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李莹甄  赵翠萍 《内陆地震》2003,17(4):309-316
分析了2003年2月14日石河子5.4级地震前北天山地震活动图像和地震学参数异常过程。5.4级地震发生在2002年北天山4级地震集中活动区空段,震前12项地震学参数时间进程存在中、短期异常,3项地震波参数出现短期异常。震前3个月乌鲁木齐震情窗出现超警戒线异常。震前10天震中附近地区地震和震群活动显著。  相似文献   
研究了麻城地区重、磁异常场特征,经反演计算获得了深部结构特征。对重力布格异常利用Parker-Oldenburg快速位场反演方法计算出莫霍面的展布,对航磁异常利用对数功率谱法和矩谱法计算出居里面深度。在此基础上,探讨该震区深部蕴震条件。主要结论是:①麻城-团凤断裂带为该区切割较深的主要控震构造;②1932年麻城6.0级地震发生在区域重力异常等值线梯度最大处,磁力异常区两局部正异常间的低值带,莫霍面及居里面隆起区边缘;③发震部位有其特定的深部蕴震构造及应力蕴震条件。  相似文献   
场景草图是人们对周围环境认知结果的概括性表达,研究人们空间认知能力和场景草图不同特征之间的关系是实现场景草图与地图匹配的重要基础之一。然而,现有研究中仍然缺少空间认知与面要素间方向关系相互影响的研究。本文使用基于锥形模型的四方向模型和八方向模型以及基于投影的MBR模型描述场景草图中面要素间的方位关系,将空间认知能力划分为心理旋转能力(MRT)、方位能力和复杂图形记忆能力(CFT),设计认知能力实验,分析在社区级尺度下多类型场景中人们空间认知能力差异和场景草图面要素方位关系之间的相关性。研究表明:在居民区、商业区等等面要素类型丰富且分布复杂的区域:(1)心理旋转能力和场景草图面要素方位关系呈正相关;(2)方位能力和面要素方位关系呈显著正相关;(3)复杂图形记忆能力和面要素方位关系则没有明显关联,而在面要素类型单一分布规整的区域,3种空间认知能力和面要素方位关系则关联不明显。本文研究结果可以为场景草图在数据库中匹配寻址提供支持,也表明草图中地物间的方位关系是一个合适的匹配因子。  相似文献   
波纹钩鳞鲀(Balistapus undulatus)是一种在热带珊瑚礁海域中广泛分布的杂食性鱼类, 研究其自然环境中的食物组成有助于了解其食物来源及其在生态系统中的功能地位。但目前的认识仅限于他们是珊瑚礁区的海胆捕食者, 对其准确的食物组成和生态功能定位尚不清晰。本研究于2017年夏季在南沙珊瑚礁区采集了波纹钩鳞鲀样品, 通过特异性引物扩增波纹钩鳞鲀消化道中的线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(COⅠ)基因, 以高通量测序技术分析了其现场食物组成, 并测定了碳、氮稳定同位素以分析其营养级。研究结果显示, 波纹钩鳞鲀摄食的食物种类有13种, 分属于节肢动物门(Arthropoda)、脊索动物门(Chordata)和环节动物门(Annelida)。其中最主要的食物来源是节肢动物门扇蟹科的蟹类, 如滑面蟹(Etisus sp.)、Luniella pubescens、皱纹花瓣蟹(Liomera rugata)等, 分别占61.8%、6.7%和1.8%。鱼类也有一定的贡献, 占总食物序列的23.5%。同位素结果显示其营养级为3.71±0.07, 与分子检测的结果相符。研究结果表明波纹钩鳞鲀的主要食物是小型甲壳类动物以及植食性鹦嘴鱼, 这拓展了以往对波纹钩鳞鲀所扮演生态角色的认识。  相似文献   
The effects of natural fish oil,DHA oil and soybean lecithin in microparticulate diets on stress tolerance of larval gilthead seabream(Sparus aurata)were investigated after 15 days feeding trials.The tolerance of larval gilthead seabream to various stress factors such as exposure to air(lack of dissolved oxygen),changes in water temperature(low)and salinity(high) were determined.This study showed that microparticulate diet with natural fish oil and soybean lecithin was the most effective for in-creasing the tolerance of larval gilthead seabream to various stresses,and that microparticulate diet with natural fish oil and palmitic acid(16:0)was more effective than microparticulate diet with DHA oil and soybean lecithin.  相似文献   
Microcystis bloom, one of the most objectionable characteristics of eutrophication in tropical and subtropical waters, occurred in Donghu Lake (East lake) of Wuhan every summer from the 1970s up to 1984, but from 1985 up to now failed to occur there. The cause of its disappearance rema-ined in obscurity until recently. In situ enclosure experiments in the lake for three years showed that the stocking of the filter-feeding silver carp ( Hypophthalmichthys molitrix ) and big-head carp (Aristichthys nobilis ) played a decisive role in eliminating Microcystis bloom from the lake; but that recurrence of the bloom is possible under certain conditions. This paper presents the details and the results of enclosure ex-periments. The authors‘ analysis of fish biomass data obtained by echo-sounding and the fishery produc-tion of the lake over the years, revealed that the recurrence of Microcystis bloom can be prevented so long as the combined biomnss of silver carp and big-head carp remains at or exceeds 50 g per cubic meter of lakewater, as was the case in the lake‘s 1985 fish yield of 1015 t.  相似文献   
针对地基增强系统(GBAS)非完好性事件的极端性,开展GBAS完好性算法研究,给出H0和H1假设下的机载端保护级计算方法,并分析GBAS中引起“虚警”和“漏警”两类非完好性事件的主要误差源。实验结果表明,机载端伪距经过差分校正后其位置精度优于1 m,可用性大于99.999 9%,满足CAT Ⅰ精密进近着陆导航需求。同时,进行非完好性事件仿真验证的结果表明,卫星几何分布和电离层风暴是引起“虚警”和“漏警”的主要误差源,未来CAT Ⅲ GBAS需将单星座扩展为包括北斗在内的多星座,将单频升级为双频,其中多星座可以优化卫星的几何布局,双频可以消除电离层风暴的影响。  相似文献   
The fatty acid compositions of four species of marine diatoms (Chaetoceros gracilis MACC/B13, Cylindrotheca fusiformis MACC/B211, Phaeodactylum tricornutum MACC/B221 and Nitzschia closterium MACC/B222), cultivated at 22 ℃±1 ℃ with the salinity of 28 in f/2 medium and harvested in the exponential growth phase, the early stationary phase and the late stationary phase, were determined. The results showed that growth phase has significant effect on most fatty acid contents in the four species of marine diatoms. The proportions of 16:0 and 16: 1n-7 fatty acids increased while those of 16 :3n-4 and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) decreased with increasing culture age in all species studied. The subtotal of saturated fatty acids (SFA) increased with the increasing culture age in all species with the exception of B13. The subtotal of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) increased while that of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) decreased with culture age in the four species of marine diatoms. MUFA reached their lowest value in the exponential growth phase, whereas PUFA reached their highest value in the same phase.  相似文献   
钦州市钦陆一级公路有限责任公司隶属于广西地矿局,该公司成立于2002年12月9日,现有职工35人,是一家专门从事钦州钦陆一级公路的保养、维护和收费的股份制企业。  相似文献   
《房地产估价机构管理办法》将于12月1日实施。该《办法》,明确了房地产估价三级机构的资质审批程序和业务范围,其中,二、三级资质机构不可从事公司上市、企业清算的房地产估价业务。  相似文献   
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