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Present studies on the coupling relationship and hydrology mechanism between basin ecosystem and hydrological process has become an international research frontier in hydrology. This paper investigates this coupling relationship, and also summarizes research and presents a method of combining isotopic technology with hydro-chemical methods, for the study of eco-hydrological process and function in different landscape zones. We then examine research trends for future direction and development of this field.  相似文献   
广泛分布于喜马拉雅山脉和我国华南地区的西藏红豆杉频临灭绝,揭示空间遗传结构和物种分布变化对于理解西藏红豆杉的进化过程及其物种保护尤为重要。基于西藏红豆杉48个种群的分子变异数据,利用反距离权重空间差值方法得到遗传多样性和遗传分化分布图,识别出6个遗传多样性和5个遗传分化高值区域,这些重点区域主要位于我国南方的几个山区,这些区域在未来应给予重点保护;基于Monmonier算法识别出4条地理隔离:东喜马拉雅山脉、横断山脉、云南高原和台湾海峡;利用生态位模型模拟三个历史时期的物种分布格局,从末次间冰期至末次冰盛期,物种经历一次向高原西部的面积扩张,这与典型的冰期物种退缩模式不同;末次冰盛期之后,物种面积逐渐缩小,呈现破碎化分布。因此,地理景观特征和第四纪气候波动对西藏红豆杉遗传结构和分布格局影响很大。  相似文献   
水全市有160多条大小水道桥全市有1000余座桥船全市河面上有近2万家“船屋”荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹位于艾瑟尔湖西南岸,人口79万(2012年)。阿姆斯特尔河从市内流过,从而使该城成为欧洲内陆水运的交汇点。阿姆斯特丹是一座奇特的城市。全市共有160多条大小水道,由1000余座桥梁相连。漫游城中,桥梁交错,河渠纵横。从空中鸟瞰,波光如缎,状似蛛网。市内地势低于海平面1—5米,被称为“北方威尼斯”。由于地少人多,河面上泊有近2万家“船屋”。过去,城市的建筑几乎均以涂了黑柏油的木桩打基,  相似文献   
海岛承载力的研究,对于人类合理开发利用海岛资源、协调经济发展与环境保护的关系、保证海岛可持续发展具有很大的现实意义。文章总结了承载力概念的发展,阐述了承载力与可持续发展理论的关系。可持续发展理论的深入,极大地丰富了承载力的内涵。一方面人们把可持续发展的理念应用于原先对资源或环境因素的承载力研究,另一方面也出现了以区域为对象的可持续承载力研究;其次综述了国内外海岛承载力主要研究方向的进展,国内外学者对海岛旅游环境承载力和海岛生态承载力的理论和方法的研究;最后,通过对比国内外研究得到启示,对我国海岛承载力研究的发展方向提出了几点思考。要在加强海岛生态系统的理论研究的基础上查清海岛生态环境现状,结合景观生态学理论深入海岛承载力研究。  相似文献   
The development of modern agriculture has resulted in much homogenization of the landscape consisting of large patches of farmland,so small remnant non-crop habitats especially linear corridors play an important role in the conservation of species and the maintenance of ecosystem functions.However,little attention has been paid to the effects of corridors structural characteristics on the plant species restricted to such habitats.In this study,we selected three types of corridors including ditch,hedgerow and road,and ana-lyzed their structural characteristics.The plant species presented in these corridors were investigated,and the species diversity,abun-dance and frequency were estimated.Moreover,spatial arrangements of corridors were classified into different types to discuss whether there were significant effects of corridor network on plant distribution.The results show that three types of corridors have different ef-fects on plant species composition and diversity.The one-one combined corridor networks and total network associated by three corri-dors have more complex structural features than each single type of corridor.However,there is no strong correlation between the corri-dor networks with their plant species.We suggest that carrying out a pointed vegetation survey at corridor intersections to further test the relationships between structural features of corridor and plants is necessary.  相似文献   
正龙虎山位于江西省鹰潭市东南20公里处的贵溪市境内,是中国第八处世界自然遗产、世界地质公园、国家自然文化双遗产地、国家5A级风景名胜区、国家森林公园、国家重点文物保护单位。2010年8月2日,与龟峰一并列入《世界自然遗产名录》。龙虎山整个景区面积220平方公里,是我国典型的丹霞地貌风景,其丹霞地貌景观的类型有23种之多,在全国也名列前茅,且多数  相似文献   
正在华北大地北部,有一座气势宏伟、人文荟萃、景观壮丽的山川,它东西绵延250余公里,犹如一条莽莽巨龙横亘塞外,傲立天地,它就是被人们誉为"天下之脊"、"人天北柱"、"绝赛雄山"的恒山。恒山,人称"北岳",亦名"太恒山",又名"元岳"、"紫岳"、"大茂山"。它坐落在山西省北部的边塞地区,整个山脉西衔雁门,东扼紫荆,南障三晋,北瞰云代。恒山是一部波澜壮阔的史诗,数亿年演化,造就"天下之脊"的浩瀚与伟岸;恒山是一幅大气磅礴的山水画,五百里锦绣山  相似文献   
正2013年底,河南省编制委员会办公室、洛阳市编制委员会办公室先后下发通知,批准成立伏牛山世界地质公园栾川园区管理处(副处级单位)。今年1月,河南省国土资源厅下发通知,任命现任栾川县地质矿产局党组书记,局长魏敏强同志为栾川园区管理处主任。栾川县位于伏牛山北坡,辖区内花岗岩地形、滑脱峰林地貌景观、构造岩洞景观、瀑水钙化景观以及以栾川特暴龙为代表的白垩纪恐龙化石群、古元界山叉裂谷系火山岩群、伏牛山碱性岩带栾川特大型钼矿床等地  相似文献   
A fully coupled 6-degree-of-freedom nonlinear dynamic model is presented to analyze the dynamic response of a semi-submersible platform which is equipped with the dynamic positioning (DP) system. In the control force design, a dynamic model of reference linear drift frequency in the horizontal plane is introduced. The dynamic surface control (DSC) is used to design a control strategy for the DP. Compared with the traditional back-stepping methods, the dynamic surface control combined with radial basis function (RBF) neural networks (NNs) can avoid differentiating intermediate variables repeatedly in every design step due to the introduction of a first order filter. Low frequency motions obtained from total motions by a low pass filter are chosen to be the inputs for the RBF NNs which are used to approximate the low frequency wave force. Considering the propellers’ wear and tear, the effect of filtering frequencies for the control force is discussed. Based on power consumptions and positioning requirements, the NN cen-ters are determined. Moreover, the RBF NNs used to approximate the total wave force are built to monitor the disturbances. With the DP assistance, the results of fully coupled dynamic response simulations are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed con-trol strategy.  相似文献   
正正如山歌所唱:宜州处处是美景。宜州许多地质遗迹景观可圈可点,之中有个叫祥贝的地方,地处宜州之北,距宜州城约30千米,祥贝河滋润和影响着这片土地。那里有旖旎的山光水色和较为密集的可观赏溶洞,是广西宜州水上石林地质公园正在建设的一个独立园区。去过的人都说,祥贝似世外桃源,如人间仙境!河川曲流:慢悠悠的九重岛和"大水车"  相似文献   
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