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以全国土地污染防治项目取得地球化学资料为依据,分析研究乐陵河口地区土壤化学元素特征,结果表明:土壤中一级营养元素有机质、氮、磷相对缺乏,钾含量富足;二级营养元素氧化钙、氧化镁相对缺乏,硫含量富足;其他有益微量元素氧化铁、锰、钼和硼均相对缺乏,氯含量丰富,基本不缺。土壤地力提升的主要障碍因素是土壤盐渍化和土壤重金属污染。根据土壤综合肥力评价结果,结合基础调查成果,提出了通过科学施肥、土壤障碍消除和重金属污染修复等地力提升措施,增强土壤肥力,变中、低产田为中、高产田;兴利除害,抑制土壤重金属元素的活性,降低风险,为高效优质农业的规划与发展提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
2007年,广西海洋行政主管部门进一步加大陆源人海排污口的监测力度,上半年对全区36个陆源人海排污口的排污状况及邻近海域生态环境实施了全面监测.监测结果表明,36条人海排污口全部超标排放污水,超标率达100%.主要超标因子为化学需氧量(COD)、粪大肠菌群;大部分重点排污口的生化需氧量(BOD5)超标;部分排污口的悬浮物超标.  相似文献   
To satisfy the growing of land demand from economic development,a large scale of land reclamation from sea has been carried out in Inner Lingdingyang Bay in the Zhujiang(Pearl)River estuary in recent years.As a result,the tidal flat and the water channels became narrow,the frequency of floods increased,and the environment was un-dermined.Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey(GMGS)conducted an integrated project for marine geo-environ-ment and geo-hazards survey in 2003.With the integration of multi-temporal remote sensing images of 1977,1978,1988,1996,and 2003,GIS spatial analyzing approach and GPS technique,as well as field data and other background data of the region,this research investigated the comprehensive characteristics and the drivers of coastal land use dy-namics and shoreline changes in Inner Lingdingyang Bay.The results reveal that the reclaimed coastal land was mainly for agriculture and aquaculture in early years,but now they are used for construction sites of harbors and in-dustries,especially high-tech industry.  相似文献   
受控于不同的水流特征、物源供给和地形坡度,浅水三角洲河口坝发育程度和特征具有较大争议。以河北霸县凹陷文安斜坡西5井区沙河街组三段为例,采用井震心综合研究方法,以岩心相、测井相、地震相为标志,识别研究区浅水三角洲沉积微相类型;结合相对海平面升降变化,沉积微相、亚相的展布特征和演化规律,以及对古地貌和古水流分析其沉积控制因素和沉积模式,解释浅水河口坝型三角洲发育规律。结果表明:西5井区位于三角洲前缘末端,水动力较弱,砂泥比较低,河道相对稳定,属于缓坡河口坝型浅水三角洲,且地形坡度较缓、物源供给适中或不充分、水动力条件较弱、湖平面上升等因素控制浅水三角洲河口坝的发育程度。该结果对于厘清浅水三角洲河口坝形成的因素,指导该类型三角洲油气勘探开发具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
于2014年5月对珠江口东部沿岸18条入海河口的淤积滩涂采集了表层沉积物样品,测定总有机碳、铝、铁、锰、铜、锌、铅、镉、铬、砷、汞含量,并以其分布特征及彼此之间的统计分析结果推断各元素间的来源相似性及来源类别,探讨重金属元素富集系数与其生物毒性间的特征关系。结果表明,研究区域的北部与南部表层沉积物重金属含量高于中部,其中Hg、Cu、Zn、Cd及Cr等元素来源相似,可能来源于人为污染,而Fe、Mn与As的相关程度高,则可能来源于自然沉积环境,至于Al与Pb元素则受岩石的自然风化影响较为明显。表层沉积物中Hg、Cu、Zn、Cd、Cr、As与Pb等特征重金属的富集系数均大于2,处于中等富集状态及以上,且多介于效应浓度低值(ERL)与效应浓度中值(ERL)之间,表示不利的生物效应偶有发生。各重金属间不利生物效应的发生频率与其富集系数(αEF)呈正相关关系,且As元素致使不利生物效应发生的机率较高(Cd则反之),而Cr的不利生物效应发生频率则随EF值的增加,其加剧的程度最快(Cd则反之)。  相似文献   
《海岸工程》是海岸工程及海岸带环境科学的综合性学术刊物。主要内容包括:港湾、海岸环境、入海河口整治、海岸保护、港口码头、防波堤、滩涂围垦及排海工程、能源、矿藏、渔业等海岸带资源开发和海岸带调查研究方面的研究成果、学术论文、调查和实验报告、海岸工程设计和施工的新方法、新工艺及其经营管理等方面的经验和专题综述,并介绍国内外海岸工程科学的发展及最新动态。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONKnowledgeofthedistributionandcompositionofthechlorophyllandcarotenoidpigmentsincoastalmarinewatersprovidesinformationonthephytoplanktonbiomassandalsoonitschemotaxon omy ,thecontributionofriverineinputs,andtheearlydegradationroutesoccurringi…  相似文献   
Surface sediments and bivalves were collected from the Changjiang Estuary in December 2003 and November 2004, respectively. Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in these samples were measured with high-resolution chromatography (HRGC)/High Resolution Mass Spectrometer (HRMS). The concentrations of total PCDD/Fs and toxic equivalent (TEQ) were 169.83±119.63 and 0.81±0.36 pg/g dry weight (dw) in sediments, and 580.33±240.17 and 7.24±3.65 pg/g dw in bivalves. The homolog compositions of PCDD/Fs were similar among samples, the most abundant congener was octa-chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) and then octa-chlorinated dibenzofuran (OCDF) and 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-hepta-chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (HpCDD). The herbicide pentachlorophenol (PCP) and sodium pentachlorophenol (Na-PCP) were proved the main source of PCDD/Fs in this area.  相似文献   
冰后期长江河口段古河谷地层层序特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
末次盛冰期,由于基面大幅度下降,长江河口段形成了深切古河谷。河流携带的部分粗砂砾在河床上形成滞留沉积。冰后期海平面上升引发的海侵造成了长江古河谷的充填和河床相、河漫滩河口湾相和部分河口湾浅海相的形成。尔后的进积产生了部分河口湾浅海相及三角洲相。根据钻孔资料绘制的古河谷地质剖面图显示,冰后期海侵旋回出现在三角洲顶点到现在河口口门地区,溯河而上受海洋影响的程度逐渐减弱。古河谷的中部,靠近主泓线附近,沉积层序完整。古河谷的边缘地带,往往缺失底部的河床相砂砾层。底部的厚层河床相砂砾层是由河床滞留沉积和溯源加积堆积形成的,在古河谷沉积层序中存在着多种沉积间断。  相似文献   
Long-term data on diatom assemblages in a sediment core (60 cm) obtained from the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary were analyzed in order to assess the environmental changes that took place in the approximately 38 years (as determined by 210pb measurements), i.e., between 1974 and 2012, of sediment accumulation. From the sediment core, 62 diatom taxa and genera were identified. The diatom biomass in the core generally increased beginning in the mid-1990s (core depth: 35 cm), accompanied by a shift in the dominant species from Podosira stelliger and two species of Cyclotella (C. stylorum and C. striata) to Paralia sulcata, three species of Thalassiosira ( T. eccentria, I". oestrupii, and T. excentrica), Actinoptychus undulates, and Thalassionema nitzschioides. The changes in both species diversity and abundance suggested that since the 1980s the estuary has undergone extensive eutrophication. This conclusion was supported by the increased proportion of planktonic species, another indicator of high nutrients inputs, in the Changjiang River estuary.  相似文献   
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