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高精度静态卫星重力场模型在全球海洋环流研究、全球/区域数字高程基准面确定等领域有重要应用,本文研究仅利用GOCE卫星和联合GRACE卫星观测数据确定高精度高阶次静态重力场模型.利用GOCE卫星全周期高精度引力梯度分量(VxxVyyVzzVxz)观测值基于直接最小二乘法构建300阶次的SGG(Satellite Gravity Gradiometry)法方程,并利用卫星跟踪卫星观测值基于点域加速度法构建130阶SST(Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking)法方程,然后利用方差分量估计联合SGG和SST法方程确定300阶次纯GOCE卫星重力场模型GOSG02S.利用全周期GRACE观测数据由动力学方法解算了180阶次的SWPU-GRACE2021S模型,并将其对应法方程与GOCE卫星法方程联合解算了GRACE和GOCE的联合模型WHU-SWPU-GOGR2022S.分别基于XGM2019模型和GPS水准数据对本文解算的三个模型GOSG02S、SWPU-GRACE2021S和WHU-SWPU-GOGR2022S在频域和空域进行了精度分析,结果表明,GOSG02S和WHU-SWPU-GOGR2022S模型与GO_CONS_GCF_2_DIR_R6、GO_CONS_GCF_2_TIM_R6、GO_CONS_GCF_2_SPW_R5、GOCO06s和Tongji-GMMG2021S等使用了GOCE卫星全周期数据的模型精度相当,精度差异基本都在毫米量级;SWPU-GRACE2021S模型在160阶次之前与国际主流GRACE卫星重力场模型ITSG-Grace2018s和Tongji-Grace02s精度相当.

崎岖列岛海域表层沉积物平均粒径在0.1~0.2 mm之间的细砂通常具有较好的分选性,平均粒径细于4Φ的沉积物通常分选性较差;平均粒径在4.5Φ~7.5Φ的沉积物通常表现为正偏态,且粒度越粗,偏度越正偏;平均粒径粗于4Φ的砂质沉积物偏度无显著的正偏或负偏倾向;崎岖列岛海域中值粒径位于4Φ~5Φ的样品数较少,因该粒级位于悬移质与跃移质之间。  相似文献   
人类活动引起的岸线变化影响着近岸海域的潮波在传播过程中的运动特征。本研究基于瓯江口与乐清湾5个验潮站,时间跨度为1984−2019年的逐时潮位实测资料,分析了该海域潮波形态的时空变化规律并解构造成潮汐不对称性的主要分潮簇的贡献度。研究发现,温州湾海域瓯江河口与乐清湾潮形有明显的不同,潮汐不对称性在瓯江河口涨潮占优,且向上游方向持续增大,但在乐清湾内则落潮占优。该海域潮汐不对称性呈现出明显的季节性变化特征。在6−7月、12月至翌年1月时$ \gamma $值达到最大。该海域潮汐不对称性主要由分潮组合M2/M4、M2/S2/MS4、M2/N2/MN4等分潮簇控制,分潮簇如M2/S2/MS4、M2/N2/MN4、O1/K1/M2的不对 称贡献度则表现出明显的季节性变化。从2000年起,温州湾海域涨潮占优的潮汐不对称性呈现逐渐减弱的趋势,这与瓯江河口频繁的海岸工程存在一定的联系。  相似文献   
暴雨和降水偏态系数分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用统一的统计参数计算方法分析计算了全国0.51万~1.36万个雨量站历时为10 min~3 d的暴雨资料、210个站历时为1 d~90 d和1 a的降水资料的偏态系数和变差系数比值Rsv。探讨了皮尔逊Ⅲ型频率分布曲线的Rsv特性;分析了Rsv的地域分布、Rsv与雨量历时的关系,并研究了对Rsv有影响的多个因子。研究表明,在目前资料条件下,不宜对各个地区各种历时的暴雨频率分析均采用单一的Rsv值(3.5)。  相似文献   
p—范分布的近似表示   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
p-范分布是一个包含拉普拉斯分布、正态分析、均匀分布等常见分布的分布族。用p-范分布描述观测误差的统计特性,只需假定误差的分布为单峰、对称,因此、p-范分布似然平差可以避免事先假定误差的具体分布模式,而在平差过程中确定未知参数及误差的分布具有自适应的特点。但是p-范分布的密度函数比较复杂,不利于理论分析和实际应用。 的研究表明,p-范分布可以近似地表示为拉普拉斯分布与正态分析或正态分布均均匀分布的线性组全。p-范分布与本文给出的近似分布具有相的前四阶矩。由于拉普拉斯分布。正态分布。均匀分布的密度函数都比较简单,用近似分布代替p-范分布会使相关的问题得到简化。  相似文献   
Energetic particles in a turbulent medium can be subject to second-order Fermi acceleration due to scattering on moving plasma waves. This mechanism leads to growing particle momentum dispersion and, at the same time, increases the mean particle energy. In the most frequently met situations both processes can be represented by a single momentum diffusion term in the particle kinetic equation. In the present paper we discuss the conditions allowing the additional term for regular acceleration to arise. For forward-backward asymmetric scattering centres, besides the diffusive term one should explicitly consider the regular acceleration term in momentum space, which can consist of the first-order (∝ V), as well as the second-order (∝ V2) part in the wave velocity V. We derive the condition for the scattering probability in the wave rest frame requied for vanishing the regular acceleration term and provide a simple mechanical example illustrating the theoretical concepts. Finally, we address its possible role in cosmic ray acceleration processes.  相似文献   
In this work, we have studied the model of modified Chaplygin gas and its role in accelerating phase of the universe for anisotropic model. We have assumed that the equation of state of this modified model is valid from the radiation era to ΛCDM model. We have obtained the possible relation between the hessence and the modified Chaplygin gas. We have also use the statefinder parameters for characterize different phase of the universe diagrammatically.  相似文献   

The coefficient of determination R2 and Pearson correlation coefficient ρ = R are standard metrics in hydrology for the evaluation of the goodness of fit between model simulations and observations, and as measures of the degree of dependence of one variable upon another. We show that the standard product moment estimator of ρ, termed r, while well-behaved for bivariate normal data, is upward biased and highly variable for bivariate non-normal data. We introduce three alternative estimators of ρ which are nearly unbiased and exhibit much less variability than r for non-normal data. We also document remarkable upward bias and tremendous increases in variability associated with r using both synthetic data and daily streamflow simulations from 905 calibrated rainfall–runoff models. We show that estimators of ρ = R accounting for skewness are needed for daily streamflow series because they exhibit high variability and skewness compared to, for example, monthly/annual series, where r should perform well.  相似文献   
Fiber reinforced soil behaves as a composite material in which fibers of relatively high tensile strength are embedded in a matrix of soil. Shear stresses in the soil mobilize tensile resistance in the fibers, which in turn imparts greater strength to the soil. In this paper a study on the influence of synthetic fibrous materials in improving the dynamic response characteristics of fine sandy soil is reported. The project aims at converting fibrous carpet waste into a value-added product for soil reinforcement. A series of five shaking table tests using rigid box were carried out on Toyoura sand specimens reinforced with randomly distributed geotextile strips. The dynamic deformation characteristics of the reinforced sand are defined in terms of wall lateral deformation and rotation. The results clearly indicate the effectiveness of fiber reinforcement in improving dynamic properties of fine sand and deformation characteristics of fiber reinforced sheet pile retaining wall during shaking.  相似文献   
Assessment of liquefaction potential based on peak ground motion parameters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conventionally, evaluation of liquefaction potential of loose saturated cohesionless deposits as specified in Japanese design codes employs peak ground acceleration (PGA). However, recent large-scale earthquakes in Japan revealed that liquefaction at some sites did not occur even though large PGAs were recorded at or near these sites. As an alternative approach, an evaluation procedure based on peak ground motion parameters, i.e. incorporating both PGA and the peak ground velocity (PGV), is proposed. By performing parametric studies using one-dimensional seismic response analysis and formulating regression models, seismic-induced shear stresses within the deposit are expressed in terms of peak ground motion parameters at the surface, and these are used to calculate the factor of safety against liquefaction. Application to case histories in Japan indicates that the proposed two-parameter equation can adequately account for the occurrence and non-occurrence of liquefaction at various sites as compared to the conventional PGA-based approach. Moreover, analyses of several strong motion records at various sites show that liquefaction may occur when PGA≥150 gal and PGV≥20 kine, indicating that these values can serve as thresholds in assessing the possible occurrence of liquefaction.  相似文献   
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