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本文针对目前刺参养殖中存在的问题,简单明了叙述刺参无公害健康养殖一系列新技术和新方法,对推动海参养殖业持续、稳定、健康发展,起到积极作用和效果。  相似文献   
乳酸乳球菌(Lactococcus lactis)是一种具有促进宿主生长、增强机体免疫力的益生菌。本研究以仿刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)为研究对象,以仿刺参源肠道分离菌株乳酸乳球菌XP-15为候选益生菌,开展菌株XP-15对仿刺参生长、免疫及肠道菌群结构的影响研究。以乳酸乳球菌XP-15投喂组为实验组(XP-15组),基础饲料投喂组为对照组(CK组),进行为期8周的养殖实验。结果显示,第1—8周,XP-15组的仿刺参肠道内的乳球菌属(Lactococcus spp.)呈现逐渐增加趋势,至第8周时占比为54.00%,明显高于CK组的7.33%,表明菌株XP-15可较好地在仿刺参肠道内定殖;于第6周取肠道进行免疫酶活力测定,结果显示,XP-15组仿刺参肠道一氧化氮合成酶(nitric oxide synthase, NOS)、酸性磷酸酶(acid phosphatase, ACP)和超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase, SOD)等免疫指标显著高于CK组。于第6周采用体腔注射法进行相对免疫保护率实验,计算结果表明,投喂菌株XP-15后仿刺参在塔式...  相似文献   
根据山东荣成沿岸风电机组产生的声波范围选取其中178Hz的峰值声音,声压级控制于(85±5)d B,在实验室水槽中,采用实验生态学方法研究了178Hz声波影响下的刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)幼参的行为反应、耗氧率以及体腔液抗氧化酶(CAT、SOD)浓度的变化。通过平均聚集率的变化比较,发现刺参对178Hz的声波胁迫环境的行为反应敏感;利用空瓶法测得幼参耗氧率显著低于对照组(P0.05);通过测定刺参体腔液免疫活性发现在该频率声波干扰下的刺参CAT活性显著高于对照组(P0.05),而SOD活性于对照组差异不明显(P0.05)。研究结果说明声波对刺参幼参的呼吸和免疫会产生明显影响,可为我国近海刺参养殖和风电发展策略提供参考。  相似文献   
日粮水平对周期性变温模式下刺参生长和能量收支的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
变温对不同水生生物生长的影响有所不同,对部分种类具有明显的促进作用,而由于种类或温度设置等差异,研究结果各有差异.刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)在生长和生理水平上对一定程度上的符合自然水域温度波动曲线的周期性变温具有积极响应,作者研究在2个变温平均温度(均温15,18 ℃),5个日粮水平(饥饿;0.3%初始体重;0.6%初始体重;0.9%初始体重;1.4%初始体重)下刺参幼参的生长、摄食和能量收支.结果表明,在饱食条件下,刺参在变温条件下生长率高于相应的恒温对照,(15±3) ℃下差异达到显著水平.在各日粮条件下,(15±3) ℃下刺参的生长率均高于(18±3) ℃下对应日粮组.随日粮水平的升高,食物吸收率(FI)和食物转化率(FCE)显著升高.食物转化率变温组均大于恒温处理组,且在均温15 ℃下变温组显著高于恒温组(P<0.05).在能量分配模式中呼吸能占比例最大,且随变温均温升高而显著增加,是造成不同温度下刺参生长率变化的主要因素之一.在(15±3) ℃和(18±3) ℃下,刺参以能量表示的维持日粮值分别为0.39%和0.51%,与相关资料报道的恒温状态下维持日粮相比,一定程度上的变温并不会提高刺参的维持代谢.  相似文献   
The sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus, is an important marine aquaculture species in China. After nearly thirty years of development, the production of A. japonicus has become commercially lucrative and successful. In this report, current advances in sea cucumber industry are addressed in terms of the basic biology, culturing methods, and health care bene?ts. Next, the challenges restricting development of the sea cucumber industry are discussed, including weaknesses in the basic biological research, the problem of germplasm degradation, environmental stress caused by global climate change, and food safety problems. Finally, several strategies are presented that might contribute to sustainable development of the sea cucumber industry. These strategies include advances in genome studies, behavioral studies, selective breeding, ecological culture technologies, reforms in food safety management, and the development of health care functions based on contemporary medical practices. Thus, our work provides new insights into how to explore the sustainable development of the sea cucumber industry in the future.  相似文献   
Correlation, multiple regression, and path analyses were used to investigate the relationships between body weight and three other morphological traits in juvenile Japanese sea cucumbers Apostichopus japonicus . We measured live body weight (BW), body length (BL), numbers of papillae (NP), and numbers of tube feet (NF) at 60, 80, 100, and 130 days post-hatching (dph). We calculated path correlation coefficients, correlation indices ( R 2 ), and coefficients of determination with BW as the dependent variable and the other morphological traits as independent variables. The coefficient of variation for BW was high across all age groups, and all measured morphological traits were significantly correlated ( P < 0.01). BL had the greatest direct eff ect on BW across all age groups (60 dph, 0.526;80 dph, 0.404;100 dph, 0.620;and 130 dph, 0.681), while NF had the greatest indirect eff ect on BW across all age groups (60 dph, 0.528;80 dph, 0.452;100 dph, 0.666;and 130 dph, 0.603). Regression analyses between morphological traits and BW indicated that R 2 was greater than 0.85 only in the 100-dph specimens. The indirect eff ects of the other measured morphological traits on BW were age-dependent. The optimal regression equations, as determined with stepwise regression, were, for 60-dph specimens: BW 60 =10 (-3.04+0.092BL+0.014NP+0.014NF)( R 2 =0.632);for 80-dph specimens: BW 80 =10 (- 3.035+0.056BL+0.017NP+0.02NF)( R 2 =0.686);for 100-dph specimens: BW 100 =10 (- 3.742+0.069BL+0. 633 · lg (NP)+0. 464 · lg (NF))( R 2 =0.893);and for 130-dph specimens: BW 130 =10 (- 2.472+0.065BL+0.012NP)( R 2 =0.774). Our work clarified the correlation between various morphological traits and body weight of a commercially-important sea cucumber species ( A . japonicus ). Our predictive models for body weight might be useful for the aquaculture and selective breeding of A . japonicus . These models might also provide theoretical support for the indirect selection of traits that are difficult to select directly.  相似文献   
参对光照变化非常敏感,研究刺参对光照的分子响应非常重要。本研究应用RNA测序获取了刺参暴露于强光(“强光”)、正常光照(“对照”)和完全黑暗(“黑暗”)环境下体壁的基因表达谱情况,通过“对照”与“黑暗”,“对照”与“强光”和“黑暗”与“强光”的比较,在|log2 ratio|≥1和FDR≤0.001的标准下分别发现了1161、113和1705个差异表达基因(DEGs)。基因本体分析表明,“cellular process”和“binding”在“生物过程”和“分子功能”类别中的DEGs富集最多,而“cell”和“cell part”在“细胞组分”类别中的DEGs富集最多。将DEGs与Kyoto Encyclopedia基因和基因组数据库上的于214、41和229条通路进行比对,发现了51、2和57条通路分别显著富集。本研究发现的光特异性DEGs可作为深入研究刺参对光照变化的生化适应机制的重要目标基因。  相似文献   
采用高效液相色谱-蒸发光散射(HPLC-ELSD)法建立了刺参皂苷的特征图谱.方法:色谱柱为Symmetry C18(150 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm),采用0.2% 乙酸水溶液-乙腈进行梯度洗脱,流速1.0 mL/min;柱温30 ℃;漂移管温度70 ℃;载气压力25 psi.结论:方法具有良好的专属性,可以作为刺参类产品是否含有刺参皂苷的评价方法.  相似文献   
在实验室条件下,研究了全光照(24L︰0D)、半光照半黑暗(12L︰12D)、全黑暗(0L︰24D)3种光照周期下刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)的摄食节律、摄食率以及3种消化酶(脂肪酶、淀粉酶、胰蛋白酶)活力的昼夜变化规律。结果显示:(1)在全光照条件下,刺参极少活动,24 h内的摄食比例较低(6%~10%);在半光照半黑暗条件下,刺参光照阶段运动不活跃,摄食比例较低(0~10%),黑暗阶段运动极其活跃,摄食比例较高;在全黑暗条件下,刺参一直处于较活跃状态,24 h内的摄食比例都较高。3种光照条件下,刺参的摄食高峰都出现在00:00~02:00,且刺参夜晚的摄食比例显著高于白天(P0.05);(2)刺参的日摄食率从全光照、半光照半黑暗到全黑暗依次增加,3种光照周期条件下刺参夜晚的摄食率极显著高于白天的摄食率(P0.01);(3)3种光照周期下,刺参3种消化酶活力的最大值都出现在22:00~02:00,消化酶活力的最大值比摄食高峰早0~4 h。研究结果表明,光照对刺参的摄食节律和消化酶活力昼夜变化都有显著影响,刺参具有提前分泌消化酶为即将到来的摄食做好准备的调节机制。  相似文献   
Emergy analysis is effective for analyzing ecological economic systems. However, the accuracy of the approach is af-fected by the diversity of economic level, meteorological and hydrological parameters...  相似文献   
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