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Nonlinear Static Finite Element Stress Analysis of Pipe-in-Pipe Risers   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Owing to the complexity of the pipe-in-pipe (PIP) riser system in structure, load and restraint, many problems arise in the structural analysis of the system. This paper presents a new method for nonlinear static finite element stress analysis of the PIP riser system. The finite element (FE) model of the PIP riser system is built via software AutoPIPE 6.1. According to the specialties of a variety of components in the PIP riser system, different elements are used so as to model the system accurately. Allowing for the complication in modeling the effects of seabed restraint, a technique based on the bilinear spring concept is developed to calculate the soil properties. Then, based on a pipeline project, the entire procedure of stress analysis is discussed in detail, including creation of an FE model, processing of input data and analysis of results. A wide range of loading schemes is investigated to ascertain that the stresses remain within the acceptable range of the pipe material strength. Finally, the effects of the location of flanges, the thermal expansion of submarine pipelines and the seabed restraint on stress distribution in the riser and expansion loop are studied, which are valuable for pipeline designers.  相似文献   
A numerical model for the self-burial of a pipeline trench is developed. Morphological evolutions of a pipeline trench under steady-current or oscillatory-flow conditions are simulated with/without a pipeline inside the trench. The oscillatory flow in this study represents the action of waves. The two-dimensional Reynolds-averaged continuity and Navier-Stokes equations with the standard k-e turbulence closure, as well as the sediment transport equations, are solved with the finite difference method in a eurvilirrear coordinate system. Both bed and suspended loads of sediment transport are included in the morphological model. Because of the lack of experimental data on the backfilling of pipeline trenches, the numericalmodel is firstly verified against three closely-relevant experiments available in literature. A detailed measurement of the channel migration phenomenon under steady currents is employed for the assessment of the integral performance of themodel. The two experimental results from U-tube tests are used to validate the model‘s ability in predicting oscillatory flows. Different time-marching schemes are employed for the morphological computation under unidirectional and oscillatory conditions. It is found that vortex motions within the trench play an important role in the trench development.  相似文献   
本文重点介绍了翻转内衬修复技术的原理、工序、技术特点等,并概括介绍了其它几种非开挖修复技术修复城市燃气埋地管道的方法,最后展望了翻衬法的应用及推广前景。  相似文献   
德国与英国的管道修复公司合作开发出一种称为Epros SeaLiner的原位固化法管道修复技术,其包括衬管材料、特制树脂和技术工艺。应用该技术能在地下水渗入破损管道的条件下施工,可靠密封衬管与宿主管之间环状间隙和枝管重开处的接头,彻底克服内衬修复及接口重开所致的渗漏问题。  相似文献   
2008年11月28日凌晨5时30分左右,一根直径为1016毫米的管道,被一台水平定向钻机驯服地从一根套管里拖了出来。这标志着川气东送管道唯一一处采用导向孔对接技术施工的河流穿越工程——水阳江穿越工程顺利完工。  相似文献   
当地时间12月18日23时6分,中亚天然气管道控制性工程之一——伊犁河穿越第一条主管完成回拖,宣告伊犁河单线定向钻穿越一次成功。为穿越紧张鏖战46天的石油管道人,脸上终于露出灿烂的笑容。  相似文献   
基于GIS的油田数字化管道的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全国油田都在进行一场"数字油田"的革命,而数字化管道又是其中的一个重要环节.本文与油田实际相结合,基于MAPGIS进行二次开发,论述了数字化管道实现的基本理论.  相似文献   
西气东输工程是举世瞩目的宏大工程,建成后将是我国油气管道工程建设史上输送距离最长,管径最大,输送压力最高,管壁最厚的一条天然气管道。万事开头难,设计这样的一条管道,技术流程上涉及方方面面,设计投标,初步设计及施工图设计等都非常困难。荣获“全国三八红旗手”称号的张文伟以一种强烈的责任感投身于西气东输工程的设计施工中,为西气东输作出了突出贡献。  相似文献   
廊坊中油消防工程有限公司为中国石油天然气管道工程有限公司控股子公司之一,是根据中国石油天然气管道局体改精神.由廊坊开发区中油消防工程技术有限公司与廊坊管道勘察设计工程公司重组建立的专业化施工企业,成立于2002年3月27日,注册资本800万元。企业资质:消防设施工程专业承包一级;安全技术防范系统工程设计、施工、维修一级;化工石油设备管道安装工程专业承包二级。  相似文献   
跨断层长输油(气)管道抗震研究与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概述了输油(气)管道跨断层抗震研究与实践的现状,总结了判断地表断裂位移的两种经验统计方法和覆盖土层场地地表断裂的分析判断方法,评述了用这些方法得到的结果。对常用的跨断层管道抗震分析方法进行了评述,并列举了我国管道工程中可行的抗震措施。  相似文献   
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