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Microsatellites are a ubiquitous component of the eukaryote genome and constitute one of the most popular sources of molecular markers for genetic studies. However, no data are currently available regarding microsatellites across the entire genome in oysters, despite their importance to the aquaculture industry. We present the fi rst genome-wide investigation of microsatellites in the Pacifi c oyster Crassostrea gigas by analysis of the complete genome, resequencing, and expression data. The Pacifi c oyster genome is rich in microsatellites. A total of 604 653 repeats were identifi ed, in average of one locus per 815 base pairs(bp). A total of 12 836 genes had coding repeats, and 7 332 were expressed normally, including genes with a wide range of molecular functions. Compared with 20 different species of animals, microsatellites in the oyster genome typically exhibited 1) an intermediate overall frequency; 2) relatively uniform contents of(A)n and(C)n repeats and abundant long(C)n repeats(≥24 bp); 3) large average length of(AG)n repeats; and 4) scarcity of trinucleotide repeats. The microsatellite-fl anking regions exhibited a high degree of polymorphism with a heterozygosity rate of around 2.0%, but there was no correlation between heterozygosity and microsatellite abundance. A total of 19 462 polymorphic microsatellites were discovered, and dinucleotide repeats were the most active, with over 26% of loci found to harbor allelic variations. In all, 7 451 loci with high potential for marker development were identifi ed. Better knowledge of the microsatellites in the oyster genome will provide information for the future design of a wide range of molecular markers and contribute to further advancements in the fi eld of oyster genetics, particularly for molecular-based selection and breeding.  相似文献   
采用静态箱-气相色谱法在江汉平原开展早稻、晚稻、中稻、虾稻和再生稻5种稻作类型温室气体排放监测试验,研究不同稻作模式下稻田CH4和N2O排放特征、总增温潜势及温室气体排放强度,为准确评估稻田生态系统温室气体排放提供参考依据。结果表明:CH4排放集中在水稻前期淹水阶段,排放峰值最高为虾稻(85.7 mg·m-2·h-1),较其他稻作模式高71.7%~191.5%。N2O排放峰值主要出现于中期晒田和施肥阶段,排放峰值最高为再生稻(1100.7 μg·m-2·h-1),较其他稻作模式高16.8%~654.9%。CH4累积排放量从大到小依次为虾稻、再生稻、早稻、晚稻、中稻;N2O累积排放量从大到小依次为再生稻、早稻、晚稻、中稻、虾稻;总增温潜势从大到小依次为虾稻、再生稻、早稻、晚稻、中稻;温室气体排放强度从大到小依次为虾稻、早稻、再生稻、晚稻、中稻。CH4排放占比为82.9%~99.0%,稻虾田高排放主要原因为持续淹水时间长、秸秆还田和饲料投入,探究该模式CH4减排举措最为关键;中稻由于水旱轮作,稻田温室气体排放最低,可作为低碳减排的主要稻作类型。  相似文献   
刘玉山 《矿床地质》2011,30(6):1154-1156
天然气水合物是一种由甲烷等气体与水分子组成的冰雪装的晶体物质.它们形成和赋存于低温高压条件,广泛分布于世界大洋和内陆湖、海的底部,以及极地的冻土带,被认为是21世纪最有远景的新能源.海洋型天然气水合物常以浸染状、层状,或块状形式赋存于水深300~500m的陆坡和岛坡的近海海底的沉积岩中.依据最新较为保守的估算,全球海底的天然气水合物所蕴藏的甲烷气体约为105 TCF(约合2.8×1015 m3,或2 800万亿m3),比全世界天然气的总储量(0.18×1015 m3或180万亿m3)还大得多.  相似文献   
地震前后地下水气体逸出异常的现象已引起人们的关注,国内外学者开展了多方面的观测,积累了丰富的资料。本文作者为探讨地下水气体地球化学地震效应,选择汕头东山湖区高温热水和冷碳酸水各一个观测井,每月一次(第五天)采集地下水逸出气样,测定其气体化学组分。连续观测两年多,得到了有意义的结果。  相似文献   
近江牡蛎核糖体DNA片段基因序列及其分子分类研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
罗巍  邹丽珍  郑天凌  林荣澄 《台湾海峡》2005,24(3):322-329,i0001
本文应用分子系统发育学的方法,以“白蚝”和“赤蚝”的18SrDNA、ITS1和ITS2片段序列信息为分子标记,对它们的分类地位进行了探讨.综合上述3种分子标记的分析结果,初步认为“白蚝”应属于近江牡蛎,而“赤蚝”可能不属于近江牡蛎.  相似文献   
污水处理厂运行过程中大量释放甲烷(CH4)和氧化亚氮(N2O),是重要的人为温室气体排放源.基于2005—2015年统计资料和IPCC核算方法,估算了2005—2015年中国生活污水处理厂CH4和N2O排放,分析了其排放特征和影响因素;依据碳中和愿景设定3种减排情景(低减排、中减排和高减排),并预估了2020—2050...  相似文献   
Sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus samples were collected in Changdao, Penglai (PL), 27 individuals, and Lingshandao, Qingdao (QD), 30 individuals, in the Shandong Peninsula, China. Ten SSR primers were used to assess the genetic variation and relationship between and within the two stocks. Respectively, for each stock, the percentage of polymorphic bands was 85.2% and 86.9%; the gene diver- sity was 0.360 5 and 0.342 8; and the Shannon’s information index was 0.515 0 and 0.499 0. At species level, the percentage of polymorphic bands was 92.2%, the total gene diversity was 0.378 9 and the Shannon’s information index was 0.550 4. The coefficient of overall genetic differentiation and the ge- netic distances between the stocks were also calculated to be 0.073 0 and 0.079 6 using the POPGENE program. Results show that the genetic diversity of the two stocks is still large but the genetic distance between the two stocks is close. A dendrogram was constructed for the 57 individuals from the two stocks, showing that the genetic structure was unitary for PL stock but complex for QD stock.  相似文献   
针对川东北分水岭构造须家河组地层段机械钻速慢的钻井难题,开展了提速技术研究。首先通过工程地质特征分析,获取了须家河组地层矿物组分含量和岩石力学参数,并有针对性地提出提速技术思路和提速手段。从分3井现场应用效果看,气体钻井技术、螺杆钻具+混合钻头以及扭冲工具+混合钻头钻井技术均取得不同程度的提速效果,其中气体钻井技术平均机械钻速最高,达到4.78 m/h,与同井采用常规泥浆钻井相比提高4.49倍。  相似文献   
对南极大气温室气体CO_2(含δ~(13)C-CO_2和δ~(18)O-CO_2)、CH_4和N_2O长期测值进行比较分析。结果表明,南极是全球大气温室气体浓度(CO_2稳定同位素丰度值)随纬度分布变化中的最低(高)区域。南极大气温室气体浓度值变化趋势、年增长率与全球整体上一致,但在具体数值上存在差异。南极CO_2平均年增长率(1958—2014年)为(1.43±0.59)mg·L~(–1)·a~(–1),低于同期赤道(1.51±0.72)mg·L~(–1)·a~(–1),但1980—2014年和2000—2014年年增长率均高于南半球中纬度地区。δ~(13)C-CO_2和δ~(18)O-CO_2丰度趋势揭示了化石燃料排放和全球尺度过程对CO_2的影响,但南极是受影响最小的区域。1983—2014年南极CH_4平均增长率为(6.2±4.9)μg·L~(–1)·a~(–1),低于北半球中纬度(6.5±5.6)μg·L~(–1)·a~(–1)而高于赤道(5.6±5.3)μg·L~(–1)·a~(–1)和南半球中纬度(6.1±4.9)μg·L~(–1)·a~(–1),这与CH_4人为排放增强主要在北半球中纬度地区而显著被OH氧化在赤道和中纬度地区的事实是吻合的。南极N_2O平均年增长率为(0.87±0.15)μg·L~(–1)·a~(–1)(2005—2013年),与南半球中纬度地区接近但低于北半球而高于赤道地区。  相似文献   
九龙江口红树植物分子分类的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周涵韬  林鹏  郑文竹  孙晟  郑志强  林凡  陈鹭真 《台湾海峡》2001,20(1):66-71,T005
本研究工作以福建九龙江口龙海红树林自然保护区浮宫种苗园内7种红树植物为材料,采用改进的CTAB法获得了纯度较高(A260/A280在1.6~2.0之间),得率高(DNA平均得率约为120×10-6m/m,FreshWeight),片段完整(片段大小约为23kb左右)的基因组DNA,并运用RAPD技术对这7种红树植物进行了遗传多样性分析.从30个10-mer随机引物中筛选出9个有效引物,并利用这9个有效引物共扩增出352条DNA带.利用UPGMA法对红树植物的7个种间的亲缘关系进行聚类分析,得出7个种的DNA分子分类系统图,并与传统的分类进行比较,发现结果相符,从而确定了RAPD技术用于红树植物分子分类研究的可行性,并为从分子水平研究红树植物遗传多样性,保护、开发和利用红树林资源提供科学依据.  相似文献   
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