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本文简要阐述了我国有色地质系统目前 困境及对非金属进行开发利用所具备的优势,并着重论述了有色地质系统在开发非金属矿时应注意的几个方面。  相似文献   
张祖林  韦星林 《矿产与地质》2001,15(Z1):383-387
回顾与总结江西有色地勘局近五十年来,在地质勘查和科研工作中所取得的辉煌成就,展望二十一世纪地矿工作,任务艰巨,前途光明.  相似文献   
尹小波  戚厚发 《沉积学报》1996,14(A00):143-148
本文对选自柴达木,南海莺琼盆地19个生物气源岩样品,进行了三个不同温度段的绝氧热热解分析,初步证实了居首位可利用的有机物为纤维素,半纤维素等多糖类物质,类脂化合物热解温度为269-270℃,核酸类蛋白类等的热分解温度大多数也在320℃以内。因而用330℃热分解1小时获取的热解失重值可用于评价气源岩的生化甲烷丰度。  相似文献   
北半球高纬度地区的永久冻土层是一个巨大的碳储存库,其碳储存量是大气中碳含量的二倍多。最近。一个由二十几位科学家组成的科研小组研究发现:永久冻土层将给全球气候带来巨大变化,变化的速率取决于它的融化速率。永久冻土层中含有大量的有机物,这些有机物的降解速率非常慢。但是,当永久冻土层融化时,其中的细菌和真菌等微生物的生命活动加快,  相似文献   
海省有色地质矿产勘查局,是隶属青海省国土资源厅行业管理的地质勘查事业单位。主要承担国家和省基础性、公益性地质工作和国家战略性资源勘查、商业性地质勘查等任务,为地方经济和社会发展提供矿产资源保  相似文献   
青海省有色地质矿产勘查院,是青海省有色地质矿产勘查局1995年统筹局系统地质勘查技术骨干力量重组的,具有独立法人资格和综合地质勘查资质的地质勘查事  相似文献   
Prorocentrum donghaiense is one of the most common red tide causative dinoflagellates in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuary and the adjacent area of the East China Sea. It causes large-scale blooms in late spring and early summer that lead to widespread ecologic and economic damage. A means for distinguish- ing dinoflagellate blooms from diatom (Skeletonema costatum) blooms is desired. On the basis of measure- ments of remote sensing refectance [Rrs(λ)] and inherent optical parameters, the potential of using a mul- tispectral approach is assessed for discriminating the algal blooms due to P. donghaiense from those due to S. costatum. The behavior of two reflectance ratios [R1 = Rrs(560)/Rrs(532) and Re = Rrs(708)/Rrs(665)], suggests that differentiation of P. donghaiense blooms from diatom bloom types is possible from the current band setup of ocean color sensors. It is found that there are two reflectance ratio regimes that indicate a bloom is dominated by P. donghaiense; (1) R1 〉 1.55 and R2 〈 1.0 or (2) R1 〉 1.75 and R2 ≥ 1.0. Various sensitivity analyses are conducted to investigate the effects of the variation in varying levels of chlorophyll concentration and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) as well as changes in the backscattering ratio (bbp/bp) on the efficacy of this muitispectral approach. Results indicate that the intensity and inherent op- tical properties of the algal species explain much of the behavior of the two ratios. Although backscattering influences the amplitude of Rrs(λ), especially in the 530 and 560 nm bands, the discrimination between P. donghaiense and diatoms is not significantly affected by the variation of bbp/bp. Since aCDOM (440) in coastal areas of the ECS is typically lower than 1.0 m-1 in most situations, the presence of CDOM does not interfere with this discrimination, even as SCDOM varies from 0.01 to 0.026 nm-1. Despite all of these effects, the dis- crimination of P. donghaiense blooms from diatom blooms based on multispectral measurements of Rrs(λ) is feasible.  相似文献   
正大面积农用地污染的治理还没有先例,存在相当大的困难,主要包括污染源头不清、污染机理不清、缺乏统一管理协调机构、资金不足等问题。湖南省不仅是全国最大水稻主产区,也是闻名的有色金属之乡,有色冶金、化工占全省工业的80%以上,是全国重金属污染最严重的省份之一。经历过镉米危机的湖南有着切肤之痛,开展土壤污染治理刻不容缓,而面临的第一个大关就是技术难题。岳塘式毒地刘大爷年近六十,两鬓斑白。在记  相似文献   
邵锡斌  吴莹  胡俊  鲍红艳 《海洋与湖沼》2014,45(6):1288-1294
利用气相色谱法对长江口及其邻近海域的表层颗粒态木质素(p-lignin)进行测定和分析,结合粒度、有机碳(OC%)、叶绿素a(Chl a)、碳稳定同位素(δ13C)等参数研究颗粒态有机物的夏季分布,并对其分布影响因素进行了初步分析。结果表明,悬浮颗粒物粒度组成以粘土和粉砂为主,平均粒径为7.9μm;OC%的值为0.57—7.41%,Chl a的值为0.35—3.71μg/L,δ13C的值为-25.7‰—–16.6‰,在口门外水华站位出现OC%、Chl a和δ13C的最大值,表明浮游生物的现场生产是主要贡献;紫丁香基酚类(S)、香草基酚类(V)和肉桂基酚类(C)8种木质素酚单体的含量Λ8(相对于总有机碳的含量)为0.0406—1.47mg/100mg OC;紫丁香基系列与香草基系列的质量比值(S/V)的分布范围较宽,为0.5—1.6之间,均值为0.8;肉桂基含量与香草基含量比值(C/V)的分布范围为0.02—0.2之间,均值为0.09;香草基酚类的酸醛比值[(Ad/Al)v]在0.24—2.30之间。盐度、总悬浮颗粒物(TSM)浓度是控制长江口内区与邻近海域颗粒态有机物来源与分布差异的重要控制因素,颗粒态木质素在向海输送过程中还会受到矿物组分、生物降解、浮游生物现场生产等各种因素的作用,使其组成成分和性质发生改变。木质素等参数表明最大浑浊带尽管对颗粒态有机物向海输送有改造作用,但是影响区域有限。  相似文献   
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