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随着信息技术的发展,规划管理部门多采用规划管理信息系统进行城乡建设审批工作。本文结合国内外GIS,MIS领域的最新研究成果与发展方向,从平台功能、网络安全等方面设计开发平台模式的村镇规划管理信息系统。  相似文献   
针对测震台址勘选中数据处理的重要性和计算结果的真实性,避免在数据处理过程中因手工分析计算出现错误,通过深入分析手工计算流程,设计编写了一套辅助控制程序,配合EDSP-IAS和地噪声处理软件,实现勘选数据处理流程的自动运行与管理,避免因人为因素出现差错,为台址勘选实测地噪声值数据批处理提供便捷。该辅助程序可用于烈度速报新建台址勘选数据批处理工作。  相似文献   
An experimental program was initiated to investigate the seismic performance of built-up laced steel bracemembers. Quasi-static testing of twelve typical steel built-up laced member (BLM) specimens was conducted. These weredesigned to span a range of parameters typically encountered for such members based on findings from a survey of commonlyused shapes and details that have been historically used. The specimens were subdivided into groups of three different cross-sectional shapes, namely built-up Ⅰ-shape section, and built-up box shapes buckling about the x or the y axis. Within eachgroup, global and local buckling slenderness ratios had either kl/r values of 60 or 120, and b/t ratios of 8 or 16. The specificinelastic cyclic behavior germane to each specimen, and general observations on overall member hysteretic behavior as afunction of the considered parameters, are reported. A companion paper (Lee and Bruneau 2008) investigates this observedresponse against predictions from analytical models, and behavior in the perspective of system performance.  相似文献   
航空摄影测量应用十分广泛,是快速获取和更新地理信息的技术手段之一,航空摄影测量包括多个操作环节,空中飞行拍摄是其中重要环节,直接影响到数据的质量,最终影响成图的精度、工程的成本和周期。为保证航摄飞行质量,提高航测的自动化水平,有必要建立基于全球定位系统(GPS)和地理信息系统(GIS)的航空摄影测量飞行管理系统。本文提出基于组件技术的航空摄影测量飞行管理系统,对其GPS、GIS和航空摄影技术的集成和主要功能及关键技术进行了探讨。  相似文献   
“卓越计划”背景下测绘工程专业培养方案的改革与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在贯彻落实国家"卓越工程师教育培养计划"的背景下,结合同济大学测绘与地理信息学院的实际情况,对测绘工程专业培养方案的改革进行思考,并详细阐述了2014级测绘工程专业培养方案改革的具体措施和方法。  相似文献   
坐标转换计算程序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍采用四参数法进行大地坐标转换的原理及相关的计算程序。  相似文献   
介绍了提取地震前兆信息量的思路、方法及其综合数学表达式,并对综合数学表达式中各数学参数及其含义进行了详细描述,讨论了计算前兆信息量的操作步骤,给出了其数据处理流程图,在此基础上,编写了由数据预处理、计算准备、S值计算、显示打印、时空动态图像制作等5 大项14 个计算模块组成的计算软件系统。文中对各个模块的功能、输入参数、输出数据的格式要求作了详细介绍,其目的在于加深人们对地震前兆信息量的了解,扩大我们在这方面的研究与交流,以共同提高地震综合预报水平。  相似文献   
本文概略介绍了《福建省地震局厦门地震台观测资料信息管理系统》的设计原则、结构及其特点,给出了操作流程示意图和简要说明,该系统是建立在BorLandC++3.1、关系数据库FoxPro2.5b及中文操作系统UCDOS5.0基础上的,集地震观测数据收集及曲线分析显示于一体的应用软件,该系统采用了多项新的技术,采取自顶向下,逐步求精的模块化设计方法。使用效果较好,使观测资料处理及时、月报输出快速准确,减少了工作人员的工作量。  相似文献   
During a tsunami emergency numerous local authorities responsible for the security oflocal persons and businesses which function in the coastal zone are required to makecritical decisions within a very short time frame. It is known that the consequencesof the situation will depend on the quality and quantity of decisions which they makeor allow to occur at the critical time. Based on this concept, the Local System of Tsunami Alert (SLAT; Spanish) was developed. This is a computational tool designed for the automatic implementation of integral management for an emergency of this type.The System is able to immediately evaluate possible risks and determine thetype of alert represented (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Celeste) if relevantdata such as coordinates of the epicenter, magnitude, date, and origin of theearthquake (>6.5° on the Richter scale) threatening the Pacific areknown. Other relevant data include location of the coastal or marine epicentreand the superficial hypocenter. The relevant data may now be obtained fromthe internet from international seismological services, and fed into the programto give the most probable time for arrival of the first wave train at a given pointof interest, whether this be a port, bathing area, generating plant, or coastal city.The program also gives the time required for the first wave train to arrive at agiven coast, and displays a menu of previously planned actions to be taken accordingto the type of alert. It also permits dissemination of a bulletin with critical data and action plans by fax or e-mail to scattered users as well as for storage on the computer disc. The system is designed in a way that the user always confirms with authorities that anevent has in fact been generated. On a local scale, the user is required to prepare an operative emergency plan of action to be followed by his company, community, or municipality, to be followed for each type of alert.The System permits carrying out test exercises with the users, as well as simulationof past events. Knowledge concerning past events permits understanding correctdesign of emergency action plans for mitigation of potential present and future events.This software is specifically designed for the Pacific Coast of South America, and isprepared in Spanish, with the intention of improving responses of inhabitants of coastalareas to the potential threat from tsunamis.  相似文献   
杨玉忠 《东北测绘》2012,(2):185-186,190
主要介绍PC-E 500计算机在现阶段水准测量记录中再利用的必要性 可行性及实际应用。  相似文献   
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