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邓伟 《地理科学》1997,17(3):278-284
长山群岛特有的地质,地理环境肽其气候条件决定其水环境容量水,水资源有限。海岛区域开发协调发展的道路,水资源开发不应以损害水环境炒代价,必须走水资源持续利用的开发模式  相似文献   
The skunk clownfish (Amphiprion akallopisos) has a disjunct distribution, occurring in the Eastern Indian Ocean (EIO) and the Western Indian Ocean (WIO), separated by several thousands of kilometres. Information on connectivity of marine species is very important for the correct spacing of marine protected areas, a powerful instrument for the protection of coral reefs. The population genetic structure of A. akallopisos was analysed in order to investigate connectivity amongst populations and to explain the disjunct distribution of the species. A fragment of the mitochondrial control region was used to investigate the genetic population structure. Fin clips were collected from 263 individuals at 14 sites in the WIO and three sites in the EIO. The obtained DNA sequences were used to calculate genetic diversity, evaluate demographic history and to construct a haplotype network. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was conducted to evaluate the significance of the observed genetic population structure. None of the identified 69 haplotypes was shared between the WIO and EIO. Haplotype as well as nucleotide diversity was considerably higher in the EIO than in the WIO. Significant genetic population structure was revealed by an AMOVA with an overall φst‐value of 0.28 (P < 0.001) in the Indian Ocean. The overall AMOVA (φst = ?0.00652) was not significant in the EIO, but was significant in the WIO (φst = 0.016; P < 0.01). Demographic analysis indicated population expansion in the EIO and WIO. Population genetic analysis revealed highly restricted gene flow between the EIO and WIO. Genetic diversity was much higher in the EIO than in the WIO, suggesting that the EIO is the geographical origin of the species. Given the large distance between the disjunct populations and the short pelagic larval duration, long‐distance dispersal is rather unlikely. A stepping stone model involving islands in the Central Indian Ocean is a more likely scenario for colonization of the WIO.  相似文献   
许红燕  黄志珍 《水文》2014,34(3):87-91
在收集大量社会经济指标、水文气象、河流、水库、水质等资料的基础上,对舟山市的降水量、蒸发量、地表和地下水水量、可利用量及水质进行了分析与评价,为评估群岛新区海洋经济发展的水资源保障能力提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
方念乔 《地学前缘》2002,9(3):173-181
以新生代印度尼西亚多岛海沉积记录作为典型分析对象 ,对陆 (岛 )海相间结构背景下的沉积作用的主要特征及其构造地理意义进行讨论。各种类型的深水沉积作用在多岛海槛式盆地中多有反映 ,但以浊积和半远洋沉积最为突出 ,典型的远洋沉积仅发育于多岛海外围的开放大洋地区。连续而持久的远洋沉积记录是判别古代洋盆规模的最有效的依据之一。云南昌宁—孟连造山带作为古特提斯多岛洋主洋盆 ,包含的以放射虫硅质岩为代表的远洋记录覆盖的地质历史至少达 130Ma。结合明显的等深流记录、可能的巨大火成区记录、巨量陆屑输入记录等多方面的证据 ,笔者认为 ,云南地区所揭示的东古特提斯的规模远非当代的印尼多岛海可比。对多岛海背景下的若干古海洋学问题也进行了讨论  相似文献   
如何通过区域各类要素资源的有效整合,构建区域发展战略格局,推动区域社会经济的可持续发展一直是学术界研究的热点.本文以社会经济发展较为滞后的湛江市为例,通过实地调研和多方论证,在深入分析湛江市各类资源要素禀赋的基础上,首次提出了"湛江群岛"的概念,阐释了"湛江群岛"理念在推动湛江市区域社会经济发展过程中的重要意义.在此基...  相似文献   
舟山群岛地区的地质构造背景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汪豫忠 《华南地震》1995,15(1):55-61
从大地构造、磁场和新构造分区特点等方面,对舟山群岛地区的地质构造背景作了较为详细的论述,指出该区处于基底构造交汇,新构造和地震活动强弱分区的过渡地带,新构造运动在中更新世之后趋于平稳;全新世为间歇性活动,强度较弱,基底由若干微块体组成,块体间为不稳定边界,舟山群岛及其海域深部以东西向、浅表部以北东和北东向构造为主,具有孕震和发震的地质构造背景。  相似文献   
崎岖列岛附近海域浮游植物与水环境状况研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于2001年冬(2月)、春(4月)、夏(7月)、秋(10月)首次对崎岖列岛附近海域的浮游植物和赤潮生物与枯水期(2月)、丰水期(7月)的水质进行了调查研究.采用浮游植物细胞丰度法和环境质量单项评价标准指数法,对该海域环境质量状况进行评估.结果表明:崎岖列岛附近海域共有浮游植物6门45属90种,其中赤潮生物有33种,浮游植物平均细胞丰度从大到小的顺序为,夏季(4.25×104个/dm3),秋季(3.85×104个/dm3),春季(2.66×104个/dm3),冬季(5.20×103个/dm3).底泥中发现的藻类有80种,其中赤潮生物有31种,并发现一些甲藻孢囊及休眠孢子.底泥藻类丰度为12~612个/g,平均值为68个/g.主要有害赤潮生物为具齿原甲藻Prorocentrum dentatum(东海区的东海原甲藻P.donghaiense),链状亚历山大藻Alexandrium catenella,塔玛亚历山大藻Alexandrium tamarense,项圈亚历山大藻Alexandrium monilatum,尖刺伪菱形藻Pseudo-nitzschia pungens,具尾鳍藻Dinophysis caudata,夜光藻Noctiluca scintillans,裸藻Eutreptiella gymnastica等.主要赤潮生物优势种为中肋骨条藻Skeletonema costatum.该海域化学需氧量、活性磷酸盐和无机氮则超标严重,水质已处于严重富营养化状态.  相似文献   
To study the water quality influenced by the anthropogenic activities and its impact on the phytoplankton diversity in the surface waters of Miaodao Archipelago, the spatiotemporal variations in phytoplankton communities and the environmental properties of the surface waters surrounding the Five Southern Islands of Miaodao Archipelago were investigated, based on seasonal field survey conducted from November 2012 to August 2013. During the survey, a total of 109 phytoplankton species from 3 groups were identified in the southern waters of Miaodao Archipelago, of which 77 were diatoms, 29 were dinoflagellates, and 3 were chrysophytes. Species number was higher in winter (73), moderate in autumn (70), but lower in summer (31) and spring (27). The species richness index in autumn (5.92) and winter (4.28) was higher than that in summer (2.83) and spring (1.41). The Shannon-Wiener diversity index was high in autumn (2.82), followed by winter (1.99) and summer (1.92), and low in spring (0.07). The species evenness index in autumn (0.46) and summer (0.39) was higher than that in winter (0.32) and spring (0.02). On the basis of principal component analysis (PCA) and redundancy analysis (RDA), we found that dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) in spring, COD in summer, pH in autumn, and salinity and oil pollutant in winter, respectively, showed the strongest association with the distribution of phytoplankton diversity. The spatial heterogeneity of the southern waters of Miaodao Archipelago was quite obvious, and three zones, i.e., northeastern, southwestern and inter-island water area, were identified by cluster analysis (CA) based on key environmental variables.  相似文献   
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