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基于可视化三轴压缩伺服控制试验系统和三维数字图像相关技术(简称3D-DIC技术),开展了不同流变方向系数α下的广义应力松弛试验,对广义应力松弛过程中砂岩表面的应变演化规律进行了探讨。研究结果表明:在流变过程中若砂岩有发生破坏的趋势,其表面的轴向、径向应变场的应变集中区域逐步显现,轴向应变集中区域由层状离散分布逐渐向即将出现裂纹的位置集中,而径向应变场中在裂纹即将形成区域附近应变增长速率最快。不同表面位置轴向、径向应变差异的演化速率与其整体演化速率的变化趋势呈现正相关,在即将形成裂纹附近的轴向、径向应变变化量发展经历减速、等速、加速3个阶段,而远离裂纹处的应变则可能先增大后减小,不同位置应变值的等时曲线演化则预示裂纹即将形成的区域。随着流变方向系数α由0.3、0、-3.0、∞、3.0依次变迁,流变过程中轴向、径向应变场整体演化的均值与方差均上升,说明其演化速率加快,应变集中现象更显著,且砂岩破坏前后的应变场演化差异增大。  相似文献   
基于探空数据的南海表面波导统计特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the global position system(GPS) radiosonde data near the sea surface, the surface duct characteristics over the South China Sea(SCS) were statistically analyzed. The annual surface duct occurrence over the SCS was about 64%. Of the observed surface ducts, duct heights mainly distributed between 18 and 42 m, with M slopes in the range of –0.3 to –0.2 M units/m. Those ducts accounted for about 80% of the ducting cases. For the total profiles, the duct occurrences in a day changed slowly and were more than 60% in all times. The surface ducts formed more easily in the daytime than in the nighttime and most of the duct height were at bellow about 32 m.Additionally, The seasonal variation of the SCS ducts appeared to be evident, except that the mean duct thickness was almost constant, about 33 m for all seasons. The highest occurrence was about 71% in the autumn, followed by in the summer, spring and winter. In spring, their top-height existed more often at a height of more than 48 m.Their mean duct strength became stronger trend from spring to winter, with the M-slope in the range between–0.26 and –0.18 M units/m. Those results agreed well with other studies, provided considering the data resolution.The statistical analysis was reliable and gave the duct estimation for the SCS. Such duct climatology not only has important implications for communication systems and the reliability of the radar observation, but also can provide useful information to improve the accuracy of the meteorological radar measurements.  相似文献   
基于金属屏上周期排列的缝隙单元结构的通带特性,提出矩形缝隙环(Rectangular Slot Ring,RSR)加载短路线的单元结构实现频率可调频率选择表面(Frequency Selective Surface,FSS)。谐振缝隙单元开路与短路时相对应的谐振频率分别为13 GHz和15 GHz。RSR-FSS选用Rogers RO4003介质作为基板,按照12×12的方阵进行周期排列,利用全波电磁仿真软件CST对其进行了电磁传输特性仿真。最终,通过实验验证了该频率选择表面在Ku波段通过连通和断开短路线可以进行频率的切换。  相似文献   
三维激光扫描技术在煤矿沉陷区监测应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用三维激光扫描仪与传统观测相结合的方法,获取开采沉陷区精细三维点云数据,在对激光点云数据预处理和数据分析基础上,分别对采空区地表沉降、铁路线沉降、铁路桥沉降与形变监测进行研究,并与传统观测结果进行对比分析,结果表明两者具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   
孟志义 《北京测绘》2012,(3):32-34,46
以首钢高炉的虚拟展示为例,针对工业遗址的真实感建模和三维虚拟展示问题,提出完整的三维激光扫描技术的工业遗址数字化方案,对工业遗址的保护具有现实意义。  相似文献   
科技部、国家气象局和中科院15日在京联合发布《第二次气候变化国家评估报告》。报告称,在近60年间,我国陆地表面温度上升导致大部分冰川面积缩小一成。报告显示,1951年至2009年间,中国陆地表面平均温度上升了1.38摄氏度,从百年尺度来看,中国的升温趋势与全球基本一致。而温度上升则导致中国大部分冰川面积自上世纪50年代以来缩小了10%以上。  相似文献   
Heat flux data collected from the Baiyangdian Heterogeneous Field Experiment were analyzed using the footprint method. High resolution (25 m) Landsat-5 satellite imaging was used to determine the land cover as one of four surface types: farmland, lake, wetland, or village. Data from two observation sites in September 2005 were used. One site (Wangjiazhai) was characterized by highly heterogeneous surfaces in the central area of the Baiyangdian: lake/wetland. The other site (Xiongxian) was on land with more uniform surface cover. An improved Eulerian analytical flux footprint model was used to determine “source areas” of the heat fluxes measured at towers located at each site from surrounding landscapes of mixed surface types. In relative terms results show that wetland and lake areas generally contributed most to the observed heat flux at Wangjiazhai, while farmland contributed most at Xiongxian. Given the areal distribution of surface type contributions, calculations were made to obtain the magnitudes of the heat flux from lake, wetland and farmland to the total observed flux and apportioned contributions of each surface type to the sensible and latent heat fluxes. Results show that on average the sensible heat flux from wetland and farmland were comparable over the diurnal cycle, while the latent heat flux from farmland was somewhat larger by about 30-50 W m-2 during daytime. The latent and sensible fluxes from the lake source in daytime were about 50 W m-2 and 100 W m-2 less, respectively, than from wetland and farmland. The results are judged reasonable and serve to demonstrate the potential for flux apportionment over heterogeneous surfaces.  相似文献   
冬季台风“南玛都”结构性质的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1982~2001年NCEP/NCAR再分析的周平均SST场、逐日表面热通量场及近地层10米高度风场资料,分析了南海地区季风爆发前后几周南海多年平均SST随时间的变化和空间分布特征及其影响因子.结果表明,南海季风爆发前,SST急剧升高,季风爆发后,SST的变化呈现比较明显的空间差异,南海北部SST继续上升,而南部SST持续下降.南海季风爆发前,海面净得热,这是季风爆发前南海SST上升的主要原因.季风爆发后几周,海面净得热减少,此时的海表净热通量收支与SST无显著相关.而季风爆发期和爆发后几周,南海SST变化的不均匀性与西南气流具有很好的相关性,南海的降温区呈东北-西南走向,与低层西南气流的方向一致.因而,在季风爆发后的一段时间内,近地层风场导致的海洋表面及内部动力过程是影响南海SST变化的另一重要因子.  相似文献   
空气质量预报是复杂的系统工程,也是环境科学研究的热点和难点所在。通过文献综述分析了现有研究的不足,指出现有的研究没有考虑由于偶然性和随机性导致的一致性。基于权重Kappa统计值的方法,在剔除了由于偶然性和随机性造成的一致性的基础上,对3种常用的空气质量预报方法的预测结果的一致性进行了衡量,有利于提高对不同模型预测结果的差异性的认识,对进一步提高空气质量预报的准确率有一定的意义。  相似文献   
西伯利亚地区异常的升温可能会给生态系统带来灾难性的影响.本文从气候角度分析西伯利亚地区初夏升温的特征以及北极海冰减小的可能贡献.观测和再分析资料表明,1979-2020年间西伯利亚地区6月地表气温有很强的升温趋势(0.9℃/10年),明显高于同纬度地区平均的升温趋势(0.46℃/10年).升温从地表延伸至300hPa左...  相似文献   
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