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2009年9月13日,新华社一则爆炸性新闻,从辽宁省喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县(以下简称喀左县)迅速传遍了全中国、传向了世界--  相似文献   
矿产资源虽然在人类社会发展及进化过程中具有重要的基础支撑作用,但是由于各国资源禀赋、工业化进程及产业结构等方面存在差异,进而导致各类矿产的生产与消费在不同的历史时期存在很大的差别.我国大宗矿产非常紧缺,抓住全球矿产品供需形势变化所带来的战略机遇,对优化我国矿产资源配置及提高资源安全保障能力等方面具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   
水利部部长陈雷近日强调,目前全国有180多万平方公里水土流失面积亟待治理,多年平均年土壤侵蚀量高达45亿吨左右,有3.6亿亩坡耕地和44.2万条侵蚀沟亟待治理,东北黑土区的保护和西南石漠化地区耕地资源的抢救都十分紧迫。  相似文献   
全国土地利用计划为贯彻落实进一步扩大内需决策部署,国土资源部日前编制下发《2009年全国土地利用计划(草案)》。  相似文献   
辽宁举办各种活动纪念第40个"世界地球日"4月22日,辽宁省各级国土资源部门举办形式多样的第40个"世界地球日"纪念活动,向社会群众宣传认识地球、了解地球、关爱地球的科普知识,倡导社会群众增强从现在做起、从点滴做起,科学合理开发利用资源、节约资源和保护环境意识,为促进人与自然的和谐发展、共同创造更加美好的未来作出贡献!(霍焰)  相似文献   
同志们:省委、省政府历来高度重视国土资源工作。近年来,我省国土资源工作积极为全省经济社会发展服务,提供资源保障,作出了重要贡献。特别是在落实国家宏观调控政策,加强耕地保护、整顿矿业秩序、加强地质勘探工作以及队伍建设方面都取得了明显的成效。在此,我代表省委、省人民政府向出席会议的各位代表,并通过大家向全省国土资源系统的干部职工表示亲切的问候!向刚才受到表彰的单位表示热烈的祝贺!这次全省国土资源会议主要任务是认真贯彻落实全国国土资源工作会议精神。宪平同志将作工作部署,三新同志将作工作报告。下面,我先讲三点意见:  相似文献   
一、美国土地管理概况美国土地面积936.48万平方公里,人口3亿,人口密度为30人/平方公里。广阔的地域、肥沃的土壤、丰富的资源、稀少的人口为美国的长盛不衰提供了得天独厚的优越条件。美国是公私兼有的多元化资本主义土地所有制,其中私  相似文献   
1节约集约用地是经济持续发展和社会长治久安的必然选择党中央、国务院从我国经济社会发展的实际出发,审时度  相似文献   
白银市农业气候资源特征及开发应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
白银市农业气候资源具有日照充足,降水少而变率大,气象灾害种类多、危害重的特点。提出了气候资源开发与应用的途径。  相似文献   
The reclamation and utilization of debris flow waste-shoal land plays an important role in the mitigation and control of debris flow hazards, which thus contributes a lot to the exploitation of insufficient land resources in mountainous areas and the reduction of losses caused by debris flow. The aim of this paper is to discuss the features and mechanism of soil evolution of debris flow waste-shoal land so as to search for the available modes of its reclamation and utilization. The Jiangjiagou Ravine, a typical debris flow ravine, was selected to study soil evolution features of debris flow waste-shoal land based on the analysis of soil physieochemical properties and soil microstructure. It was found that the soil evolution rates of debris flow waste-shoal land varied with different modes of reclamation. For the land which had been reclaimed for less than lO years, soil evolved most rapidly in paddy fields, and more rapidly in dry farmland than in naturally restored waste-shoal land. For the land which had been used for more than lo years, the soil evolution rates of dry farmland, naturally restored waste-shoal land and paddy farmland decreased in the file. For the same utilization period of time, significant differences were recognized in soil evolution features under different modes of reclamation. Analysis data showed that soil clay content, soil thickness, the psephicity of skeleton particles and contents of microaggregates (〈0.02 mm) in paddy farmland were all highest. Soil nutrients and porosity of dry farmland were better than those of paddy farmland and naturally restored waste-shoal land, and those of paddy farmland were superior to those of naturally restored waste-shoal land. Paddy farmland characterized by rapid pedogenesis, stable evolution and high utilizability was the priority candidate for the reclamation and utilization of debris flow waste -shoal land.  相似文献   
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