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水体吸收系数是影响水体光场分布的重要参数,在水色遥感探测中受到广泛关注。本文利用2012年9月辽东湾区域航次调查数据分析该区域水体各组分吸收系数的分布情况,结果表明,辽东湾水体中浮游植物含量相对较高。并利用该航次数据,建立了区域性半分析算法,该算法基于相邻波段间固有光学量的线性关系,首先通过遥感反射率反演得到550 nm波段的水体总吸收系数,再通过后向散射波段相关关系外推得到其他波段的总吸收系数。经独立测试数据检验,3个波段(412、443、550 nm)总吸收系数反演的平均相对误差分别为19.71%,17.99%,9.35%,说明区域性半分析算法能较好地估算研究区域的水体总吸收系数。本文还通过引入随机误差对算法稳定性进行了检验,结果表明算法具有较好的稳定性。  相似文献   
太阳活动变化对东亚冬季气候的非对称影响及可能机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于1959~2013年的观测和再分析资料以及10.7 cm(2800 MHz)太阳射电通量资料, 本文分析了太阳活动变化与东亚冬季气候的相关关系, 分析结果表明:太阳活动变化与东亚冬季大气环流有较好的相关性, 且在太阳活动的强、弱时期该相关关系存在很大差异, 在强太阳活动时期太阳活动变化与东亚冬季气候的联系更为显著, 而在弱太阳活动时期二者之间的直接联系微弱, 这表明太阳活动变化对东亚冬季气候的影响具有非对称性特征。在太阳活动较强的时期, 随着太阳活动的增强, 东亚中高纬对流层中层的大气环流倾向纬向型, 东亚大槽减弱, 850 hPa出现异常偏南风, 地面上西伯利亚高压以及冬季风减弱, 东亚大部分地区气温显著偏高;而在太阳活动较弱的时期, 太阳活动的年际差异与东亚冬季大气环流之间几乎不存在显著联系。分析太阳活动较强和较弱时期纬向平均纬向风的差异发现, 其间平流层行星波活动、热带西北太平洋海表温度的差异可能是造成这种非对称影响的重要原因。在强太阳活动时期, 平流层行星波在太阳活动的异常增强年有异常的从极地向赤道的水平传播, 高纬地区E-P通量(Eliassen-Palm flux)异常辐散, 导致中高纬西风及北极涛动(AO)增强, 同时热带西北太平洋海温异常偏冷, 海陆热力差异缩小, 大气环流经向度减弱, 东亚冬季风偏弱。  相似文献   
Exposures on Wimbledon Hill, SW London, in the Palaeogene London Clay Formation, are described. The 3° slopes are mantled by clayey solifluction (head) deposits, comprising two superimposed sheets, each around 1.2 m thick. The lower sheet exhibits relict sand wedges forming polygons 1.0-1.5 m across, up to 50 mm wide and 1.25 m deep. These have no surface expression. The wedges are sand-filled and modify significantly the hydrogeology and properties of the solifluction mantle. There are no sand wedges in the upper solifluction sheet.The mechanics of emplacement of the lower solifluction sheet are explored and the high initial water content estimated. Subsequent desiccation and consolidation have reduced the thickness of this sheet by at least 35%, thus distorting contained features such as the wedges. An active layer about 0.4 m thick is inferred to have formed in the top of the lower solifluction sheet. No direct dating was undertaken but, by analogy with relevant dated sites in southern Britain and the Netherlands it is inferred that the lower solifluction sheet was emplaced during the first part of the Loch Lomond Stadial and frost-cracked during a subsequent, colder and more arid part. On this basis, following filling of the cracks by sand, emplacement of the upper solifluction sheet would have occurred in the later part of the Loch Lomond Stadial.  相似文献   
Well-preserved Quaternary staircased marine terraces appear on Ras Leona limestone relief. This is a peculiar sector of the Betic-Rif Cordillera, lying in the four-way junction between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, and Europe and Africa. The age and altitude correlation of the Ras Leona terraces with travertine-covered lateral equivalent terraces fashioned in the neighbouring Beni Younech area, and comparison with those along the Moroccan Atlantic coasts, would suggest that the Ras Leona terraces were mainly formed by eustatic factors. The importance of the eustasy is supported by further comparisons with Spanish and Moroccan Mediterranean terraces and with different marine terraces developed on passive-margin coasts around the world. A tectonic event occurred mainly during the period between the formation of the Maarifian and the Ouljian terraces (i.e., between 370 and 150 ka). The moderate Quaternary tectonic uplift deduced from the marine terraces and its comparison with uplifted marine terraces developed in active subduction setting disagrees with the model of an active eastwards subduction below the Gibraltar tectonic arc.  相似文献   
王祝  邵蓓  邬国栋  李明礼 《岩矿测试》2010,29(3):282-286
针对西藏低氧低分压环境下痕量金的测定,探讨了溶矿介质、解脱时间、吸附温度、Fe3+加入量等对测定结果的影响。确定了最佳测定条件,并较详细讨论了Fe3+在溶矿和吸附过程中的重要作用。方法检出限为0.102 ng/g,测定范围为0.24~300 ng/g,准确度(ΔlgC,n=12)为0.01~0.03,精密度(RSD,n=12)为1.61%~7.33%,很好地解决了西藏地区低氧低分压低温环境下痕量金测定的技术难题。  相似文献   
土壤中单环芳烃定量分析的基质效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘菲  王媛媛  陈家玮 《岩矿测试》2010,29(5):481-485
来源于燃料油泄露的单环芳烃对土壤的污染已经成为一个很普遍的现象,因此,准确、高效地检测土壤中的挥发性单环芳烃是一个很关键的问题。文章通过在标准系列中加入石英砂和土壤两种基质,比较水、水-石英砂、水-土壤3个定量库中得到的标准曲线的斜率,研究基质效应对土壤样品定量的影响。结果表明,芳香烃类物质在土壤基质中的斜率总体小于在石英砂基质中的斜率,在石英砂基质中的斜率比在水基质中的斜率小1%(苯)~9%(正丁苯),在水基质中得到的斜率最大;只有苯在土壤基质和水基质中的斜率相当,其余组分在土壤基质中的斜率比在水基质中的斜率小9%(丙苯)~24%(1,2,4-三氯苯)。单环芳烃在土壤基质中相对斜率的大小与化合物本身的沸点以及辛醇-水分配系数呈负相关。研究表明,在对土壤样品进行校准的过程中,选择合适的基质建立定量库是一个非常关键的因素。  相似文献   
中国太阳能供热采暖技术的现状与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了我国太阳能供热采暖技术的发展现状及工程实例,指出了该项技术与国际先进水平的差距及存在的主要问题,提出了太阳能供热采暖今后在我国的发展趋势、发展目标和重点任务。  相似文献   
This study addresses the phenomenon of the critical scale of fluctuation (SOF) for active lateral force (Pa) in undrained clay when there is a spatial variability in the clay. The phenomenon is significant under shear strength (τf) random fields but is insignificant under unit weight (γ) random fields. It is found that the phenomenon of the critical SOF is connected to the nature of the spatial averaging, which is “line averaging” under τf random fields and is “area averaging” under γ random fields. The former averaging effect (line) is significantly weaker than the latter (area), so the tendency for the critical slip plane to seek for a favorable location is stronger for the τf random field than for the γ random field. Hence, the phenomenon of the critical SOF is more pronounced under τf random fields than under γ random fields. The underlying mechanisms for the phenomenon of the critical SOF will be explored in this paper.  相似文献   
研究表明微波密闭消解法对重油凝肢色谱制各样品的前处理,不造成易挥发有机金属化合物的损失,对样品无污染。采用消解前定容,配合石墨炉二次进样富集样品,可以测定样品中低至10^—9级的镍。方法应用于镍在渣油中随相对分子质量分布分析中,标准样品对照数据吻合好,相对标准偏差(RSD,n=11)为8%。  相似文献   
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