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American evangelicals have long played a significant role in American culture and politics. Drawing from a nationally representative survey, this article describes American evangelicals’ global warming risk assessments and policy preferences and tests several theory-based factors hypothesized to influence their views. American evangelicals are less likely than non-evangelicals to believe that global warming is happening, caused mostly by human activities, and causing serious harm, yet a majority of evangelicals are concerned about climate change and support a range of climate change and energy related policies. Multiple regression analyses found that the combination of biospheric, altruistic, and egoistic value orientations is a more significant predictor of evangelicals’ risk assessments and policy support than negative affect, egalitarian or individualistic worldviews, or socio-demographic variables.  相似文献   
Time series data was used to compute 5-year moving average rates of growth in salmon aquaculture production over time for four of the world's leading salmon farming countries, and globally. This analysis reveals a decline of 1.2% per year in global farmed salmon production since it peaked in 1966. Analysis of production data for all farmed finfish, both marine and freshwater, shows a decline of 0.34% per year in the growth rate from the peak year. These results have implications for global fisheries policy because it means that it is unlikely that aquaculture alone can meet the fish protein needs of humans.  相似文献   
测绘类职业院校工学结合“三保单”模式探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
测绘类职业院校学生工学结合期间,由于野外作业和工程施工测量高危险作业环境的特点,常常发生人身伤亡或致残现象。为保证工学结合的顺利实施,本文探讨了"三保单"模式的构建与实施。"三保单"是指企业保险单、学校保险单和学生自购保险单,它是职业院校开展"工学结合"的一种模式,更是保障"工学结合"顺利实施的一种手段。  相似文献   
为全面、及时地掌握日本海洋战略发展态势,为我国加快建设海洋强国和海洋立法提供借鉴和经验,文章对日本三期《海洋基本计划》进行对比研究。研究发现,三期《海洋基本计划》普遍关注海洋资源与保护的平衡、海洋安全保障等问题;第二期计划重点强调海洋产业发展、海洋安全保障、海洋科技发展;第三期计划更加突出保卫海洋安全,包括北极开发、离岛管理等。为此,我国应加快海洋立法、坚持海洋卫国、统筹海洋发展、培养海洋意识。  相似文献   
On 22 April 2009 the European Commission published its ‘Green Paper on the Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy’. The Green Paper points out a contradiction in policy, noting on one hand that public financial support to the Community's fisheries sector is substantial, but on the other hand such support is often incompatible with other Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) objectives, particularly the need to reduce overcapacities. Providing an analytical framework to better understand the effects of subsidies as well as an overview of existing funding schemes under the CFP, this article aims at answering some of the questions posed by the European Commission within its Green Paper. Answers are based on two ideas: the exploitation of marine capture resources ultimately depends on the level of available fish stocks and that a large share of subsidies fuels the race to fish by inducing investment incentives for the fisheries sector. Policies that have ignored this tend to encourage inefficient and unsustainable fishing as well as the misallocation of public funds. Although support schemes under the CFP have changed in recent years, some problematic support schemes persist. A future reform will have to continue the course taken towards sustainable and efficient approaches to supporting the fisheries industry.  相似文献   
Over the past two decades profound changes have taken place in the European Union's (EU) fisheries policy. Partly these changes have occurred within the EU's Common Fisheries Policy itself, but partly policy change has been effected by the application of environmental legislation and policy instruments to fisheries issues. This article argues that the process of policy change in EU fisheries policy can best be understood in terms of the interaction of policy images and policy venues that is at the core of the punctuated equilibrium theory of policy-making. As a result of the rise of a biodiversity perspective on fisheries issues, environmental policy-makers have become active in fisheries issues, which has led to profound changes in both the content of fisheries policies and the institutional organisation around this issue area.  相似文献   
The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is a priority area of the European Union's Better Regulation agenda. Understanding the spatial variation in the application of the policy and the reasons behind these differences would provide insights into policy making in different socioeconomic and cultural settings that will assist in better regulation. The CFP aqcuis (the body of European Union law accumulated thus far) was analysed by creating a database composed of pre-defined elements from each obligation. Distinct differences are apparent in the ‘burden’ imposed by regulations in the Northern and Southern waters. However, a combination of a timeline of fish landings and the accumulation of the CFP regulations shows that despite the increase in the number of regulations this has not led to the anticipated reduction in landings. Historical, biological and geopolitical differences between the two major marine regions of the EU are discussed in terms of the impact they have had on the formation of the different fisheries management models in the different regions. Finally, the elements forming these models are discussed in terms of successes and failures in the context of the 2012 CFP reform.  相似文献   
This article seeks to identify the key principles that should guide the definition of the mandate and institutional structure for acquiring scientific advice in support of the European Maritime Policy. The EU has stated that, as concerns the Maritime Policy, the relations between science and policy ought to reflect a ‘new form of governance’. Far from being an easy task, however, the EU has observed that there are problems of credibility and legitimacy in the relations between science and society (including policymakers), which first need to be overcome. Against this background, the article draws on some of the newest conceptual and empirical research on science-policy relations, which has sought to analyse and ultimately provide frameworks for overcoming such challenges. On this basis, the article investigates the principles that need to be applied to constitute a ‘new form of governance’ as a means of paving the way toward a more credible and legitimate use of scientific data, information and knowledge within policymaking and implementation processes.  相似文献   
Exploited fish and shellfish stocks in European marine waters underlie the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The next round of reform of the CFP is due for completion in 2012. The exploitation at maximum sustainable yield (MSY) may be confirmed as the common environmental objective for good environment status (GES) of exploited fish and shellfish stocks of the reformed CFP and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The foreseen time horizon to achieve or maintain GES by 2020 appears inconsistent with the World Summit on Sustainable Development UN agreement in 2002, which stipulates that maintenance or restoring of stocks to produce MSY be realized by 2015. The MSFD requires instead that by 2015 the national programmes of measures be designed in order to become operational the following year (2016).  相似文献   
简要介绍了近两年来美国和北欧Loran-C系统的研究和技术改造,以及未来数年内的发展方向政策,美国制订了的改造计划,对Loran-C系统及设备进行结构性调整和更新改造,同时对采用新技术后的Loran-C系统的性能和长期需求作出测试与评估,北欧Loran-C系统的研究重心是如何将陆基和空基系统有效地结合起来,Loran-C系统的作为和潜在应用还有于进一步的研究和探索。  相似文献   
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