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Observations from several data centers together with a categorization method are used to evaluate the IPCC AR4 (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Fourth Assessment Report) climate models' performance in simulating the interdecadal variations of summer precipitation and monsoon circulation in East Asia. Out of 19 models under examination, 9 models can relatively well reproduce the 1979-1999 mean June-July-August (JJA) precipitation in East Asia, but only 3 models (Category-1 models) can capture the interdecadal variation of precipitation in East Asia. These 3 models are: GFDL-CM2.0, MIROC3.2 (hires), and MIROC3.2 (medres), among which the GFDL-CM2.0 gives the best performance. The reason for the poor performance of most models in simulating the East Asian summer monsoon interdecadal variation lies in that the key dynamic and thermal-dynamic mechanisms behind the East Asian monsoon change are missed by the models, e.g., the large-scale tropospheric cooling and drying over East Asia. In contrast, the Category-1 models relatively well reproduce the variations in vertical velocity and water vapor over East Asia and thus show a better agreement with observations in simulating the pattern of "wet south and dry north" in China in the past 20 years.
It is assessed that a single model's performance in simulating a particular variable has great impacts on the ensemble results. More realistic outputs can be obtained when the multi-model ensemble is carried out using a suite of well-performing models for a specific variable, rather than using all available models. This indicates that although a multi-model ensemble is in general better than a single model, the best ensemble mean cannot be achieved without looking into each member model's performance.  相似文献   
2006年 7—9月的台风季节预报试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用NCEP/NCAR逐6 h分辨率为25°×25°GRIB资料,用WRF模式采用水平分辨率为27 km×27 km,垂直38层每6 h输出一次的时空分辨率,对2006年7—9月对西太平洋地区台风为主的天气系统进行季节预报试验。综合低层涡度、地面10 m处风速、海平面气压、暖心结构和持续时间对模式输出资料进行台风生成判定和路径追踪。7月1日—9月30日模拟吻合较好的台风、强热带风暴、热带风暴和热带低压的比例为4/9、1/3、0/1和0/1;模拟较差的比例分别为3/9、1/3、1/1和1/1;漏报率分别为2/9、1/3、0/1和0/1。模拟空报了2个台风、9个强热带风暴和3个热带风暴。模拟台风强度偏弱和吻合较差的原因可能与模式的分辨率、〖JP2〗微物理过程参数设置和积分步长有关。空报的台风、强热带风暴可能与模式自身特点、相关海区的特性和热带波动有关。  相似文献   
The effects of vegetation and its seasonal variation on energy and the hydrological cycle were examined using a state-of-the-art Community Atmosphere Model (CAM3). Three 15-year numerical experiments were completed: the first with realistic vegetation characteristics varying monthly (VEG run), the second without vegetation over land (NOVEG run), and the third with the vegetation characteristics held at their annual mean values (VEGMEAN run). In these models, the hydrological cycle and land surface energy budget were widely affected by vegetation. Globaland annual-mean evapotranspiration significantly increased compared with the NOVEG by 11.8% in the VEG run run, while runoff decreased by 13.2% when the realistic vegetation is incorporated. Vegetation plays different roles in different regions. In tropical Asia, vegetation-induced cooling of the land surface plays a crucial role in decreasing tropical precipitation. In middle latitudes and the Amazon region, however, the vegetation-induced increase of evapotranspiration plays a more important role in increasing precipitation. The seasonal variation of vegetation also shows clear influences on the hydrological cycle and energy budget. In the boreal mid-high latitudes where vegetation shows a strong seasonal cycle, evapotranspiration and precipitation are higher in the summer in the VEG run than in the VEGMEAN run.  相似文献   
The present study investigates the difference in interdecadal variability of the spring and summer sensible heat fluxes over Northwest China by using station observations from 1960 to 2000. It was found that the spring sensible heat flux over Northwest China was greater during the period from the late 1970s to the 1990s than during the period from the 1960s to the mid-1970s. The summer sensible heat flux was smaller in the late 1980s through the 1990s than it was in the 1970s through the early 1980s. Both the spring and summer land-air temperature differences over Northwest China displayed an obvious interdecadal increase in the late 1970s. Both the spring and summer surface wind speeds experienced an obvious interdecadal weakening in the late 1970s. The change in the surface wind speed played a more important role in the interdecadal variations in sensible heat flux during the summer, whereas the change in the land-air temperature difference was more important for the interdecadal variations in sensible heat flux in the spring. This difference was related to seasonal changes in the mean land-air temperature difference and the surface wind speed. Further analysis indicated that the increase in the spring land surface temperature in Northwest China was related to an increase in surface net radiation.  相似文献   
基于1991-2020年巍山县国家气象观测站气温、相对湿度、风速及日照等常规资料,主要对巍山县气温要素及温湿指数、风效指数、人体舒适度指数等表征宜居气候指标进行分析评价.结果表明,巍山县气候具有冬夏短、春秋长,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,越冬条件好等特点,属四季分明区.5月至10月温湿指数、风效指数和人体舒适度指数表现较好,是...  相似文献   
我国西北地区21世纪季节气候变化情景分析   总被引:36,自引:2,他引:34  
使用各国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)数据分发中心提供的7个全球海气耦合气候系统模式(CCC、CCSR、CSIRO、DKRZ、GFDL、HADL、NCAR)的模拟结果,对我国西北地区未来21世纪考虑温室气体增加(GG)和温室气体与硫化物气溶胶共同影响(GS)时,冬夏季的气候变化情景进行了分析.模式集成结果分析表明,我国西北地区的变暖趋势与全球、东亚和中国一致,但变暖幅度明显高于全球、东亚和中国.对未来100年各个季节线性倾向的分析表明,西北地区GG和GS时都是冬季变暖最大,可高达5~8℃/100a,且整个西北地区中新疆地区为最大变暖区.21世纪由于人类活动,西北地区最低温度和最高温度都将明显升高,其线性趋势可达4~6℃/100 a.由于全球气候模式对区域尺度的模拟存在较大的不确定性,未来需要作更多的深入研究.  相似文献   
基于1980—2015年的SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation)数据,采用绝对梯度方法提取了海洋锋信息,分析了日本海锋区的空间分布特征、锋轴线位置和锋出现频率,研究了日本海温度锋、盐度锋的分布特征和季节变化规律。结果表明:日本海温度锋总体上呈SW—NE走向,季节变化特征显著;锋轴线没有随季节变化发生明显摆动,但随着深度的增加向日本沿岸移动。盐度锋季节性变化规律显著,但轴线位置相对稳定;在整体空间分布上和季节变化上均与温度锋截然不同;整个盐度锋可分为对马海峡锋和日本海北部锋两部分,其中对马海峡锋位于对马海峡附近,具有和当地温度锋相同的特征,日本海北部锋位于日本海最北部,沿着俄罗斯海岸分布。  相似文献   
欢休 《海洋世界》2014,(6):62-63
正在陆地上,大海雀行走较为缓慢,在一些起伏的地面上,有时也要用翅膀帮忙。大海雀天敌很少,主要是大型的海洋哺乳动物和一些猛禽,而且它们天生不怕人类。大海雀又称大海燕,因外表和企鹅相似而有时又被称作北极大企鹅,是一种不会飞的鸟,曾广泛栖息于大西洋周边的各个岛屿上,但由于人类的大量捕杀而在19世纪灭绝。大海雀为水生鸟,  相似文献   
运用经验模态分解(EMD)、集合经验模态分解(EEMD)和完备总体经验模态分解(CEEMD)3种方法对原始基线时间序列进行分解,得到各自时间序列的本征函数模态分量(IMF)、相关系数及周期性强度,进而确定其季节项分量,同时通过比较季节项和原始基线时间序列的叠加功率谱图优选分解方法。结果表明,CEEMD方法对基线时间序列季节项提取和重构效果最佳。  相似文献   
冬季乌拉尔山阻塞高压(以下简称乌山阻高)是导致我国出现大范围寒潮天气的重要影响系统,探究其建立和维持过程与位势高度季节内振荡的联系能够为我国延伸期天气预报及短期气候预测提供参考因子。本文基于欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, ECMWF)提供的1979/1980-2019/2020年ERA5逐日再分析数据,采用主、客观相结合的方法,筛选得到114次冬季乌山阻高事件,累计阻高日数591天。利用功率谱分析、相关分析、合成分析等统计方法,分析乌山阻高与500 hPa位势高度季节内振荡之间的可能联系。结果表明:(1)近41年冬季乌拉尔山地区位势高度存在10~20天、 30天及45天左右的显著周期。通过多尺度分析发现,在乌山阻高建立与维持期间位势高度的不同时间尺度分量贡献不同,其中对乌山阻高建立贡献最大的是10~20天的准双周位势高度正异常,阻高维持则决定于20~80天的季节内尺度位势高度正异常。在阻高建立和维持过程中,准双周位势高度异常具有自西向东的传播特征,季节内尺度位势高度异常无明显传播。(2)根据两...  相似文献   
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