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一是合理规划开发县工业园区四期。园区四期规划面积940亩,目前已进入征地调查复核阶段,计划今年上半年完成土地征收工作。二是加快中小企业孵化基地建设。中小企业孵化基地建设一期已开发880亩,今年孵化基地二期王村工业区块合理规划利用土地面积1500亩,目前已进入征地调查复核阶段。三是继续组织实施《松阳县乡镇工业功能区块开发实施办法》。  相似文献   
是一家专门从事房地产开发销售的股份制企业,注册资金5000万元人民币。公司有一支综合素质高,技术力量过硬,勇于创新的中高级技术职称的专业队伍。公司秉承“质量第一,诚信至上”的原则,致力于高品位楼盘的开发,雄厚的资金实力,先进的企业经营管理,新颖的开发理念是公司在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地的三大法宝。  相似文献   
雪峰集团有限公司,创立于1993年10月,是一家以房地产开发为龙头,集商业地产运营、物业管理、园林、酒店、餐饮、娱乐、市场投资管理为一体,跨区域、跨行业、多元化运作的企业集团。具有国家一级房地产开发资质,二级物管资质。  相似文献   
近年来,缙云县紧紧抓住全省建成1500万亩标准农田的契机,把土地开发整理作为统筹城乡经济社会发展的主要载体、破解土地和资金等要素制约的有效途径来抓,积极制定政策,创新机制,完善政策。走出了一条通过政府投入来推进土地开发整理工作的特色路子。  相似文献   
方红建 《浙江地质》2008,(11):61-61
为进一步做好上一轮土地利用总体规划的实施评价和贯彻落实《浙江省人民政府办公厅关于土地利用总体规划局部修改工作的意见》,瑞安市国土资源局于5月份开始全面开展新增基本农田地块的清查工作。通过近5个月的清查核实,已基本查清了全市2001年1月1日至2007年12月31日期间,通过土地开发整理暨标准农田建设新增耕地可划为基本农田的地块面积及使用情况,并按省厅规定要求,完成了《新增基本农田地块储备库清册》的登记,其成果已通过省国土资源厅审查验收。  相似文献   
《宁夏中北部土地开发整理重大工程项目实施方案》近日通过国土资源部、财政部专家组的评审,计划未来5年,在宁夏中北部实施337万亩土地开发整理重大工程。工程完工后将新增耕地面积78.5万亩,对提高项目区粮食生产能力、改变宁夏中北部地区农民生产生活条件、切实解决民生问题具有十分重要的意义。宁夏中北部土地开发整理重大工程项目,分中部片区和北部片区,中部片区涉及中宁、红寺堡、同心、海原、  相似文献   
Heavy mining of Jurassic and Carboniferous horizontal coal seams in the Datong coalfield has seriously affected the local geological environment, which is mainly manifested by such geohazards as soil avalanches, landslides, mudflows, surface subsidence, surface cracks, surface solid waste accumulation and surface deformation. More seriously, coal mining causes groundwater to leak. Overpumping of groundwater has resulted in substantial land subsidence of the urban area in Datong City. Based on the previous geo-environmental investigation in the work area, the authors used radar remote sensing techniques such as InSAR (synthetic aperture radar interferometry) and D-InSAR (differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry), supplemented by the optical remote sensing method, for geo-environmental investigation to ascertain the geo-environmental background of the Datong Jurassic and Carboniferous-Permian coalfield and evaluate the effects of the geohazards, thus providing a basis for the geo-environmental protection, geohazard control and prevention, land improvement and optimization of the human environment. In this study 8 cog-nominal ERS-1/2 SAR data frames during 1992 to 2003 were used, but the following processing was made: (1) the multitemporal SAR magnitude images were used to interpret the geological structure, vegetation, microgeomorphology and drainage system; (2) the multi-temporal InSAR coherent images were used to make a classification of surface features and evaluate the coherence change due to coal mining; and (3) the multi-temporal cog-nominal SAR images were used to complete D-InSAR processing to remove the information of differential deformation areas (sites). In the end, a ten-year time series of differential interferograms were obtained using the multi-temporal cog-nominal SAR images. In the tests, 84 deformed areas (sites) were obtained, belonging to those in 1993-1996, 1996-1997, 1997-1998, 1998-2001, 1998-2002 and 2001-2003 respectively. Of the 84 areas, 44 are m  相似文献   
The northern margin of the Qaidam Basin is one of the main oil-gas exploration areas in western China, where source rocks are composed mostly of Middle and Lower Jurassic dark mud shale, carbargillite and coal. A large number of subsurface and outcrop samples differing in lithology with different types of organic matter were selected for resource evaluation, research and calculation. And among them, 13 samples were used for simulation experiment on hydrocarbon generating potential of various source rocks. At first, two kinds of heating modes were compared through simulation experiment, including single temperature-step heating and continual heating. Perhaps, the process of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion occurred naturally between a close system and an open system. In addition, the first heating mode was convenient, and all its reaction products were involved in the whole thermal evolution, and the final simulation experimental results were basically in consistency with the natural evolution trend Therefore, the first heating mode was adopted and the hydrocarbon yield of every sample was worked out. According to the type and lithology of organic matter and the hydrocarbon yield of samples for simulation experiment, hydrocarbon generation and expulsion mode with three kinds of lithology and five types of source rock has been established to provide the basis for hydrocarbon generation evaluation, research and resource calculation.  相似文献   
星光 《中国岩溶》2008,27(3):208-208
由中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所、中国地质学会洞穴专业委员会陈伟海、朱德浩、朱学稳编纂的《洞穴探测、研究、开发与保护——全国洞穴学术会议论文选集(一)》(以下简称《选集》)日前已由地质出版社正式出版发行。  相似文献   
三十载春华秋实,三十年桃李芬芳。 30年来,测校已培养出11800多中专毕业生。他们除在全国测绘系统各单位就业外,还广泛就业于国土资源管理、交通航运设计、工矿企业和城乡建设规划、农田水利建设、江河治理,海洋资源开发、大型工程建设等诸多部门和行业,从事GPS控制测量、工程放样、房地产测量、海洋测绘、  相似文献   
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