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长期以来,研究者在探讨土壤中多环芳烃(PAHs)的降解及修复过程中,缺乏简便有效的手段对化合物的降解动态进行定量研究。前人尝试用投加实验、对比采用降解措施前后污染物的浓度变化、模型计算等方法研究PAHs的降解过程,其结果常互相矛盾,或不能真实反映复杂的实际环境。本文应用单体碳同位素技术对农田土壤中多环芳烃的植物降解过程进行定量表征,采集了某地农田表土作为供试土壤,选择玉米作为供试作物,开展了作物对土壤中PAHs降解及消除过程的研究。气相色谱-质谱分析结果表明,培养所用的玉米原始土及分4批收集的空白土、根际土、非根际土样品中16种PAHs的浓度总和(∑PAHs)平均分别为380.8 ng/g、(281.5±34.7) ng/g、(272.2±11.6) ng/g和(299.8±37.9) ng/g;玉米生长期间,各土壤样品 的∑PAHs均比原始土壤有所下降,但除3环化合物(苊烯、苊、芴、菲、蒽)外,其他化合物并未随玉米的生长表现出显著趋势。与玉米根、叶倾向于富集低环PAHs化合物相对应,可以判断植物对土壤中的低环化合物去除作用最为显著。各采样时期玉米根际土、非根际土和空白土壤样品中多环芳烃单体化合物的碳同位素分馏值(δ13C)在-34.31‰~-23.95‰之间,且除芘外的其他化合物的δ13C值随时间呈现逐步变轻的趋势,波动值位于-0.6‰~-9.0‰之间;本文对于PAHs单体化合物,尤其是4、5环化合物,在玉米降解过程中的碳同位素分馏与浓度变化之间未发现明显关系。考虑3环以下的PAHs化合物更倾向于被降解和清除,且其碳、氢同位素分馏情况更容易被观察到,因此稳定同位素分析更有助于探明该类单体多环芳烃污染物在环境中的迁移、转化规律。  相似文献   
曾广圣  欧乐明 《岩矿测试》2019,38(2):160-168
秘鲁铜硫矿石的主要回收对象是铜和硫矿物,由于铜矿物嵌布复杂、粒度过细以及与各种脉石矿物或金属矿物交生关系紧密,利用传统工艺矿物学研究方法如化学分析、光学显微镜检测等较难准确定量其工艺矿物学参数。本文采用化学分析、X射线衍射、扫描电镜、偏光显微镜及矿物参数自动分析系统(MLA)等技术手段,研究秘鲁铜硫矿石的化学成分、矿物组成和主要矿物的嵌布特征、粒度分布及单体解离特性等,并对影响选矿指标的主要矿物学因素进行分析。结果表明:矿石中主要元素为Cu(0.65%)和S(9.53%)。矿石中黄铁矿(16.57%)含量较高,形态较为规则,与其他矿物之间的交生关系相对简单,粒度普遍偏粗,其中粒径大于0.30mm的黄铁矿占95.06%。铜矿物主要以不规则粒状、皮壳状、网脉状、纤维状、尘粒状、斑点状分布于脉石中或与黄铁矿、闪锌矿、磁铁矿等金属矿物交生紧密,粒度极不均匀,使得铜矿物解离难度加大,且矿石中云母(12.51%)、绿泥石(3.74%)、滑石(3.34%)、高岭石、蒙脱石(3.59%)等黏土质矿物含量较高,在磨矿过程中易发生泥化从而恶化分选环境。根据该类型矿石的工艺矿物学特性,本文建议采用"粗磨-部分优先浮铜-铜硫混浮-混合精矿再磨再选分离"的工艺流程,可得到质量高的铜、硫精矿。  相似文献   
The more sensitive an analysis method the more care must be given to sample preparation. Solid phase extraction (SPE) onto RP 18 phases has established itself as a general purification and enrichment technique for trace components in aqueous samples. Various factors may thereby influence the recovery rate. For example, the ratio amount of sorbent and sample volume should be taken into account to avoid breakthrough of the investigated substance. Extracting phenylurea herbicides from drinking water, the ratio should be 1 g RP 18 sorbent per 1 L water sample. Concerning the flow rate for the fungicides procymidone, vinclozolin, and iprodione, the recovery rate decreases using higher flow rates than 3 or 6 mL/min. In the case of phenylurea herbicides, a flow rate of 10 or 14 mL/min showed best results. Even the coefficient of variation is below ± 5% at these flow rates. Furthermore, the company dependence should be considered because the recovery rate might differ by up to 40% using the nominally identical material. The same applies to the batch dependence of quality from the same company. The concentration of the eluate must also be monitored and carried out with great care to avoid decreasing the recovery rate. Considering these factors of influence, SPE is a very useful tool in sample preparation, particularly if an automated system is used.  相似文献   
本文在遥感技术系统分析的基础上,给出了一个效益分析模型与相应的一些计算方法。在找寻提高遥感效益关键所在及制定遥感发展战略、政策和规划的过程中,它们是一个非常有效的工具。  相似文献   
Robustness analysis of geodetic horizontal networks   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Monitoring and evaluation of groundwater quality in drinking water protectorates is of particular interest if the uncontrolled entry of pollutants, for example by infiltrating river water, cannot be excluded. A fluorescence spectroscopic method is presented as possible alternative to the conventional expensive hydrochemical investigations. This method uses the information yielded by synchronous fluorescence spectra. After a Fourier transformation of the original spectra and a following discriminant analysis, the samples can be classified in different groups corresponding to the different types of groundwater. The method was tested in the drinking water protectorate of a waterworks of a German metropolis (Halle, Sachsen-Anhalt). We found a prediction rate of about 90% in the investigated case.  相似文献   
IR Spectroscopy and Further Analyses of New Fabric Rinse Agents Distearyldimethylammoniumchloride (DSDMAC) that dominated the fabric softener market in Germany in the past is now substituted by three new types of ester-based agents, i.e. imidazoline ester, ester quats, and diester quats what poses new challenges to surface water analytics. The IR spectra and the chromatographic behaviour of these three agents are more or less similar to those of naturally occuring fatty esters. The paper reports about the use of IR spectroscopy, its benefit in the sense of fingerprinting principle, the identification of substances by functional groups, and the analytical tracing of transformation products. The latter relates to the formation of salts with anions that are easily detectable, the clean up, and the final spectroscopic determination. While in 1994 DSDMAC was still determinable in concentrations of 10…20 mg/kg in suspended solids from the Middle Rhine River, the concentration of the substitutes was below the detection limit of 2 mg/kg and 1…2 μg/L in 1995.  相似文献   
贺连顺 《矿产与地质》1992,6(6):420-424
应用层次分析法(Analystical Hierarchy Process,简称AHP法)确定金窝子金矿床合理的工业品位指标。将影响工业品位的因素及各因素间的隶属关系构成系统的多层次分析结构模型,进行层次排序,制订工业品位指标的总目标,通过分析和计算,确定工业品位指标的最佳方案,取得了较满意的结果。  相似文献   
吴清海 《现代测绘》2006,29(6):30-32
泊松曲线是一种精度较高的沉降预测方法,但是它只能在等时距数据条件下方能使用,在工程实际中很难满足这一要求。本文采用插值法将非等时距数据转化成等时距数列,并结合高层建筑沉降监测工程实例分析,结果表明,用泊松曲线模型预测建筑物沉降量与实际沉降量比较接近,具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   
阐述了民国时期上海霍乱的发生情况,并对其频发的原因进行了研究。研究结果认为,民国时期上海霍乱流行有三个方面的特点:一是频繁,数十年几乎无年不发生;二是死亡人数多,并涉及各色人等,尤以移民、苦力等下层社会群体受害最深;三是成因极为复杂,既有自然因素又有人为因素的作用,如贸易、人口、移民、城市管理、习惯文化、生活方式、社会分层、战争等。多种因素叠加交互作用,使上海成为当时中国三大霍乱中心之一。研究还发现,民国时期上海霍乱不同于一般的传染病,而是现代沿海城市畸形发展的一种城市病,其社会问题的层面要多于自然的层面。  相似文献   
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