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中国东海2万年来海平面变化分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
拟通过中国东海相对海平面与全球海平面对比分析,来获得东海构造沉降数据。但在对比分析的过程中发现,断裂作用对中国东海150m以深海域相对海平面的变化有重要影响。这种作用使东海150m以深海底至少下降了30m,这是我国学者先前误认为中国东海末次冰盛期最低海面位置位于现今海面下150~160m一带的主要原因。在此基础上,进一步对水与冰川重力均衡、沉积物压实和构造沉降作用进行了探讨。结果认为重力均衡不足、沉积物压实作用微弱,构造沉降是造成东海相对海平面与全球海面之间差异的又一重要原因。同时发现东海构造沉降随水深呈规律性变化。断裂作用的表现结果所赋予的更深层次的思考与认识是,在17kaB.P.以前,中国东海水深150~160m一带是1个相对隆起带,其存在对陆架区圈闭和捕获中国大陆古水系和沉积物具有重要意义。  相似文献   
春晓构造是近年来东海油气勘探与开发的重点靶区之一,目前开发工作已准备就续。该区现有钻井5口,但测试结果各井差异较大。如何评价其含油气性特征?本文应用测井、地震和试油等资料进行了综合分析,并提出了春晓构造上的另一个有利于油气聚集和保存的区块--春晓构造南高点断层上盘。  相似文献   
关于南海北部滨海断裂带的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
南海北部的滨海断裂带是位于南澳岛之东粤东南滨海地区的一条北东东走向的构造带。由于其所处的构造位置而一直被地球科学工作者所关注,并从不同角度作了不少研究。在广泛收集有关断裂带的资料和研究成果的基础上,对前人关于断裂带存在的依据、断裂带发育的时代、断裂带的构造属性和第四纪活动情况的认识作了简要归纳,并就断裂带的分布、构造属性等作了初步分析。  相似文献   
Processing of data from regional geophysical surveys completed in the northern Barents Sea has provided updates to gravity and magnetic databases, structural maps of seismic interfaces, and positions of anomaly sources, which made a basis for 3D density and magnetic models of the crust. The new geological and geophysical results placed constraints on the boundaries between basement blocks formed in different settings and on the contours of deposition zones of different ages in the northeastern Barents Sea. The estimated thicknesses of sedimentary sequences that formed within certain time spans record the deposition history of the region. There is a 20-50 km wide deep suture between two basins of Mesozoic and Paleozoic ages in the eastern part of the region, where pre-Late Triassic reflectors have no clear correlation. The suture slopes eastward at a low angle and corresponds to a paleothrust according to seismic and modeling data. In the basement model, the suture is approximated by a zone of low magnetization and density, which is common to active fault systems. The discovery of the suture has important geological and exploration implications.  相似文献   
南海表层沉积物中的碳酸钙含量分布及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过测定南海213个表层沉积物样品中的碳酸钙含量, 综合分析整个南海海域碳酸钙含量分布特征及其控制因素.结果表明, 不同的区域海洋环境, 控制表层沉积物中碳酸钙含量变化的因素也不尽相同: 大陆架区, 碳酸钙含量主要受陆源非碳酸盐物质的稀释作用而较低; 大陆坡区, 碳酸钙因丰富的物源量、低的陆源物质输入量和弱的碳酸钙溶解作用等因素而呈较高含量; 深海盆区, 碳酸钙含量因强烈的溶解作用而较低.根据碳酸钙含量在南海整个表层沉积物中的分布趋势, 推测南海纬度14°N以北的海域碳酸钙补偿深度(CCD)为3700m左右, 纬度14°N以南的海域CCD为4000m左右.Pearson相关分析表明, 南海表层沉积物中钙质超微化石对碳酸钙的含量分布具有较高的贡献率.   相似文献   
海冰动力学数值方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在海冰动力学数值模拟和预测研究中,人们将海冰视为连续介质分别建立了欧拉坐标下的有限差分(FD)方法、拉格朗日坐标下的光滑质点流体动力学(SPH)方法、欧拉和拉格朗日坐标相结合的质点网格法(PIC),近年来又发展了基于非连续介质的颗粒流(GF)方法。对以上几种海冰动力学数值方法的特点和适用性进行了讨论,结果表明:FD、PIC和SPH方法可适用于中长期海冰动力学数值模拟,但SPH方法的计算效率需进一步提高;GF方法在不同尺度下的海冰动力学数值模拟中的计算精度均有很强的适用性,但目前较适用于小尺度下海冰动力学基本特性的数值试验研究,计算时效还不能满足实际海冰数值模拟和预测的要求。为进一步提高海冰动力学模拟的精度和适用性,在不同时空尺度下分别发展与其相适应的数值方法是必要的。  相似文献   
Increased source strength, streamer length and dense spatial coverage of seismic reflection profiles of the SEISMARMARA Leg 1 allow to image the deep structure of the marine North Marmara Trough (NMT) on the strike-slip North Anatolian Fault (NAF) west of the destructive Izmit 1999 earthquake. A reflective lower crust and the Moho boundary are detected. They appear upwarped on an E-W profile from the southern Central Basin eastwards, towards more internal parts of the deformed region. Thinning of the upper crust could use a detachment suggested from an imaged dipping intracrustal reflector that would allow upper crustal material to be dragged from beneath it and above the lower crust, accounting for the extensional component but also southwest motion of the southern margin of the NMT. Sections across the eastern half of the NMT, crossing the Cinarcik and Imrali basins, reveal several faults that are active reaching into the basement and have varying strike and proportions of normal and strike-slip displacement. They might be viewed as petals of a large scale negative flower-structure that spreads over a width of 30 km at surface and is rooted deeper in the lithosphere. Under the Central Basin a very thick sediment infill is revealed and its extensional bounding faults are active and imaged as much as 8 km apart down to 6 km depth. We interpret them as two deep-rooted faults encompassing a foundering basement block, rather than being merely pulled-apart from a jog in a strike-slip above a décollement. The deep-basin lengthening would account for only a modest part of the proposed 60 km finite motion since 4 Myr along the same direction oblique to the NMT that sidesteps the shear motion from its two ends. Thus differential motion occurred much beyond the deep basins, like subsidence involving the NMT bounding faults and the intracrustal detachments. The complex partitioned motion localized on active faults with diverse natures and orientations is suggested to represent the overburden deformation induced from horizontal plane simple shear occurring in depth at lithospheric scale, and in front of the North Anatolian Fault when it propagated through the region.  相似文献   
基于生态工程的海岸带全球变化适应性防护策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在全球变化导致的海平面上升和灾害性气候等压力下,我国海岸带风暴潮、海岸侵蚀、地面沉降等灾害发生频率和强度正在增加,对海岸防护体系的需求日益提高。传统海岸防护工程维护成本高,更新困难,而且可能造成地面沉降、水质恶化、生态退化、渔业资源衰退等后果。基于生态工程的海岸防护提供了抵御海岸带灾害的新理念。修复和重建沙滩、红树林、沼泽湿地、珊瑚礁等海岸带生态系统,可以起到消浪、蓄积泥沙、抬升地面的作用,有效应对全球变化引发的灾害风险,形成更可持续的海岸防护体系。通过分析不同海岸防护技术的优势和限制,认为以生态工程为核心理念构建和管理我国海岸防护体系,才能起到保障社会经济发展和维持生态健康的最佳效果。  相似文献   
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