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(一)本节课重点:1.南极洲独特的目然环境;2.南极洲的气候特点及成因;3.人类对南极洲的科学考察。  相似文献   
我国大型科考船"海洋六号"徐徐驶离广州海洋地质专用码头,远赴太平洋,执行中国大洋第27航次科学考察任务。中国地质调查局副局长李金发表示,本航次"海洋六号"主要承担三项任务:一是开展海山区富钴结壳资源调查,积累基础资料;二是开展调查区环境调查与评价以及相关科学研究,进一步了解环境基线自然变化范围和生物多样性空间分布特征;三是在特定海域承  相似文献   
<正>深秋的鄂托克草原,天高云淡,清风送爽,到处是一派丰收的景象。就在这个最适宜野外考察的季节,美国、日本和我国北京的5位专家学者来到草原,来到熟悉的鄂托克国家级地质遗迹化石自然保护区,开始了为期5天的科学考察。他们期待着能有所发现,有所收获。  相似文献   
日前,一艘来自西非加纳的优质铝土矿悄然抵达江苏南通港。至此,非洲大陆历史上首船铝土矿漂洋过海正式运抵中国并供国内氧化铝厂使用,中非铝土矿海运及商贸关系就此翻开新篇章。  相似文献   
9月27日,中国第五次北极科学考察队乘雪龙号科学考察船完成考察任务后返回位于上海的中国极地考察国内基地码头。中国第5次北极科学考察历时93天,实现了我国北冰洋科学考察的多个首次。本航次航行18600余海里,雪龙号科学考察船首次穿越北极航道往返大西洋和太平  相似文献   
The metazoan meiofauna in the Chukchi Sea were collected from seven shallow water stations(depths ranging 46 to 52 m) and five deep sea stations(depths ranging between 393 and 2 300 m) during the 4th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in 2010. The results showed that abundance of meiofauna was higher in shallow water sediments(average of 2 445 ind./(10 cm2)) than in deep sea sediments(407.06 ind./(10 cm2)). A UNIANOVA test for difference between the two different regions was highly significant(F=101.15, p0.01). Nematodes were numerically dominant, representing(96.6±4.6)% of the total meiofaunal abundance at the shallow water stations and(98.90±1.42)% at deep sea stations. The number of higher taxonomic groups and abundance of meiofauna were higher at Stas CC1, CC4, and R06 near the Bering Strait and the continent, than at the rest of the shallow water and deep sea stations. The primary factors causing the differences were concentrations of nutrients P and Si of bottom seawater(R=0.831, p0.003), followed by depth(R=-0.655, p0.05) and sand fractions of sediments(R=0.632, p 0.05). The numbers of meiofauna on the 65 μm and 32 μm sieves were significantly higher than those on the rest of the screens. Differences in numbers of meiofauna retained on screens with different mesh openings were highly significant among all sampling stations(F=31.60, p0.01). The highest numbers of individuals on screens with 32 μm mesh openings were found at deep sea stations. The number of meiofauna in the top 0–1, 1–2, and 2–4 cm segments constituted 84.4% of the total and was significantly higher than those in the bottom 4–6 and 6–10 cm segments(F=15, p0.01).  相似文献   
中国南极考察至今已有20年的历史了,在此期间无论是南极科学考察研究还是后勤支援都取得了举世瞩目的成就,确立了我国在国际南极事务中应有的地位。随着中国南极考察“十五”期间能力建设项目的启动以及国家财政对南极考察投入的逐步加大,公众对于我国南极考察事业的期望值越来越高。如何贯彻落实国家海洋局领导的重要指示,科学化、规范化、制度化、专业化和职业化地管理南极科学考察站,更好地服务于南极科学考察事业,是摆在我们面前既艰巨又神圣的任务。  相似文献   
目前有关阻力及空间状态的理论计算和模型试验基本上针对单个水下拖体,而对多缆地震船各类拖体的综合受力和姿态则较少受到关注。为方便施工团队在海上快速预测拖体的状态,在国内外学者对水下拖体的流体阻力研究基础上,分析多缆地震船水下拖体的结构和流体阻力特征,提出简化的阻力计算及横向姿态预测方法。文章以常用的多缆地震船拖体配置为例,得到的估算结果与实际的作业状态较为吻合,证实了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
山东青岛港货运码头正在卸载铁矿石。青岛港铁矿石积压上千万吨被迫拆办公楼腾场地,大型矿砂船船主因为持续亏损而拆船,钢铁厂不再大炼钢铁,这一切似乎表明,钢铁产业遇到了麻烦。过去,这些铁矿石意味着滚滚财源。而现在,它们成了青岛港的大麻烦。这些铁矿石通常是贸易商买来或钢铁厂预订的,但随着铁矿石价格的下降和需求减少,很多钢铁厂不愿兑现合同、贸易商则找不到下家接手,只  相似文献   
2013年11月28日,江西省首艘由高校建造的水域科学考察船——“东华理工2781号”在赣江完成第一次科学考察试验。  相似文献   
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