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南极中山站附近海域水深地形特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
冯守珍 《极地研究》2004,16(1):75-80
南极普里兹湾是我国南极中山站建站的重要依托海域 ,是科考船前往中山站进出的必由之路。本文根据普里兹湾近岸的中山站附近海域概略水深 ,研究分析了地形基本概况 ,崎岖不平的中山站近海湾部水下地形 ,沿其湾顶部轴线SN向形成了一条绵延弯曲的水深达 80 0m以浅的海底峡谷 ,通往冰盖底部。峡谷两侧地形复杂 ,水下丘岭嶙峋。从冰盖沿峡谷崩裂下来的冰山 ,最终依其适宜的水深 ,绕过地形障碍 ,沿海底峡谷西侧随风和流往西离去。除中山锚地抛锚区域属于浅水低洼的平缓台地外 ,湾内其它水域可供科考船抛锚的优越水下地形极少  相似文献   
在中国第22次南极科学考察期间,通过南大洋普里兹湾150 m上表层水柱采集的浮游植物的现场培养实验,研究了湾内陆架区Ⅲ-11站与埃默里冰架边缘区IS-2站浮游植物颗粒物的降解过程,估算了实验条件下研究海域浮游植物碎屑耗氧速率以及营养盐的生成速率.结果表明:在实验初期DO含量变化明显,随时间呈显著下降趋势,而营养盐含量则...  相似文献   
利用美国冰雪数据中心发布的2003—2008年高分辨率海冰密集度数据,分6个阶段对普里兹湾区域海冰季节性变化的空间分布特征进行了研究,并根据普里兹湾海区的地形和环流对这些特征的成因进行了分析。结果表明,普里兹湾海冰冻结过程和融化过程分别经历7个月和5个月,海冰融化速度最快月份是10月和11月,主要表现形式为海冰密集度的减少;海冰冻结速度4月和6月最快,海冰外缘线向北扩展。由于普里兹湾近岸达恩利角冰间湖、普里兹湾冰间湖和Barrier湾冰间湖的存在,海冰的融化呈现大洋区由北向南、近岸区由南向北的双向融化特征;而在普里兹湾口、弗拉姆浅滩和四女士浅滩均存在不易融化的冰舌,两者之间的低密集度海冰区,则对应于暖水侵入普里兹湾的通道。南极绕极流在流经凯尔盖朗海台中部时向北偏转,造成此处在盛冰期较其它经度的海冰外缘更靠北,可达57°S。南极辐散带的表层流场和上升暖流抑制海冰冻结和聚集,形成了低海冰密集度区域。  相似文献   
南极普里兹湾海域颗粒有机碳的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) and 16S rRNA gene clone library analyses were used to determine the abundance and diversity of archaea in Prydz Bay, Antarctica. Correlation analysis was also performed to assess links between physicochemical parameters and archaeal abundance and diversity within the sea-ice. Samples of sea-ice and seawater were collected during the 26th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition. The results of FISH showed that archaea were relatively abundant within the top layer of the sea-ice, and correlation analysis suggested that the concentration of 4NH+ might be one of the main factors underlying this distribution pattern. However, using 16S rRNA gene libraries, archaea were not detected in the top and middle layers of the sea-ice. All archaeal clones obtained from the bottom layer of the sea-ice were grouped into the Marine Group I Crenarchaeota while the archaeal clones from seawater were assigned to Marine Group I Crenarchaeota, Marine Group II Euryarchaeota, and Marine Group III Euryarchaeota. Overall, the ifndings of this study showed that the diversity of archaea in the sea-ice in Prydz Bay was low.  相似文献   
Abstract We analyzed the N20 content of surface seawater sampled from Prydz Bay, Antarctica, on a cruise track between 30°S and 30°N during the twenty-second Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition during austral summer, 2006. The surface water showed an average pN20 value of 311.9a:7.6 nL.L-1 (14.1:t:0.4 nmol-Ll), which was slightly undersaturated. The air-sea N2O flux in the region was -0.3±0.8 p.mol.mE,dl; howeveh N20 in the surface water was oversaturated in most stations along the cruise track. Saturation anomalies were greater than 10%, with a maximum of 54.7% being observed at the Eqaator, followed by 31% at 10°N in the Sulu Sea. The air-sea fluxes at these locations were 12.4 and 4 μmol-mLd-1, respectively. Overall, the results indicated that surface water in Prydz Bay was near equilibrium with atmospheric N20, and that ocean waters in lower latitudes acted as a N20 source. Physical processes such as stratification, ice-melt water dilution, and solar radiation dominate the factors leading to N20 saturation of surface water of Prydz Bay, while biological production and upwelling are primarily responsible for the N20 oversaturation of surface water observed in subtropical and tropical regions along the cruise track.  相似文献   
南极普里兹湾外海大磷虾分布与现存量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南极普里兹湾的海水化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对普里兹湾北部陆坡P1-03岩心沉积物敏感粒级组分的提取和年代学分析,发现:大于>63 μm的砂砾级组分可作为冰筏碎屑的指示粒级,过去52万年以来该地区共发生了8次较大的冰筏碎屑事件,出现在冰期及间冰期中相对较冷的阶段。分选级粉砂和黏土组分的含量可指示底流强弱,其旋回变化显示冰期底流较弱,有利于黏土沉降;间冰期南极绕极流主轴南移,陆架-陆坡水体交换加强,底流增大,对沉积物的搬运和簸选加强。  相似文献   
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