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中国深埋古岩溶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李德生  刘友元 《地理科学》1991,11(3):234-243
Fe, Chlorophyll (Chl) and total nitrogen (TN) content in tissues were measured in Fe-deficient cultures ofUlva. pertusa over a period of 60 days. Photosynthetic carbon fixation rates were studied at the start of and 30 days after Fe-deficiency culture, when the effects of Fe-deficiency on the ultrastructure were also analyzed. The iron content in tissue decreased exponentially during Fe-deficiency (from 726.7 to 31.6 μg/gdw) and simultaneously Chl and TN content declined to 4.35% and 59.9% of their original levels respectively. Maximum carbon fixation rate (50–250 μmol/m2 s) under Fe-deficiency decreased significantly compared with the control (p<0.01) and was 13.6 to 0.365 μg C/cm2 h. Photosynthesis in Fe-deficient cells became light-saturated at lower irradiance than that in control. Ultrastructural observations of Fe-deficient cells showed reductions in chloroplast number, some degeneration of lamellar organization, an increase in vacuolar area, a decrease in mitochondrial matrix density, and variation in accumulation body number and morphology. During Fe-deficiency, the algae growth rate continued to decline and after 6 weeks of iron deficiency, no further growth was detectable. These suggested that the lower growth rate ofUlva. pertusa under Fe-deficiency could be due mainly to nitrogen utilization and inhibition of photosynthesis. This project No. 39725023 supported by NSFC for Talented Youths and the Project under the Major State Basic Research of China (Grant No. G1999012011).  相似文献   
Diabasbrottet, selected by the International Subcommisson on Ordovician Stratigraphy and in 2002 ratified by the International Commission on Stratigraphy as the GSSP of the Second (Upper) Stage of the Lower Ordovician, is located on the Hunneberg Mountain in southwestern Sweden. The stratigraphic succession represents an outer shelf environment near the Baltic Shield margin. The shale-dominated, biostratigraphically complete, richly fossiliferous boundary interval is completely exposed in a disused quarry. The GSSP is in the lower TФyen Shale 2.1 m above the top of the Cambrian and is marked by the first appearance of the graptolite Tetragraptus approximatus Nicholson. The boundary interval contains a diverse graptolite fauna and biostratigraphically diagnostic conodonts and trilobites that make it possible to define the boundary in terms of zone schemes based on these groups. In this respect, the Diabasbrottet and nearby sections are unique in the world among described localities having this boundary interval. Based on the appearance of T. approximatus, the base of the Second Stage can be identified in many graptolitiferous successions round the world but this level is currently more difficult to recognize precisely in some carbonate sequences outside Baltoscandia. We propose the Second Stage be called the Floan Stage. It is named for the Village of Flo, which is situated about 5 km southeast of the GSSP.  相似文献   
一九六四年春,在鉴定南岭地区的一些矿物标本时,发现一种棕红色的矿物,经研究认为是一种新的含锂、钙、镁和氟的亚砷酸盐矿物,并根据其产于南岭地区命名为南岭石。近年,有机会重新获得同一产地的另一些标本,进一步研究证明,它确系一种新的亚砷酸盐矿物。  相似文献   
在一般石陨石中,球粒陨石硅酸盐相约占其化学组成的三分之二,而橄榄石(Mg、Fe),SiO4和斜方辉石(Mg、Fe)SiO3又是组成硅酸盐相的主要矿物。较详细地研究橄榄石和辉石的化学组成对石陨石各化学群的划分及球粒陨石岩石类型的划分都是十分重要的。  相似文献   
碎(块)石路堤孔隙空气对流运动的Darcy定律适用性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对青藏高原多年冻土区路基工程中采用的碎石路堤地温调控技术,分析了碎石层孔隙空气对流运动符合Darcy定律的适用范围及其可能偏离Darcy定律的非线性效应,并给出了考虑非线性效应的Darcy定律修正方程.同时,讨论了适合于路堤碎石层的空气渗透系数及其表征空气流动非线性效应的Ergun常数的估算公式.  相似文献   
黄莫  李明  杨振京  邓丽婷 《现代地质》2021,35(5):1343-1353
为响应国际地层委员会奥陶系分会的要求,实现扬子区与江南区奥陶纪晚期—志留纪早期生物地层精时对比,选取位于江南斜坡带的湖南益阳南坝剖面作为研究对象,对志留系底部Parakidograptus acuminatus带笔石进行了系统的研究。剖面内五峰组岩性为黑色页岩,与上覆周家溪群下组整合接触,地层连续无沉积间断。通过连续不间断采集笔石标本,在研究剖面共识别出笔石6属8种,包括:Parakidograptus acuminatus,Normalograptus elegantulus,Nor. mirnyensis,Metabolograptus persculptus,Neodiplograptus parajanus,Neo. guantangyuanensis,Petalithus hamus,Streptograptus cyclodontus。依据获取的笔石标本,初步识别出Metabolograptus persculptus带和Parakidograptus acuminatus带,确定研究剖面时代为晚奥陶世赫南特期—早志留世鲁丹期。  相似文献   
刘轲琪  居维伟  肖娥 《江苏地质》2021,45(4):444-449
选取江苏句容石砀山铜矿标高-300 m以上Cu①号主矿体,基于普查、详查、生产勘探及开采各阶段的地质资料,将地质勘查资料与生产勘探及开采后确定的构造、矿体特征、开采技术条件、矿体资源储量等参数进行对比研究,探讨勘查期间勘查类型划分、方法手段、工程间距选择的合理性,分析探采不同阶段的矿体形态、规模、控制程度及资源储量估算的误差率,为今后该矿床深部及类似矿床的勘查及开采提供借鉴。  相似文献   
梅冥相 《古地理学报》2021,23(2):335-358
作为一种缺乏沉积构造的隐晶质块状泥晶所表征的非纹层状微生物碳酸盐岩类型,均一石自从命名之后就很少被描述或自古老的地层记录之中被识别出来,再加上缺乏现代实例,造成了对这种微生物碳酸盐岩类型研究的困难。来自于山东省泗水县圣水峪剖面寒武系苗岭统崮山组中的均一石,以厚层块状、缺乏沉积构造的泥晶灰岩为主,表现为生物层状的微生物礁,与相对较深水的中厚层中至深缓坡相的条带状泥晶灰岩和泥灰岩一起,构成较为典型的潮下型碳酸盐岩米级旋回,集中发育在淹没不整合型三级沉积层序顶部的强迫型海退体系域之中,代表着相对海平面下降阶段的沉积记录。在这些主导着生物层状微生物礁灰岩的均一石中,不均匀地高密度保存着致密缠绕以及较薄的泥晶壁所成型的丝状葛万菌物质体是其最为基本的特征,表明均一石形成于光合作用微生物席复杂的钙化作用。另外,在均一石的致密泥晶组构中,局部发育毫米级至厘米级大小而且形态极端不规则的亮晶显微管状组构。基于其特别的组构特征,将这样的组构解释为具有公共鞘的丝状蓝细菌即念珠菌菌落的钙化作用残余物,其致密泥晶组构可能代表着蓝细菌公共鞘的钙化作用残余物,其中的亮晶显微管则可能为蓝细菌丝状体的钙化作用残余物,而且在这样的组构之中还发育和共生着丝状葛万菌菌落,从而延伸了对蓝细菌菌落钙化作用残余物的认识和解释,并对具这种组构的海绵木乃伊解释提供了另外一种重要的研究镜像。因此,山东省泗水县圣水峪剖面寒武系苗岭统崮山组上部生物层状微生物礁体中的均一石,不仅提供了一个较为典型的寒武纪苗岭世不借助于二氧化碳浓缩作用机制(CCM机制)的蓝细菌钙化作用的实例,而且提供了一个在丝状蓝细菌主导的微生物席之中发育着念珠菌菌落的多重状微生物席的典型实例,从而拓宽了对显生宙最高的大气圈CO2含量以及较高的大气圈O2含量条件下的较为典型的方解石海中与寒武纪后生动物大爆发相平行的蓝细菌繁荣和钙化作用的了解。  相似文献   
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