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In this paper the applicability of an approximate Boundary Element Method to uniform half-plane elastodynamic problems is investigated. This method employs the concept of images to construct approximate fundamental solutions for the half-plane and does not require any half-plane surface discretization. The method is formulated in the frequency domain for the case of harmonic disturbances or the Laplace transform domain for the case of transient disturbances. In the latter case a numerical inversion of the transformed solution is necessary to obtain the time domain response. The proposed method can be used as an alternative to boundary element methods that either utilize the infinite plane fundamental solution and thus require a half-plane surface discretization, or employ the exact half-plane fundamental solution, which even though leads to no surface discretization, is of a very lengthy and complicated form. Two characteristics numerical examples are used to illustrate the proposed method and study its advantages and disadvantages.  相似文献   
空间数据表示方法和空间数据插值方法是3D-GIS研究的基本问题。3维空间数据的曲面重建有着广泛的应用前景,也是当前国际上的研究热点之一。Crust算法是一种基于计算几何中的Voronoi周期图的曲面重建算法,它算法简单,重建结果精细,但是由于计算量太大,其应用受到了限制,文中采用基于VTK(Visualization Tool Kit)表现3D空间数据的表示方法,提出了一个新的三角网格内插的曲面重建算法,并给出了实例以说明该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
12个U/Th年龄测试结果显示,黔西南普安县雾露洞长度分别为667mm和830mm的两支石笋覆盖了61~50kaBP时段。据两支石笋999个δ18O数据建立了平均分辨率达15年的亚洲夏季风强度变化序列。雾露洞δ18O记录揭示了4个振幅达1.7‰的千年尺度季风增强事件,对应于格陵兰冰心DO17—DO14事件。在总体特征上,该记录峰谷振荡特征及振幅与贵州董歌洞、南京葫芦洞记录一致,进一步证实亚洲季风区大气降水同位素组成变化在大范围空间内具有一致性。在百年尺度上,亚洲季风区石笋δ18O清晰记录了MIS3早期6个DO亚旋回事件,而且在更短时间尺度上具有类似高纬气温振荡特征。这种低纬季风系统与北高纬气候变化的耦合关系表明,大气环流快速重组和传输可能是连接高低纬DO旋回及亚旋回气候变化的主要纽带。  相似文献   
对合肥市滨湖新区大量第四纪钻孔作了岩性组合特征描述、粒度分析,对代表性钻孔ZK9A01进行了沉积体系域划分并绘制出滚子河组体系域图,据此探讨了该沉积区早—中更新世以来的沉积环境,并编制湖泊扩展期、凝缩期和萎缩期岩相古地理图。研究表明:滨湖新区早—中更新世为湖相沉积,经历了湖泊扩展—最大湖泛-湖泊萎缩的演化过程,湖泊中心位于滨湖新区东南方向,滨湖新区以东及西南地区为调查早—中更新世含水岩组有利区域。  相似文献   
The Tocantins Province in Central Brazil is composed of a series of SSW–NNE trending terranes of mainly Proterozoic ages, which stabilized in the Neoproterozoic in the final collision between the Amazon and São Francisco cratons. No previous information on crustal seismic properties was available for this region. Several broadband stations were used to study the regional patterns of crustal and upper mantle structure, extending the results of a recent E–W seismic refraction profile. Receiver functions and surface wave dispersion showed a thin crust (33–37 km) in the Neoproterozoic Magmatic Arc terrane. High average crustal Vp/Vs ratios (1.74–1.76) were consistently observed in this unit. The foreland domain of the Brasília foldbelt, on the other hand, is characterized by thicker crust (42–43 km). Low Vp/Vs ratios (1.70–1.72) were observed in the low-grade foreland fold and thrust zone of the Brasília belt adjacent to the São Francisco craton. Teleseismic P-wave tomography shows that the lithospheric upper mantle has lower velocities beneath the Magmatic Arc and Goiás Massif compared with the foreland zone of the belt and São Francisco craton. The variations in crustal thickness and upper mantle velocities observed with the broadband stations correlate well with the measurements along the seismic refraction profile. The integration of all seismic observations and gravity data indicates a strong lithospheric contrast between the Goiás Massif and the foreland domain of the Brasília belt, whereas little variation was found across the foldbelt/craton surface boundary. These results support the hypothesis that the Brasília foreland domain and the São Francisco craton were part of a larger São Francisco-Congo continental plate in the final collision with the Amazon plate.  相似文献   
日本海域地壳结构基本特征及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
利用日本海域内完成的多条地震测深剖面及其它地球物理资料.综合分析该域地壳结构特点以及Benioff带特点.日本海域地壳结构具有陆壳、洋壳区别和两分、三分两类;Benioff带在不同方向上具有不同倾角,延伸深度差别较大;日本海开裂的动力源自太平洋板块西向俯冲所产生的多期挤压和引张应力场.  相似文献   
Hybrid simulation combines numerical and experimental methods for cost‐effective, large‐scale testing of structures under simulated dynamic earthquake loads. Particularly for experimental seismic collapse simulation of structures, hybrid testing can be an attractive alternative to earthquake simulators due to the limited capacity of most facilities and the difficulties and risks associated with a collapsing structure on a shaking table. The benefits of hybrid simulation through collapse can be further enhanced through accurate and practical substructuring techniques that do not require testing the entire structure. An innovative substructuring technique for hybrid simulation of structures subjected to large deformations is proposed to simplify the boundary conditions by overlapping the domains between the numerical and experimental subassemblies. The advantages of this substructuring technique are the following: it requires only critical components of the structure to be tested experimentally; it reduces the number of actuators at the interface of the experimental subassemblies; and it can be implemented using typically available equipment in laboratories. Compared with previous overlapping methods that have been applied in hybrid simulation, this approach requires additional sensing in the hybrid simulation feedback loop to obtain internal member forces, but provides significantly better accuracy in the highly nonlinear range. The proposed substructuring technique is verified numerically and validated experimentally, using the response of a four‐story moment‐resisting frame that was previously tested to collapse on an earthquake simulator. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We have measured P- and S-wave velocities on two amphibolite and two gneiss samples from the Kola superdeep borehole as a function of pressure (up to 600 MPa) and temperature (up to 600 °C). The velocity measurements include compressional (Vp) and shear wave velocities (Vs1, Vs2) propagating in three orthogonal directions which were in general not parallel to inherent rock symmetry axes or planes. The measurements are accompanied by 3D-velocities calculations based on lattice preferred orientation (LPO) obtained by TOF (Time Of Flight) neutron diffraction analysis which allows the investigation of bulk volumes up to several cubic centimetres due to the high penetration depth of neutrons. The LPO-based numerical velocity calculations give important information on the different contribution of the various rock-forming minerals to bulk elastic anisotropy and on the relations of seismic anisotropy, shear wave splitting, and shear wave polarization to the structural reference frame (foliation and lineation). Comparison with measured velocities obtained for the three propagation directions that were not in accordance with the structural frame of the rocks (foliation and lineation) demonstrate that for shear waves propagating through anisotropic rocks the vibration directions are as important as the propagation directions. The study demonstrates that proper measurement of shear wave splitting by means of two orthogonal polarized sending and receiving shear wave transducers is only possible when their propagation and polarization directions are parallel and normal to foliation and lineation, respectively.  相似文献   
张良刚  吴立  徐昌茂  陈剑 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z2):88-93
阐述了岩质边坡岩体力学参数研究的意义,介绍了国内外常用的几种岩体力学参数的确定方法,但其准确性值得商榷和论证。针对Hoek-Brown强度准则D值的确定存在的困难,基于模糊综合评判,对产生扰动的影响因数综合考虑,确定了依托工程的D值,工程应用表明更加接近实际情况,并且探讨了岩质边坡的岩体以滑动面为界限划分扰动区与非扰动区的合理性,克服了其他公式的不足。以利比里亚邦矿铁矿岩体力学参数研究为例,分别用计算出的修正参数和其他几种方法进行计算分析对比,结果表明所计算出的修正D值更能反映实际的扰动程度,并论证了划分扰动区与非扰动区的合理性和意义,具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
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