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针对水下系泊监测平台在水流涡激作用下的稳定性问题,考虑了浮体在振动过程中的变形,建立了其流固耦合的非线性动力学方程,利用谐波平衡法进行了非线性特性定性分析,Melnikov方法进行稳定性判据研究及影响因素分析,以系统出现混沌状态为稳定性控制条件,重点研究了系泊缆支撑间距对稳定性的影响,并计算出支撑间距的临界值。结果表明,系统稳定性随支撑间距增加而降低,当支撑间距超过临界值后,稍微增加都可能导致系泊监测平台振动偏离振动轨道而造成局部失稳甚至结构破坏。为保证监测平台的稳定性,应增加支撑数量,且支撑的间距不能超过系统发生失稳的临界值。  相似文献   
Analyzing the dynamic response and calculating the tendon tension of the mooring system are necessary for the structural design of a tension leg platform (TLP). The six-degree-of-freedom dynamic coupling responses and the mooring characteristics of TLP under random waves are studied by using a self-developed program. Results are verified by the 1:40 scaling factor model test conducted in the State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering at Shanghai JiaoTong University. The mean, range, and standard deviation of the numerical simulation and model test are compared. The influences of different sea states and wave approach angles on the dynamic response and tendon tension of the mooring system are investigated. The acceleration in the center and corner of the deck is forecasted.  相似文献   
动力定位系统(DPS)是开发深海的一种较为有效的海上开发系统。由于DPS是一个较为复杂的系统,在进行模型试验时,每个Z型螺旋桨都设有计算机芯片以及遥控装置,用以接收PID系统发出的指令,为模型试验的模拟也带来了一定困难。本文讨论了动力定位系统的数学模型,模型试验中推力的分配及控制方程和试验中的一些要求。  相似文献   
海洋系泊缆索非线性有限元静力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用几何非线性有限元方法研究海洋系泊缆索在重力、浮力和水流流体阻力作用下的静态平衡位形和张力分布.基于完全的Lagrangian格式,采用二节点等参索单元建立系泊缆索的静态平衡方程;采用增最迭代法求解得到的静平衡方程.数值算例证实此方法的有效性和准确性.计算了不同水流流体阻力作用下缆索的静平衡位形和张力分布,得到一些有意义的结论.  相似文献   
考虑深海聚酯尼龙系泊缆的拉伸和弯曲变形,取正交坐标和切向量描述任意结点的6个广义位移,缆变形的几何非线性,基于细长杆理论推导缆索单元的刚度矩阵和质量矩阵,得到12×12的非线性单元特性矩阵,利用有限元软件计算系泊系统的动张力.针对水深1 800 m由12根缆定位的Spar平台,考虑水流对系泊系统的作用,计算了不同外激励下的系缆动张力,讨论了激励频率对系缆张力的影响.结果表明,建立的缆索单元特性矩阵可以较好模拟深海聚酯缆的力学性能,并且得到的深海系泊缆动张力变化规律和力学特性是合理的.  相似文献   
In this paper, studied are the dynamics of a moored buoy near the surface subjected to wave excitation. According to the physical structure, submersible buoy moored by tethered line is modeled firstly. Then from the differential equations, the natural frequencies are estimated by neglecting the coupling between tangential and normal direction. By use of numerical integration method, solutions are obtained. On this basis, strange attractors and bifurcation phenomena are obtained by applying Poincare map, pha...  相似文献   
Hybrid model testing technique is widely used in verification of a deepwater floating structure and its mooring system,but the design of the truncated mooring systems which can reproduce both static and dynamic response same as the full-depth mooring system is still a big challenge,especially for the mooting systems with large truncation.A Cell-Tress Spar operated in 1500 m water depth is verified in a wave basin with 4 m water depth.A large truncation factor arises even though a small model scale 1:100 is adopted.Computer program modules for analyzing the static and frequency domain dynamic response of mooting line are combined with multi-objective genetic algorithm NSGA-II to optimize the truncared mooting system.Considering the asymmetry of layout of mooring hnes,two different truncated mooring systems are respectively designed for both directions in which the restoring forces of the.mooting system are quite,different.Not only the static characteristics of the mooting systems are calibrated,but also the dynamic responses of the single truncated mooting line are evaluated through time domain numerical simulation and model tests.The model test results of 100-year storm in the GOM are reconstructed and extrapolated to a full depth.It is found that the experimental and numerical resuits of Spar wave frequency motion agree well,and the dynamic responses of the full-depth mooring lines are better reproduced,but the low frequency surge motion is overestimated due to the smaller mooring-induced damping.It is a feasible method adopting different truncated mooring systems for different directions in which the restoring force characteristics are quite different and cannot be simulated by one truncated mooring system.Hybrid verification of a deepwater platform in wave basin with shallow water depth is still feasible if the truncated mooring systems are properly designed,and numerical extrapolation is necessary.  相似文献   
采用分层底部真空预压技术,在模型试验箱内制备强度沿深度增加的模型试验土层;进而利用自行开发的电动伺服加载装置,在荷载控制方式下,针对水平破坏模式,进行两种直径的吸力锚在最佳系泊点受倾斜方向静荷载与循环荷载共同作用下的承载力模型试验。试验结果表明,循环荷载作用过程中锚的循环变形没有明显增加,导致锚破坏的是循环累积变形。强度沿深度增加软土和均一强度软土中吸力锚循环承载力的相对变化规律一致,当循环破坏次数为100时,循环承载力是静承载力的90%左右;当循环破坏次数增加至2 000时,循环承载力减小至静承载力的70%左右。锚径的变化只影响循环承载力的大小,不影响其相对变化。强度沿深度增加土层中的吸力锚,其循环荷载下竖向阻力弱化程度大于水平阻力弱化程度,这与均一强度土层中吸力锚受循环荷载作用时的性态一致。  相似文献   
法向承力锚(VLA)--一种适用于深海工程的新型系泊基础   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
深水系泊基础是深水系泊系统的重要组成,随着海洋油气资源开发的加速发展,深水系泊系统的关键技术成为国际海洋油气资源开发的重要研究领域.法向承力锚(VLA)是一种崭新的适用于深海油气资源开发的系泊基础形式,论文对其应用、性能特点、工作原理、安装与回收以及计算分析方法等进行了全面介绍,以期对科研人员进一步认识深水系泊系统的关键技术有所帮助,并对国内深水系泊系统的研发起到一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   
“大洋一号”船的动力定位系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人类越来越多地涉足于海上,对船舶与海洋平台系泊方式的研究也变得日益重视。由于通常的锚泊方式在深海的应用受到很大限制,因此,不借助于锚泊系统的动力定位系统便应运而生。船舶动力定位系统在20世纪60年代开始初现雏形,在20世纪70年代后期随着计算机技术的发展以及西欧北海油田的需求而获得了长足进步与飞跃发展,至20世纪末期已进入成熟阶段。船舶动力定位系统近年在国外发展十分迅猛,在军民用特种船舶上获得了广泛应用。据不完全统计,在20世纪70年代末期,全世界装备动力定位系统的船舶与海上平台不超过30艘;到2000年底突破了1000艘;…  相似文献   
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