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20世纪90年代,青瓷蟹出现在美国佛罗里达州,之后开始在佐治亚州和南卡罗莱纳州的海滨迅速繁殖。也许温暖的水域促使了它们向北迁移,或者它们只是依靠吸附于往来的船只到北部海域。青瓷蟹很满意自己的新家园,但是,谁也不知道,青瓷蟹新家园会不会满意它们的存在?  相似文献   
吴良士  秦思婷 《矿床地质》2014,33(1):233-236
正斯里兰卡位于印度半岛的东南隅,为一岛国,其南北最长434 km,东西最宽225 km,全国面积约65 610 km2,人口近2000万。境内中、南部为高原山地,山丛拥立,最高峰皮杜鲁塔拉格勒山,海拔2529 m;北部和沿海地区为平原,其中北部沿海平原宽阔,南部和西部沿海平原相对狭窄,海拔均在150 m左右。岛  相似文献   
苏晨 《海洋世界》2008,(4):52-53
春天的清晨,黄海从雾气中醒来,浮动着的云雾笼罩着青岛这座美丽的海滨城市。4月是青岛多雾的季节,特别是海上,浓雾渐渐地弥漫开来,把一切都遮住了。这天是星期六,当我作为“中国海监18”船的船长接到紧急出航的通知时,我迅速放下手中的一切,通知了船上的每一个船员,一个同志们又要放弃难得的休息日了。全船人员快速到船,做计划、办理签证、物料补给,仅用76个小时便进入了待命状态。  相似文献   
Based on the data of resources,environment and foundation of production,applying principal compo-nents-clustering quantitative analysis,this article divides the maritime space of Changshan Islands into three regions of agricultural-pasturalization,providing a scientific basis for the rational distribution of marine cultivation.The three re-gions are as follows:1)The region of an agricultural-pasturalization in the northern part of maritime space.It includes Da Wangjia and Shicheng islans.The main production is cultivation of prawn and mollusks in sea beach,float raft culture of mussel in shallow sea and scallop ,and breeding of sea cucumber in submarine.2)The region of agricultur-al-pasturalization in the middle western part of maritime space.It includes Da Changshan and Guanglu islands and west-ern part of Xiao Chengshan Island.The man production is folat raft culture of mussel and scallop in shallow sea,and breed-ing of sea cucumber in submarine.3)The region of agricultural-pasturlization of the southeastem part of maritime space.It includes the eastern part of Xiao Chan Island,Haiyang and Zhangzi islands.The main production is breeding of abalone,sea cucumber,algaes and fish.  相似文献   
开发海滨旅游资源建设电白黄金海岸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
烟台市海岸带遥感研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以烟台海岸带为研究对象,用遥感信息及有关辅助资料,分析潮上带和潮滩现状及历史演变,为该区国土开发、规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   
山东半岛地质条件与世界海滨砂金矿床形成地质条件基本上相似。半岛上已发现许多大型、中型和小型内生金矿床,为砂金矿床提供了丰富的物源。许多河流、小溪、砂质海岸为砂金富集成矿提供了空间场所。半岛沿海地区有利于海滨砂金矿床的形成。通过近几年对界河口砾石层的调查研究,发现砾石层中产有砂金。作者认为山东半岛海滨砂金矿具有良好远景。  相似文献   
印度尼西亚是人所共知的“千岛之国”,海域辽阔,在长长的海岸线上分布着许多海滨游乐场。在印尼旅游探亲期间,我到西爪哇省北部南海之滨的庞岸达兰(Pang and aran)海滨游乐场小住了几天,在充分享受海水浴、日光浴之余,对这里的环境及旅游项目做了一番考察,深深体会到当地政府充分利用了这里优美的自然环境和各种游玩项目,吸引了大批国内外游客,呈现了一派繁荣景象。据官方报纸《印度尼西亚  相似文献   
滨海旅游取决于对海滨、浴场的良好管理,它能提高岸线和浴场的质量,有利于资源的可持续利用和旅游经济发展。但开发与保护又难以在实践中做到完美的统一。为此,在欧洲提出了类似酒店评定星级的办法,对海滨提出若干硬性指标,为达标者授旗,可以根据旗帜的不同,了解海滨和浴场的环境和设施情况选择度假地。欧洲现有蓝旗、瑞典旗、欧共体旗、清洁海滨旗、优秀海滨、海上救生巡逻旗。除欧共体有统一授旗标准外,各国各地区又制定了自己的标准和旗帜,其等级低于欧洲统一标准。在威尔士目前采用的旗帜有:蓝旗、清洁海滨旗、优秀海滨旗。1.蓝旗是欧共体授予海滨众多旗帜中最负盛名的,1998年欧共体19国共有2499个单位授于蓝旗,其中海水浴场1927处,游艇码头572处。其考核目标是旅游地的海水浴场和游艇码头,要求分环境教育和信息;环境管理;海水质量、安全保障和服务三个方面26项达标方能通过评选后授予。其基本条件是环境质量好,具备一定的接待设施和娱乐条件、靠近城市并交通方便。在英国只有属于政府部门的英国卫生组织有权授予蓝旗。蓝旗有效期1年,达不到规定标准将被撤消。至1998年底,英国486个海滨提出申请蓝旗,180个海水浴场水质达标,只有45处获得蓝  相似文献   
Effect of temperature and irradiance on growth and reproduction of Enteromorpha prolifera that bloomed offshore along the Qingdao coast in summer 2008, was studied. It was showed that E. prolifera propagated mainly asexually with specific growth rate (SGR) of 10.47 at 25℃/40 μmol m^-2s^-1. Under this condition, gametes with two flagellate formed and released in 5 days. At the beginning of the development, the unicell gamete divided into two cells with heteropolarity, and then the apical cell developed into thalli primordial cells, whereas the basal cell developed into rhizoid primordial cells. In 8-day culture, the monoplast gamete developed into juvenile germling of 240 μm in length. Unreleased gametes can develop directly within the alga body. E. prolifera could either reproduce through lateral branching or fragmenting except apomixis revealed by Microscopic observation. On aged tissue of E. prolifera, although the degraded pigments partially remained in faded algal filaments, numerous vegetative cells could still divide actively in the algal tissues.  相似文献   
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