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本文基于常用的统计方法,通过与WOA09观测的海洋溶解氧浓度数据进行比较,定量地评估了9个CMIP5地球系统模式在历史排放试验中海洋溶解氧气候态特征的模拟能力。在海表,由于地球系统模式均能很好地模拟海表温度(SST),模式模拟的海表溶解氧浓度分布与观测一致,模拟结果无论是全球平均浓度偏差还是均方根误差均接近0,空间相关系数与标准偏差接近1。在海洋中层以及深层这些重要水团所在的区域,各模式的模拟能力则差异较大,尤其在溶解氧低值区(OMZs)所在的500m到1000m,各模式均出现全球平均偏差、均方根误差的极大值以及空间相关系数的极小值。在海洋内部,模式偏差的原因比较复杂。经向翻转环流和颗粒有机碳通量均对模式的偏差有贡献。分析结果表明物理场偏差对溶解氧偏差的贡献较大。一些重要水团,比如北大西洋深水,南极底层水以及北太平洋中层水在极大程度上影响了溶解氧在这些海区的分布。需要指出的是,虽然在海洋内部各模式模拟的溶解氧浓度偏差较大,但是多模式平均结果却能表现出与观测较好的一致性。  相似文献   
青藏高原东北缘是柴达木沙尘暴东移的必经之道和沉降区,对青藏高原东北部降尘时空分异特征进行分析,有助于认识青藏高原区域粉尘输送的现代过程和机制。2013年12月至2015年5月分别在青海湖小泊湖(XBH)、西宁多巴(DB)、西宁青海师大科技楼顶(KJLD)设置降尘缸,进行湿法收集。对其降尘通量和粒度特征进行了时空分异特征分析,结果显示,1)西宁地区2014年降尘通量为442~542 g/m~2·a,青海湖XBH采集点指示的2014年降尘通量为415 g/m~2·a,降尘通量年际变化较大,各站点降尘通量季节变化趋势一致,降尘主要集中在冬春季,夏季降尘通量最低;2)各站点降尘粒度组成特征非常相似,以粉砂为主(4~63μm),西宁地区尘暴与非尘暴降尘粒度频率曲线呈近似正态分布,尘暴期间降尘粒径较非尘暴时段大;3)XBH、DB和KJLD 3点所有样品平均粒径分别为37μm、34μm和31μm,中值粒径分别为31μm、27μm和26μm;对比低海拔兰州尘暴粒径特征,发现降尘粒径存在一定的海拔依赖性,即粒度随海拔增高逐渐变粗。  相似文献   
The soil mass is subjected to temperature variation due to several human activities (viz. tanks storing heated fluids, buried cables and pipelines, air-conditioning ducts, disposal of nuclear and thermal power plant wastes etc.), which result in heat-induced migration of the moisture in it. Though several studies have been conducted in the past to investigate the mechanism of heat migration through the soil mass, a methodology for ‘real-time measurement of the variations in temperature, flux and moving moisture front, in tandem, with respect to space' has rarely been attempted. In this context, extensive laboratory investigations were conducted to measure real-time flux and temperature variations in the sandy soils, and the validation of results has been done by employing an equivalent electrical circuit programme, LTspice. Subsequently, a mathematical model PHITMDS (i.e. Prediction of Heat-Induced Temperature and Moisture Distribution in Soil) has been developed and its utility and efficacy, for predicting the depth-wise temperature and heat-induced moisture migration, due to evaporation, in terms of position of moving moisture front in the sandy soil has been critically discussed and demonstrated.  相似文献   
Models relating sediment supply to catchment properties are important in order to use the geological record to deduce landscape evolution and interplay between tectonics and climate. Water discharge (Q w) is an important factor in the widely used ‘BQART ’ model, which relates sediment load to a set of measurable catchment parameters. Although many of the factors in this equation may be independently estimated with some degree of certainty in ancient systems, water discharge (Q w) certainly cannot. An analysis of a world database of modern catchments with 1255 entries shows that the commonly applied equation relating catchment area (A ) to water discharge (Q w = 0·075A0·8) does not predict water discharge from catchment area well in many cases (R 2 = 0·5 and an error spanning about three orders of magnitude). This is because the method does not incorporate the effect of arid and wet climate on river water discharge. The inclusion of climate data into such estimations is an opportunity to refine these estimates, because generalized estimates of palaeoclimate can often be deduced on the basis of sedimentological data such as palaeosol types, mineralogy and palaeohydraulics. This paper investigates how the relationship between catchment area and river discharge varies with four runoff categories (arid, semi‐arid, humid and wet), which are recognizable in the geological record, and modifies the coefficient and exponent of the above‐mentioned equation according to these classes. This modified model yields improved results in relating discharge to catchment area (R 2 = 0·95 and error spanning one order of magnitude) when core, outcrop or regional palaeoclimate reconstruction data are available in non‐arid systems. Arid systems have an inherently variable water discharge, and catchment area is less important as a control due to downstream losses. The model here is sufficient for many geological applications and makes it possible to include variations in catchment humidity in mass‐flux estimates in ancient settings.  相似文献   
利用1961年1月—2014年12月Hadley气候预测研究中心的全球海表温度(SST)资料,NECP/NCAR逐日风场、比湿等再分析资料,国家气象信息中心提供的中国753站逐日降水、160站逐月降水资料,对比分析了东部(EP)型和中部(CP)型两类El Niňo事件次年夏季长江-黄河流域降水(简记为EP型和CP型降水)低频特征,以及与之相关的低频水汽输送差异。结果表明,1)平均而言,EP型降水主要有10~20 d(最显著)以及20~30 d(次显著)低频周期;CP型降水主要有10~20 d的低频显著周期。与之相关的纬、经向水汽通量最显著低频周期也为10~20 d。2)影响EP、CP型低频降水共同的低频水汽环流系统主要有:菲律宾群岛附近的异常反气旋式水汽环流和渤海湾附近(日本东南侧)的异常气旋式(反气旋式)水汽环流。另外,影响EP(CP)型低频降水的还有来自巴尔喀什湖东北部异常气旋式水汽环流(孟加拉湾、苏门答腊岛以西的异常气旋式水汽环流对和贝加尔湖西、东两侧的异常气旋式、反气旋式环流)。3)EP型降水暖湿水汽主要源自南海,冷湿水汽主要源自西北太平洋,冷空气来自巴尔喀什湖东北部和贝加尔湖西北侧。CP型降水暖湿水汽少量来自阿拉伯海和印度洋,大量来自热带西太平洋,冷空气主要来自贝加尔湖西北侧。  相似文献   
Atmospheric cyclones with strong winds significantly impact ocean circulation, regional sea surface temperature, and deep water formation across the global oceans. Thus they are expected to play a key role in a variety of energy transport mechanisms. Even though wind-generated internal gravity waves are thought to contribute significantly to the energy balance of the deep ocean, their excitation mechanisms are only partly understood.The present study investigates the generation of internal gravity waves during a geostrophic adjustment process in a Boussinesq model with axisymmetric geometry. The atmospheric disturbance is set by an idealized pulse of cyclonic wind stress with a Rankine vortex structure. Strength, radius and duration of the forcing are varied. The effect upon wave generation of stratification with variable mixed-layer depth is also examined.Results indicate that internal gravity waves are generated after approximately one inertial period. The outward radial energy flux is dominated by waves having structure close to vertical mode-1 and with frequency close to the inertial frequency. Less energetic higher mode waves are observed to be generated close to the sea floor underneath the storm. The total radiated energy corresponds to approximately 0.02% of the wind input. Deeper mixed-layer conditions as well as weaker stratification reduce this fraction.The low energy transfer rates suggest that other processes that drive vertical motion like surface heat fluxes, turbulent motion, mixed region collapse and storm translation are essential for significant energy extraction by internal gravity waves to occur.  相似文献   
不同类型草地挥发性有机物排放特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
白建辉  Brad Baker 《大气科学》2006,30(1):119-130
2003年9月,对内蒙古草原不同类型草地挥发性有机物(VOC)的排放、太阳辐射、气象参数等进行观测,结果表明,固定和新的羊草样地、封育样地、不同程度放牧样地异戊二烯、α蒎烯、β蒎烯、柠檬烯、蒈烯的排放均有明显的日变化规律,并与可见光辐射以及温度有较好的一致性.羊草样地、封育样地、过度放牧、适度放牧样地异戊二烯排放的最大值分别为139.5、25.9、132.3、107.1(单位:μg·m-2·h-1,以碳计).多数情况下,异戊二烯排放通量的测定结果为羊草样地高于封育样地、过度放牧样地高于适度放牧样地.不同程度放牧样地α蒎烯、β蒎烯、柠檬烯、蒈烯等的排放具有明显差别,一般是过度放牧草地高于适度放牧草地.剪草增大了绝大部分VOC组分的排放、以及过度和适度放牧草地VOC的排放,剪草可以造成过度和适度放牧草地异戊二烯排放在中午前后的增加.剪草后,过度放牧草地异戊二烯、α蒎烯、β蒎烯、柠檬烯、蒈烯等的排放通量均远大于适度放牧草地的相应值.土壤异戊二烯、α蒎烯、β蒎烯等的排放很小,分别占相近可见光辐射和温度条件下固定羊草样地排放的0.2%、0、3.0%.  相似文献   
利用气象要素计算五道梁地区土壤热流量的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张立杰  江灏  李磊 《高原气象》2006,25(3):418-422
根据五道梁地区1994—1997年的热流板测量土壤热流值,初步分析了该地区土壤热流随时间的变化特征。利用1994—1996年的月平均资料分别分析了总辐射、地表温度、地表温度和80 cm深度温度差和2 cm、10 cm深度的土壤热流的相关性,并建立了相应的回归方程;利用得到的回归方程对1997年的土壤热流作计算检验,就月平均资料来说,用总辐射和地温差来计算浅层土壤热流结果是比较可靠的。  相似文献   
珠江口磨刀门整治前后水动力数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕海滨  吴超羽  刘斌 《海洋科学》2006,30(11):58-63
磨刀门是珠江的主要泄洪通道之一,径流分配居珠江三角洲八大口门之首。利用磨刀门1977年地形(大规模整治前)和2003年的地形,通过ECOMSED模型模拟了磨刀门海域洪枯季节水动力场,对潮流、余流、潮能通量特性进行了对比,发现整治后磨刀门水动力强度加大,而且流速滩槽分异明显,余流场与落潮流方向一致。20世纪70年代,余流自口门出来后在内海区右偏,现在磨刀门水道余流偏向西部浅滩;潮能通量密度加大,滩槽分布差异明显。  相似文献   
The South China Sea continental margin in the Qiongdongnan Basin (QDNB) area has incrementally prograded since 10.5 Ma generating a margin sediment prism more than 4km-thick and 150–200 km wide above the well-dated T40 stratigraphic surface. Core and well log data, as well as clinoform morphology and growth patterns along 28 2D seismic reflection lines, illustrate the evolving architecture and margin morphology; through five main seismic-stratigraphic surfaces (T40, T30, T27, T20 and T0) frame 15 clinothems in the southwest that reduce over some 200 km to 8 clinoforms in the northeast. The overall margin geometry shows a remarkable change from sigmoidal, strongly progradational and aggradational in the west to weakly progradational in the east. Vertical sediment accumulation rate increased significantly across the entire margin after 2.4 Ma, with a marked increase in mud content in the succession. Furthermore, an estimate of sediment flux across successive clinoforms on each of the three selected seismic cross sections indicate an overall decrease in sediment discharge west to east, away from the Red River depocenter, as well as a decrease in the percentage of total discharge crossing the shelf break in this same direction. The QDNB Late Cenozoic continental margin growth, with its overall increased sediment flux, responded to the climate-induced, gradual cooling and falling global sea level during this icehouse period.  相似文献   
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