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<正>《极地研究》是集中反映南北极多学科考察研究成果的综合性学术刊物。它是极地科学工作者发表最新研究成果的园地,也是进行国际国内极地考察研究学术交流的窗口。本刊主要刊登以极地为研究对象或以极地为探测平台的基础研究、应用研究和高技术研究成果,反映该领域的新发现、新创造、新理论和新方法。具体报道范围包括极地冰川学、极地海洋科学、极地大气科学、极区空间物理学、极地地质学、极地地球物理学、极地地球化学、极地生物与生态学、极地医学、南极天文学,极  相似文献   
城市影响范围的界定是研究城市与周围城市、区域之间相互作用的一个重要内容,对城市和区域的规划有着重要意义。该文选取20项能反映城市影响范围的相关指标,通过主成分分析及数据变换,确定了京津冀三地14个地市的中心性强度。有效结合断裂点理论与加权Voronoi图方法,界定并生成了该地区各地市的影响范围。改进现有的确定区域中心城市和划分城市经济影响区的方法,在分析基于断裂点理论的加权Voronoi图网格包含与邻接关系的基础上,将京津冀地区划分为3个城市群,确定了3个1级中心城市、2个2级中心城市。  相似文献   
<正>包头市国土资源局把维护群众权益更加有力有效作为工作的出发点,切实保障被征地农民的合法权益,对征地明确提出"四个不报批",即"凡不在土地利用总体规划确定的建设用地范围内的各类开发区、园区及城市建设用地一律不报批;凡没在土地利用年度计划指标的一律不报批;凡不符合国家产业  相似文献   
Certain feasibilities and features were discussed in typhoon detection by radar with a negative elevation angle according to the relationship between the remote detecting range and the elevation angle of the new generation weather radar, in order to rectify the disadvantages of detecting capability for remote low-level echo with a lowest elevation angle of 0.5° in the common detecting mode. The data obtained from detecting the typhoon of Haitang and Changmi with radar for their negative elevation angles and the observed data for the common lowest elevation angle of 0.5° were compared to each other. The results showed that the detection of remote low level cloud system with radar could be improved by using the negative elevation angle, and the structure and the evolution trend of a typhoon could be better judged. The increasing degree of detection for negative elevation angles in the current volume scanning mode should be helpful for predicting the intensity and developing trend of windstorms, to further improve the capability of warning and nowcasting. The detection of negative elevation angle could also help reveal the development and change of typhoon's low level cloud system. As far as the typhoons of Haitang and Changmi were concerned, the detecting area of Changmi was increased by 1.09 times with the negative elevation angle of 0.31°, compared with the elevation angle of 0.48° if the threshold value for the sea echo within 100 km was eliminated. Several volume scans of Haitang were increased by 2.1%-7.9% for the negative elevation angle of 0.36° compared with the elevation angle of 0.49° . Therefore, the radar detecting capability of typhoons could be improved by the detection of negative elevation angles to some extent. This could make up for the disadvantages of a low detecting capability for remote low-level echo in the common detecting mode. At the same time, a negative elevation angle could be easily influenced by the ground clutter and the close sea wave clutter which interfered with the asses  相似文献   
Site testing results indicate that Antarctic Dome A is an excellent ground-based astronomical site suitable for observations ranging from visible to infrared wavelengths. However, the harsh environment in Antarctica, especially the very low temperature and atmospheric pressure, always produces frost on the telescopes' mirrors, which are exposed to the air. Since the Dome A site is still unattended, the Antarctic telescope tubes are always designed to be filled with dry nitrogen, and the outer surfaces of the optical system are heated by an indium-tin oxide thin film. These precautions can prevent the optical surfaces from frosting over, but they degrade the image quality by introducing additional mirror seeing. Based on testing observations of the second Antarctic Survey Telescope (AST3-2) in the Mohe site in China, mirror seeing resulting from the heated aspheric plate has been measured using micro-thermal sensors. Results comparing the real-time atmospheric seeing monitored by the Differential Image Motion Monitor and real-time examinations of image quality agree well.  相似文献   
正土地节约集约问题,根本是一个制度问题。党的十八届三中全会对土地制度改革作出了全面部署,为改变土地外延发展、价格扭曲导致的粗放利用以及政府以地谋发展冲动产生抑制,将能真正起到促进土地节约集约利用的作用。随着土地制度改革推进,土地用途和规划管制制度必须跟进。一是处理好土地用途管制、城市规划管制和所有制管制的关系。随着城乡土地统一市场建设,所有制管制  相似文献   
正今年,按照省政府"青山工程"的总体部署和国土资源部"矿山复绿"行动的要求,辽宁投入治理资金2,24亿元,重点治理高速公路、铁路、省道、国道两侧可视范围内和大中型水库周边的生产矿山279个,治理总面积1,33万亩。这是2月20日,记者从全省国土资源工作会议上获悉的。  相似文献   
正国土资源部:配合油气隐患管道整改严查无证越界开采近日,国土资源部办公厅向各省级国土资源主管部门发出通知,要求积极配合深入开展油气输送管道隐患整改攻坚战,严格依法查处无证开采、超越批准的矿区范围采矿等违法违规行为,确保油气输送管道安全生产形势持续稳定好转。国土资源部在通知中强调,一要进一步加强排查。重点对油气输送管道保护范围及其毗邻区域的矿产资源勘查开采活动进行排查,全面掌握矿产资  相似文献   
正欢迎订阅欢迎赐稿欢迎刊登广告中国地理信息产业协会会刊《地理信息世界》是我国唯一以推动地理信息科技创新、产业创新为宗旨的最具权威的国内外公开发行的中国科技核心期刊。是中国学术期刊综合评价数据库统计源期刊、《中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库》收录期刊、中国期刊全文数据库全文收录期刊、《CAJ-CD规范》执行优秀期刊。  相似文献   
正为巩固和提升党的群众路线教育实践活动成果,进一步加强和改进局机关和直属单位的作风建设,促进广西测绘地理信息事业转型升级和科学发展,根据《自治区国土资源厅关于开展服务型机关建设年活动方案》的要求,结合目前正在开展的广西第一次全国地理国情普查工作,我局在全局范围内及时组织开展"服务型机关建设年"活动。并以此为契机,坚持两手发力,工作重心下移,在改进作风上下功夫,在服务群众上见真功,在工作上紧密联系群众,得到广大人民群众的广泛赞誉。  相似文献   
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