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给出并讨论了海洋系统中由于热量交换、物质交换以及外力做功引起的熵通量的表达式;同时,根据新近调整的全球海 气界面的气候平均资料,估计了全球海洋与大气界面气候年平均的熵通量(熵流),这一熵通量主要取决于海 气界面的热量和物质交换的空间不均匀性。计算结果显示,由热量交换分量引起的熵通量对海洋系统的总熵通量起到主要的贡献作用,其值约为-555.6mW·(m2·K)-1;由海表风应力做功引起的熵通量相对较小,约为-0.09mW·(m2·K)-1;由物质交换引起的熵通量最小,仅为-0.02mW·(m2·K)-1。总的来说,海洋系统从外界获得的总熵通量为-555.7mW·(m2·K)-1,这也就意味着在气候平均定态下,海洋系统内部的熵产生在量值上等于系统的熵交换,即为555.7mW·(m2·K)-1。海洋系统的负熵流与其内部的各种不可逆过程引起的熵产生取得平衡,确保了全球海洋系统处于非平衡热力学定态,并维持着海洋系统中各种尺度的时 空有序现象的消长过程。  相似文献   
张灵杰主编的《玉环县海洋功能区划》(海洋出版社 ,2 0 0 1) ,旨在建立海洋开发与管理的规范与标准 ,科学地划分了不同类型的主导功能区 ,展示了海洋资源今后开发利用的方向和管理目标 ,是对经济转型时期海洋开发与管理通过区划调控引导海洋经济可持续发展新模式的有力响应。我国的海洋功能区划始于 2 0世纪 90年代初 ,当时还属于小比例尺海洋功能区划的范畴 ,并没有深入到基层行政单元区。1998年 5月 ,国家海洋局部署了全国大比例尺海洋功能区划工作 ,玉环县按照浙江省县(市、区 )海洋功能区划的试点要求 ,先走一步 ,着眼于海岛县的自然环…  相似文献   
苏振礼 《海洋测绘》2007,27(3):81-81
不论哪一个行业或专业,出版一份杂志是很有必要的。1962~1967年,海军司令部航海保证部曾印发《海道测量通讯》,在有限的范围内起到了交流工作经验、了解国际测绘动态的作用。1981年,《海洋测绘》创刊以后,虽然也是内部刊物,但当时国家出版管理要求不是很严格,而测绘界学术气氛浓厚,在国内测绘、交通、导航等部门有需求,就应邀广为分发。2001年,经批准正式创办。从期刊的创刊到现在20多年中,通过写稿、改稿或编辑出版工作,没有中断过同《海洋测绘》的联系,与刊物、与作者读者都有了深厚感情。因此,作为编者,说《海洋测绘》是良师益友,倒不如…  相似文献   
A total of 67 samples from the upper and lower sediment traps in the central South China Sea were analyzed, which were collected during 1993~1996. It is indicated that the distribution of stable isotope values, surface primary productivity, fluxes of total particulate matter, carbonate, biogenic opal, organic carbon, planktonic foraminiferal species and their total amount exhibit obviously seasonal and annual fluctuations. High values of the fluxes occurred in the prevailing periods of the northeastern and southwestern monsoons, and the low values occurred during the periods between the two monsoons. The fluxes of some planktonic foraminiferal species (Globigerinoides sacculifer, G. ruber, Globigerinita glutinata, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei) and their percentages also exhibit two prominent peaks during the prevailing periods of the northeastern and southwestern monsoons respectively, while those of Globigerina bulloides, Globorotalia menardii and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata only exhibit one peak in the prevailing periods of the northeastern monsoon. In addition, fluxes and percentages of Globigerinoides sacculifer and Globorotalia menardii as well as the fluxes of carbonate and total amount of planktonic foraminifera decrease gradually from 1993 to 1996, and those of Globigerina bulloides, Globigerinita glutinata and biogenic opal increase gradually from 1993 to 1996. The fluxes of carbonate and organic carbon in the upper trap are higher than those in the lower one. The study indicates that the seasonal and annual variations of the sediment fluxes and planktonic foraminiferal species are mainly controlled by the changes of surface primary productivity and hydrological conditions related to the East Asian monsoon. The lower carbonate and organic carbon fluxes in the lower trap are related to the dissolution.  相似文献   
厦门市位于台湾海峡西岸、福建省南部,全市海域面积390km2,海岸线长度234km,海岸曲折,湾中有湾,湾中有岛,自然条件优越,海洋资源丰富,拥有活化石美称的厦门文昌鱼、国家一级保护动物中华白海豚等珍稀和经济价值高的海洋物种60余种。海洋是厦门最大的优势。几年来,厦门市海洋与渔业局全面落实科学发展现,坚持以海洋资源可持续利用为目标,全面实施海洋功能区划,开展用海结构调整,加快海洋资源资产化管理步伐,实施海洋资源有效保护和科学利用并举措施,大力发展海洋经济,促进了海洋资源的可持续利用和海洋生态环境的有效保护。探索建立了“立法…  相似文献   
中国测绘学会海洋测绘专业委员会第七届一次全体会议暨第十七届海洋测绘综合性学术研讨会于2005年9月5日至9日在吉林省延吉市召开。来自交通部、国土资源部、中科院、有关大专院校、科研院及部队等系统的委员、论文作者、测绘仪器厂商代表等llO余人出席了会议。  相似文献   
海洋地热流探测对海洋油气资源远景评价和构造地质研究具有十分重要的意义,在海洋科学研究中日益受到重视。本文详细分析了海洋地热流测量的基本原理,系统介绍了海洋地热流测量常用的布拉得型探针和艾文型探针的工作方式和测量方法,从加强理论研究、减小测量误差、提高测量效率及监控技术研究等方面提出了海洋地热流测量的发展方向。  相似文献   
美国国家海洋与大气管理局(NOAA)下属的国家海洋服务处(NOS)对遥感应用有很长的历史,负责对海岸带和海洋环境进行实时监测。美国建议整合海洋观测系统,以便保持其在海洋监测和研究领域中的领先地位。本文简述了该机构利用遥感方法在海岸带及海洋监测和研究中的应用。  相似文献   
国家海洋信息中心是国家海洋局直属的归口管理全国海洋信息资源、提供综合性海洋信息技术和公益性服务的事业单位。[第一段]  相似文献   
More and more researches show that neither the critical downward acceleration nor the critical slope of water waves is a universal constant. On the contrary, they vary with particular wave conditions. This fact moders the models either for the probability of wave breaking B or for the whitecap coverage W based on these criteria difficult to apply. In this paper and the one which follows we seek to develop models for the prediction of both B and W based on the kinematical criterion. First, several joint probabihstic distribution functions (PDFs) of wave characteristics are derived, based on which the breaking properties B and W are estimated. The estimation is made on the assumption that a wave breaks ff the horizontal velocity of water particles at its crest exceeds the local wave celerity, and whitecapping occurs in regions of fluid where water particles travel faster than the waves. The consequent B and W depend on wave spectral moments of orders 0 to 4.Then the JONSWAP spectrum is used to represent the fetch-limited sea waves in deep water, so as to relate the probahility of wave breaking and the whitecap coverage with wind parameters. To this end, the time-averaging technique proposed by Glazman (1986) is applied to the estimation of the spectral moments involved, and furthermore, the theoretical models are compared with available observations collected from published literature. From the comparison, the averaging time scale is determined. The final models show that the probability of wave breaking as well as the whitecap coverage depends on the dimensionless fetch. The agreement between these models and the database is reasonable.  相似文献   
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