轴压缩流变试验。通过对试验数据的处理和分析,得到了该种岩石的流变,并对蚀变岩的蠕变特性进行了分析总结,为工程设计提供了试验依据。  相似文献   
In engineering practice, a rapid loading rate can result in ground failure when the strength of soft soils is relatively low, and a multistage loading scheme is always utilized to deal with this situation. Firstly, under a multistage load and the continuous drainage boundary, an analytical solution of excess pore-water pressure and consolidation degree is obtained by virtue of the superposition formula of excess pore-water pressure, and a more general continuous drainage boundary under arbitrary time-dependent load is developed. Then, a comparison with existing analytical solutions is conducted to verify the present solution. A preliminary attempt on applying the continuous drainage boundary into the finite element model is made, and the feasibility of the numerical model for the one-dimensional consolidation under the continuous drainage boundary is verified by comparing the results calculated by FEM with that from present analytical solution. Finally, the consolidation behavior of soil is investigated in detail for different int erface parameters or loading scheme. The results show that, in land reclamation projects, a horizontal drain should be placed close to the boundary with a smaller interface parameter to improve the consolidation efficiency. The degree of consolidation is also related to the applied time-dependent load and interface parameters.  相似文献   
By using the upper bound finite‐elements limit analysis, with an inclusion of single and two horizontal layers of reinforcements, the ultimate bearing capacity has been computed for a rigid strip footing placed over (i) fully granular, (ii) cohesive‐frictional, and (iii) fully cohesive soils. It is assumed that (i) the reinforcements are structurally strong so that no axial tension failure can occur, (ii) the reinforcement sheets have negligible resistance to bending, and (iii) the shear failure can take place between the reinforcement and soil mass. It is expected that the different approximations on which the analysis has been based would generally remain applicable for reinforcements in the form of geogrid sheets. A method has been proposed to incorporate the effect of the reinforcement in the analysis. The efficiency factors, ηc and ηγ, to be multiplied with Nc and Nγ , for finding the bearing capacity of reinforced foundations, have been established. The results have been obtained (i) for different values of ? in case of fully granular and cohesive‐frictional soils, and (ii) for different rates at which the cohesion increases with depth for a fully cohesive soil. The optimum positions of the reinforcements' layers have also been determined. The effect of the reinforcements' length on the results has also been analyzed. As compared to cohesive soils, the granular soils, especially with higher values of ?, cause a much greater increase in the bearing capacity. The results compare reasonably well with the available theoretical and experimental data from literature. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The dynamic characteristics of compacted loess are of great significance to the seismic construction of the Loess Plateau area in Northwest China, where earthquakes frequently occur. To study the change in the dynamic modulus of the foundation soil under the combined action of vertical and horizontal earthquakes, a hollow cylindrical torsion shear instrument capable of vibrating in four directions was used to perform two-way coupling of compression and torsion of Xi'an compacted loess under different dry density and deviator stress ratios. The results show that increasing the dry density can improve the initial dynamic compression modulus and initial dynamic shear modulus of compacted loess. With an increase in the deviator stress ratio, the initial dynamic compression modulus increases, to a certain extent, but the initial dynamic shear modulus decreases slightly. The dynamic modulus gradually decreases with the development of dynamic strain and tends to be stable, and the dynamic modulus that reaches the same strain increases with an increasing dry density. At the initial stage of dynamic loading, the attenuation of the dynamic shear modulus with the strain development is faster than that of the dynamic compression modulus. Compared with previous research results, it is determined that the dynamic modulus of loess under bidirectional dynamic loading is lower and the attenuation rate is faster than that under single-direction dynamic loading. The deviator stress ratio has a more obvious effect on the dynamic compression modulus. The increase in the deviator stress ratio can increase the dynamic compression modulus, to a certain extent. However, the deviator stress ratio has almost no effect on the dynamic shear modulus, and can therefore be ignored.  相似文献   
Based on one type of practical Biot's equation and the dynamic-stiffness matrices of a poroelastic soil layer and half-space, Green's functions were derived for uniformly distributed loads acting on an inclined line in a poroelastic layered site. This analysis overcomes significant problems in wave scattering due to local soil conditions and dynamic soil-structure interaction. The Green's functions can be reduced to the case of an elastic layered site developed by Wolf in 1985. Parametric studies are then carried out through two example problems.  相似文献   
柔性荷载下粉喷桩复合地基承载特性试验研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
开展了粉喷桩复合地基承载性能试验,实测了柔性荷载下桩、土应力,探讨了复合地基中桩土应力比及其变化规律。研究表明,粉喷桩复合地基载荷-沉降曲线一般表现为缓变型;粉喷桩复合地基承载力宜按相对沉降法取相对沉降比为0.01所对应的压力。由于砂垫层的流动补偿作用,柔性荷载下桩土应力比随荷载的增加变化较为平缓,在复合地基承载力基本值附近桩土应力比变化范围为1.73~6.83,平均值为3.20。  相似文献   
时卫民  杨智  舒蕴忠 《岩土工程技术》2012,26(4):185-187,191
在分析某洞库裂缝原因的基础上,采用间隔增设二次衬砌的方法对洞库进行了加固设计,提出了以控制原衬砌混凝土不出现裂缝的原则来确定二次衬砌间距的确定方法,并利用叠合构件位移协调的条件推导出了二次衬砌上荷载的计算公式,为洞库的二次衬砌加固提供了一套设计方法。  相似文献   
岩溶地下水污染风险评价对岩溶地下水的保护、管理和合理利用具有重要意义。文章总结了近年来国内外地下水污染风险评价方面的研究进展,针对目前评价体系存在的不足,构建了适合岩溶区地下水污染风险评价体系。该方法基于欧洲模式,实现地下水防污性能评价;污染负荷评价则考虑污染物在覆盖层中的衰减过程,利用折减系数实现污染负荷量化;最后,基于GIS空间叠加分析耦合防污性能与污染负荷评价,实现区域地下水污染风险评价。文章以地苏地下河系流域为例,开展岩溶区域地下水污染风险评价,结果表明:区域整体地下水污染风险偏低,地下水中等及以上污染风险区域面积424.41 km2,占研究区总面积的39.03%,主要分布在研究区中东部地苏乡、东庙乡、六也乡局部等人类活动频繁与地苏地下河干流中下游段。地下水污染风险空间分布特征不仅显示了岩性、坡度、岩溶网络发育等自然条件对评价结果的影响,同时也反映了人类活动的影响。地势平缓,岩溶发育程度强烈,加之人类活动频繁是导致区域地下水污染风险较高的原因所在。  相似文献   
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