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泥炭地的开发利用及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牟春华  黄滨河 《山西地质》1992,7(1):117-122
Just like contemporary sediments, peat itself is a good repository of information about climate change, the effects of volcanic activity on climate change have been truly recorded in peat, since it is a major archive of volcanic eruption incidents. A section of sand was identified as tephra from the Jinchuan peat, Jilin Province, China, for the grains look like slag with surface bubbles and pits, characterized by high porosity, and loose structure with irregular edges and corners. According to the peat characteristics of uniform deposition, the tephra was dated at 2002–1976 a B.P. by way of linear interpolation, so the time of volcanic eruption was 15 B.C.–26 A.D. (the calibrated age). While the geochemical characteristics of tephra in this study are quite the same as those of tephra from the Jinlongdingzi volcano at Longgang and from alkaline basaltic magma, with the contents of SiO2<55%, and the similar contents to Al2O3 and Fe, but the contents of Na2O>K2O. We speculated that the tephra in this study came from the Longgang volcano group. Compared with 11 recorded volcanic eruption events as shown on the carbon and oxygen isotope curves of the Jinchuan peat cellulose, it is obviously seen that adjacent or large-scale volcanic eruptions are precisely corresponding to the minimum temperature and humidity. It seems that these volcanic eruptions indeed affected the local climate, leading to the drop of regional temperature and humidity. As a result, there was prevailing a cold and dry climate there, and all these changes can be well recorded in peat. So the comparison of volcanic eruption events with information about climate change developed from peat, can provide strong evidence for the impact of volcanism on climate change.  相似文献   
泥炭的性质、质量和利用方向是由其物质组成决定的。但要研究其物质组成,就要制作合乎分析鉴定要求的泥炭薄片和残体片,就像研究岩矿需要磨制合格的岩矿薄(光)片  相似文献   
本文提取长白山西麓哈尼、孤山屯沼泽地晚更新世以来泥炭沉积中所含的高分辨率无机矿物颗粒信息,追索泥炭灰分的物质来源、粒度组成特征及规律,进一步揭示本区泥炭灰分粒度的古环境意义。粒度分析结果表明,长白山西麓泥炭灰分颗粒粒径集中在1~350 μm,灰分组成以各类粉砂为主;本区泥炭灰分粒度分布概率累积曲线以二段式占多数,频率分布曲线呈现单峰(10~100 μm)、双峰型(10~100 μm,100~1 000 μm)特征,搬运方式以悬移和跃移为主。由于本区沼泽地地处湿润区,泥炭灰分的粒度组成主要受到流水动力变化的影响,沼泽地水文状况的变化引起了泥炭灰分粗细的变化。因而,长白山区沼泽地泥炭灰分的粗细主要指示夏季风强弱,可用于反演古降水的变化。晚更新世以来泥炭灰分粒度的变化曲线显示本区全新世9.2 ka,8 ka和5 ka存在干旱事件,古降水历史具有“干-湿-干”旋回。由于这些干旱事件与全新世几次著名的冷事件几乎同时出现,故推测本区古气候模式为冷干和暖湿组合。  相似文献   
本文采用半定量化的植物大化石技术、腐殖化度分析和烧失量方法,重建长白山地哈泥沼泽表层50cm湿度变化过程,探讨控制沼泽表面湿度变化的主导因素,并试图揭示该地过去175年的气候变化,考察植物大化石在大陆性气候下的敏感性。根据~(210)Pb技术和AMS~(14)C定年法确定剖面年代。结果表明,哈泥沼泽表层50cm以泥炭藓泥炭为主,植物大化石除趋势分析揭示植被演替是由水位变化造成的,且3种指标揭示的哈泥沼泽表面湿度变化趋势基本一致,即从0~22cm(约公元1983~2008年)表面湿度明显偏大;22~34cm(约1925~1982年)处于干燥时期;34~50cm(约1834~1924年)沼泽表面湿度较高。通过与最近的靖宇站的气象数据和长春地区的湿润指数对比,发现3种指标重建的表面湿度与降水数据或者湿润指数比较吻合,与温度关系次之,沼泽表面湿度增大发生在夏季降水和年降水均高的年份。由此推测,降水可能是引起沼泽表面湿度变化的主要因素。结论也说明植物大化石和腐殖化度在大陆性气候条件下对沼泽表面湿度变化仍然反应敏感。  相似文献   
Field surveys indicate lateral variation in peat humification levels (von Post) in dominantly occurring fibric,fibric to hemic,sapric and hemie to sapric peats across a gradient from the margin towards the centre of tropical lowland peat domes.Cement-peat stabilisation can be enhanced by adding mineral soil fillers (silt,clays and fine sands) obtained from Quaternary floodplain deposits and residual soil (weathered schist).The unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of the stabilised cement-mineral soil fifler-peat mix increases with the increased addition of selected mineral soil filler.Lateral variation in the stabilised peat strength (UCS) in the top 0 to 0.5 m layer was found from the margin towards the centre of the tropical lowland peat dome.The variations in the UCS of stabilised tropical lowland peats along a gradient from the periphery towards the centre of the peat dome are most likely caused by a combination of factors due to variations in the mineral soil or ash content of the peat and horizontal zonation or lateral variation in the dominant species of the plant assemblages (due to successive vegetation zonation of the peat swamp forest from the periphery towards the centre of the tropical lowland peat dome).  相似文献   
太阳变化驱动气候变化研究进展   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
从5个方面综述了近20年来太阳变化驱动气候变化研究的进展,重点在机制方面,即对全球变暖原因看法的分歧、太阳总辐射量的卫星测量结果、树轮14C记录与太阳变化代用指标、太阳变化影响的模拟研究,以及太阳—宇宙射线—云量的关系。强调这是一个有重大经济和科学意义的前沿课题。  相似文献   
海南岛红树林泥炭中硫及其成因研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
海南岛红树林泥炭普遍富硫。黄铁矿、硫酸盐和有机硫是泥炭中硫的三种主要赋存形态,其中,以黄铁矿硫高为特征。利用形态硫分析、硫同位素分析等手段结合硫的时空变化特征,研究了泥炭中硫的形成机理。泥炭中硫的富集与泥炭坪环境具紧密的成因联系,全硫和形态硫的时空变化受微环境的控制;潮坪水介质中的硫酸盐是泥炭中硫的最初来源;泥炭中硫的加入,主要发生于准同生价段,在加入过程中还原硫细菌起了决定性作用。定量沉积环境分析是查明古代富硫煤田硫分布的主要途径。  相似文献   
通过对红原泥炭沉积剖面Pb,Zn,Fe,Mn,Cu,Co,Ni,Ti,V,Al等10种元素和灰分的测试,发现多数元素在该剖面的变化与灰分变化较为一致,但Cu,Pb和Zn元素的变化在剖面300cm以上出现较大异常:这3种元素的变化与其他元素变化呈相反的规律,而且Pb和Zn两种元素的含量较之剖面下部出现数量级的增大。通过对比,发现元素含量的异常与位于剖面上风区的甘青地区新石器时代晚期-青铜时代文化在发生时间上较为吻合,认为这可能是人类活动环境效应的记录。用600~300cm段的元素变化作为背景值,用与Pb,Zn元素相关较好的4种元素分别计算出二者变化的自然背景值,从而分离出了人类活动强度信息与自然环境背景值,分离结果与著名的青海柳湾墓地出土人口规模对比较好。  相似文献   
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