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前人认为银额盆地下白垩统物源主要来自凹陷周缘的造山带或凸起区,但对于下白垩统的物源具体属于何套地层、确切源区位置等问题,并未开展过相关研究。笔者以哈日凹陷为例,通过对该凹陷下白垩统8个沉积岩样品开展地球化学和碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学研究,以期解决以上问题。研究结果表明: (1)碎屑锆石按年龄可以分为三叠纪锆石、二叠纪锆石、石炭纪锆石和古老锆石4类,对应的年龄分别为$237.9\pm3.2\pm-238.3\pm8.4$ Ma, $255.0\pm9.7-285.9\pm4.3$ Ma, $307.0\pm23.0-330.0\pm3.0$ Ma and $434.0\pm4.0-2584.0\pm14.0$ Ma 。(2)微量元素和锆石年龄组成特征表明,下白垩统以二叠系和石炭系物源供给为主,包括二叠纪和石炭纪侵入岩和沉积岩。(3)锆石年龄分布指示哈日凹陷下白垩统物源具有多源区的特征,凹陷西北部的洪格尔吉山、南部的宗乃山和东部的切刀山对其均有物源贡献。(4)3个物源区对巴音戈壁组和苏红图组的物源贡献率具有一定的差异,如宗乃山地区对苏红图组有较大的物源贡献率,这种差异可能由沉积物迁移距离、源区地质体剥蚀速率、构造运动等原因所致。下白垩统物源特征的确定,对于恢复哈日凹陷早白垩世原型盆地、建立早白垩世沉积古地理模型等均具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONFuzhou basin is a faulted basin developed during the mid-late Quaternary,filled with marine ,terrestrial and alternating marine-terrestrial facies sediments (Lin,1979 ;Lan,et al .,1986 ; Han,etal .,1992 ;Ding,et al .,1992 ; Wang,et al .,2000 ; Wang,et al .,2002) .Inthe basin,concealedfaults are distributed. With the support of a project entitled“Testing exploration of active fault inurban area”of the National Development and ReformCommission,two drill holes (SZK1 and S…  相似文献   
西菲律宾海沉积物稀土元素地球化学   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
石学法  马建国 《矿物学报》1996,16(3):260-267
对取自西菲律宾海区3个沉积物柱样(WP1、WP2和WP40)的32个样品的稀土元素(REE)地球化学行为进行了系统的研究。区内沉积物表现出以下特征:①稀土元素含量及总量(ZREE)较低,WP1、WP2和WP40孔的ΣREE依次为72.91×10-6,54.15×10-6和54.18×10-6,REE在粘土粒级中得到了较大富集;②REE球粒陨石标准化的分布模式曲线表现为负斜率,富集轻稀土,WP1、WP2和WP40孔LREE/HREE比值平均值为37.36,26.33和17.16,页岩标准化曲线大致呈水平;③与球粒陨石和页岩相比,Ce都表现为强烈的亏损;以球粒陨石为标准,WP40孔表现为弱的Eu正异常,其他两孔表现为弱的Eu负异常;以页岩为标准,皆显示Eu正异常;④ΣREE纵向变化曲线与CaCO3旋回曲线有良好的对应关系。上述特征表明:①沉积物的来源复杂,有陆源、火山源、生物源和自生源,在所研究的三个孔中,WP1孔含有较多的陆源物质,WP2和WP40含有较多的火山物质;②被粘土吸附是本区REE重要的存在形式;③沉积物形成环境为氧化条件;④据ΣREE的纵向变化曲线与CaCO3旋回曲线,将本区沉积物自下而上划分为末次冰期亚间冰期沉积、冰期最盛期沉积和全新世沉积。  相似文献   
利用化学蚀变指数法恢复物源区的风化历史及沉积物通量是一种经济实用、行之有效的方法。前人对珠江口盆地荔湾凹陷对应物源区的研究相对薄弱。本文通过对区内岩心测试数据进行化学蚀变指数分析,恢复晚渐新世—早中新世物源区的风化历史,并进行沉积物通量的估算,在此基础上探讨物源特征对研究区内沉积充填的控制作用。研究表明,晚渐新世研究区对应物源区经历了强烈风化阶段,该阶段产生的丰富的沉积物供给是研究区西北部快速进积、规模壮观的陆架边缘三角洲及斜坡重力流沉积体系发育的重要控制因素之一;早中新世,西北物源区风化减弱,沉积供给减少,但研究区东部沉积物供应较西部要充分得多,表明早中新世,研究区南部除了来自西北部的主要物源外,局部物源对该时期的沉积具有重要影响;推测东部物源(东部古隆起、兴宁古隆起)的突然复活是促进研究区东部早中新世沟槽形成发育的重要原因之一。在超深水区进行沉积物源区的研究中,这种半定量的方法对盆内局部物源的确定具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   
中蒙边界地区成矿地质条件优越,是世界上重要的金属成矿省和全球3大斑岩型铜(金、钼)成矿带之一,资源潜力巨大。中蒙合作1∶100万地球化学填图采集了海量的地球化学数据,为研究该地区元素分散富集、成矿趋势、资源评价和环境变化提供基础数据,为“一带一路”资源布局提供决策依据。以X±3S为临界值一次性剔除离群值后的数据集的中位值作为背景值的估计值,计算了中蒙边界地区12个Ⅱ级构造单元和5个Ⅱ级成矿省的汇水域沉积物69种元素背景值,探讨了中蒙边界地区汇水域沉积物69种元素背景值的区域分布规律和特征。研究表明不同的地质背景导致元素的地球化学分布模式不同,不同构造单元具有显著差异的元素地球化学特征,元素的海量聚集为大型矿床的形成提供了充足的元素供给,形成特定的地球化学省。这些背景值为进一步深入开发利用中蒙边界地球化学填图数据提供了可供对比的基础数据。  相似文献   
通过1:5万水系沉积物的地球化学测量,对查哈西里地区Au、Cu等16种元素的地球化学特征进行了初步分析.综合元素富集程度、分异程度、叠加强度,发现Au、Cu、Ni、Cr、Co在研究区内有富集成矿的可能,是研究区主要成矿元素.根据异常特征与成矿地质条件,推断区内为构造蚀变岩型Au-Cu多金属矿床及热液蚀变型Cu-Ni多金属矿床.优选出4处成矿远景区,即科德日特-巴嘎哈尔散金铜多金属成矿远景区、查干热格沟铜多金属成矿远景区、乌兰可镍多金属成矿远景区和马尼特沟南铁镍多金属成矿远景区.  相似文献   
长江水下三角洲沉积物柱状样重金属垂向分布特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
李亚南  高抒 《海洋通报》2012,31(2):154-163
对长江水下三角洲3个沉积物柱状样进行粒度分析、210Pb测年,并测定其中Cr、Cu、Pb、Zn等重金属元素和Al等常量元素的含量,得到了沉积物粒度、粘土含量、重金属含量的垂向分布曲线和沉积物测年数据。通过相关分析来研究沉积物中的Cr、Cu、Pb、Zn等重金属、粒度、Al相互之间的关系;以Al为参照元素对这4种重金属进行归一化处理,分析其归一化前后的垂向分布特征。结果表明,Cr、Cu、Pb、Zn 4种重金属元素在此区域的地球化学行为相似,其分布受细颗粒沉积物的吸附和胶体的絮凝作用共同控制;近一二十年来,该区域的Cr、Cu、Pb含量并没有显著增加,Zn有轻微污染。此外,CJ19柱中Cu存在异常峰值,可能是特大风暴潮事件对研究区浅水区底质沉积物中重金属的分布造成的影响。  相似文献   
River regulation and river training have been performed for various purposes and negative effects have been shown in numerous cases. In some cases the negative effects are so serious that humans have to consider to "renaturalize" the regulated rivers. Only by using the strategy of integrated river management the diverse river uses and natural fluvial processes and ecological systems may be harmonized. Based on analysis of case studies and data collected from literatures this paper presents the concept of integrated river management and four principles of river training. The integrated river management comprises: 1) taking the watershed, upper stream basin including the tributaries, middle and lower reaches and the estuary as an integrated entity in the planning, design and management; and 2) mitigating or controlling the negative impacts on hydrology, erosion and sedimentation, fluvial processes, land use and river use, environment and ecology while in achieving economic benefit from water resources development, flood safety management and hydropower exploitation. River training and management should be in accordance with the four principles: 1) extending the duration of river water flowing on the continent, which may be achieved by extending the river course or reducing the flow velocity; 2) controlling various patterns of erosions and reducing the sediment transportation in the rivers; 3) increasing the diversity of habitat and enhancing the connectivity between the river and riparian waters; and 4) restoring natural landscapes.  相似文献   
Based on a new idea for research on cycling of marine biogenic elements, this study showed that only the leachable form phosphorus in natural grain sizes manne sediments constitutes the transferable phosphorous in the sediments. The transferable phosphorus content in the natural grain sizes surface sediments in the Huanghe River estuary adjacent waters ranges from 58.5-69.8 μg/g, accounting for only 9.1%-11.0% of the total phosphorus content, whereas the leachable form (“transferable” )phosphorus content in the sediment after it was totally ground into powder was found to be 454.8-529.2μg/g, accounting for 73.4%-89.1% of the total phosphorus. Analysis of the correlation between thebill,ass of benthos and the leachable form (“transferable” ) phosphorus showed that most of the leachableform (“transferable”) phosphorus in the totally ground sediment did not participate in the marine biogeo chemical cycling. Furthermore, a synchronous survey on benthos showed that the biornass of meio-and maero-benthos exhibited good positive correlation with the leachable form of phosphorus in the naturalgrain sizes sediment, but peorer correlation with the leachable form (“transferable”) phosphorus in the totally ground sediment, indicating that transferable phosphorus in marine sediment is the leachable form of phosphorus in the natural grain sizes sediments, and is not the previously known leachable form(“transferable”) phosphorus obtained from the totally ground sediment.  相似文献   
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