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本文研究半线性椭圆方程组在Ω中以及Dirichlet边界条件u|Ω=V|Ω=0的解的存在性.其中Ω是R~n中光滑有界开集。关于非线性项f(x,u)作超线性假设。在此假设下,若f满足增长限制|f(x,u)|≤a|u|°=b,其中a、b、σ是常数.1<σ<(n+2)/(n-2),则利用临界点方法.证明了(*)+b,其中a、b、σ是常数,1<σ<(n+2)/(n-2),则利用临界点方法.证明了(*)有古典解存存。这样不用对(*)的解作先验估计,解决了Figueiredo和Mitidieri在[2]提出的问题。  相似文献   
Complex time-space spreading and focal mechanism of the 1989 Batang earthquake swarm (M_s=6.7)(程万正)(陈天长)Complextime-spacespre...  相似文献   
描述了强震现场流动无线遥测地震台网观测系统的技术设计,系统构成,工作原理及应用。  相似文献   
本文对强震前震源系统的调制比r_m和调制比异常面积Sr_m随时间变化的起伏加剧现象进行回顾性研究,得到下列研究结果:(1)强震前近源区以及中强震前近源区大多出现调制比r_m的起伏加剧,并大多在起伏频次达三次时有大震或中强震发生。(2)大多数中、强地震前r_m异常面积Sr_m围绕震源区呈现由小至大、由大至小的过程,因此引入最小异常面积Sr_(min)和最大异常面积Sr_(max)之比γ作为中、短期预报指标,根据统计得到异常指标[γ]如下式某些震例在震前出现异常面积Sr_m起伏的加剧过程,初步认为是震源区周围调整单元调整能力较差导致的结果。(3)r_m、Sr_m起伏加剧开始时间与震级有关,震级愈大,起伏加剧出现愈早。根据半年步长逐月滑动得到的r_m-T图,起伏加剧开始至发震的时间与震级M的统计,得到如下关系(T以月计)M=4.29+0.11T(4)强震前场区异常一般呈现随机异常型、波动型和衰减型三种。若场区某统计区出现r_m的三次起伏加剧时,说明该统计区未来有强震发生。(5)由自治系统和非自治系统原理初步解释了震前震源区周围调整区调制比r_m及调制比异常面积Sr_m起伏现象的周期特征。  相似文献   
局地强风暴云团与中尺度锋面波动   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李献洲 《大气科学》1994,18(4):431-436
本文分析了1982—1988年2—5月份的41例与中尺度锋面波动相关联的局地强风暴云团的活动和演变特征,给出了其强盛期天气系统配置模式及其在天气尺度云系演变中的表现型式,最后对其移动做了一般性讨论。  相似文献   
图像获取条件对SPOT景像的构成有极大影响,也直接影响对SPOT图像的处理方法。SPOT图像的辅助数据在解析或数字处理中有重要应用。本文对SPOT卫星与视点间的地心角、节距角ω卫星与视点的纬度差异、景像方位角T、景像尺寸和SPOT图像格网参考系统GRS中(K,J)与(λ, B)换算公式进行了推证和分析,并以SPOT辅助数据验证了(K,J)与(λ,B)换算的精度。  相似文献   
未来10年遥感对地观测技术的发展使得遥感影像的获取将走向多种传感器、多分辨率、多谱段和多时相。各国计划发射的对地观测卫星将使我们能够同时获取大量的、不同分辨率的、多谱段的可见光、红外、微波辐射和侧视雷达的数据。从而构成用于全球变化研究、环境监测、资源调查、灾害防治的多层次遥感影像金字塔。为了能够及时地、充分地利用这些对地观测数据来回答地学研究和人类社会发展所面临时的问题,更好地发挥遥感为国民经济建设服务的巨大潜力,必须从技术上建立一个自动化和智能化的空间对地观测数据处理系统。鉴于目前应用滞后于发射,软件落后于硬件的现实情况,本文简要叙述建立自动化和智能化空间对地观测数据处理系统的必要性和可能性,分析建立该系统的主要目标和需解决的关键技术并希望国家集中各有关方面的人力和财力来共同攻关,以建立和完善我国的地球科学信息系统,提高综合研究与深入分析的现代化水平。  相似文献   
在经济发展的推动下,地理信息系统技术的应用在我国迅速兴起,特别是在城市规划和土地管理等领域非常活跃。随着一些大型系统的筹备和建立,地理信息系统费用效益分析已显得十分重要,许多用户迫切需要这方面的资料并了解有关方法。费用效益分析是地理信息系统进行立项可行性研究和系统管理的一个基本内容,本文主要介绍国外这一领域的观点,总结和提出确定地理信息系统费用和效益的方法,并讨论有关经济分析技术,旨在推动这一工作的深入开展。  相似文献   
Recent information on some consequences of the acute mid-water oxygen deficiency in the Arabian Sea, especially on carbon-nitrogen cycling, is reviewed. An evaluation of published estimates of water column denitrification rate suggests an overall rate in the vicinity of 30Tg Ny-1, but the extent of benthic contribution remains unknown. A decoupling of denitrification from primary production, unique to the Arabian Sea, is revealed by nitrite, electron transport system (ETS) activity and bacterial production data. Results of both enzymatic and microbiological investigations strongly point to a major role of organic carbon other than that sinking from surface layers in supporting denitrification. Although denitrification is associated with an intermediate nepheloid layer, it seems unlikely that the excess carbon comes with particles re-suspended along the continental margins and transported quasi-horizontally into the ocean interior; instead, the particle maximum may directly reflect a higher bacterial abundance. It is proposed that denitrification may be predominantly fuelled by the dissolved organic matter.  相似文献   
An interactive computer system has been developed to assist the mineral identification in ore microscopy. The reference file of the system consists of optical, mechanical, and chemical properties of about 130 ore minerals. The properties are name, chemical formula, color, bireflectance, anisotropism, internal reflection, reflectance at wavelengths of 470, 546, 589, and 650 nm, and polishing hardness and micro-indentation hardness. All the properties except reflectance and microindentation hardness are qualitative or semi-qualitative. Most of the properties are given as characters relative to the more common minerals. This implies that most of the identification processes advance on the basis of the comparison between a subject mineral and coexisting minerals. For this reason, the system asks a user at first to input already identified mineral names. This is quite different from the mineral identification procedures used in petrographic microscopy. To reduce the number of possible minerals, the system presents a series of questions to a user, and the user selects any of the prepared answers according to his observation. The user can also choose any desired question independently of the sequence. The user is expected to be able to recognize some common minerals, such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, and hematite, without the assistance of the system.  相似文献   
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